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60 Cards in this Set

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What are the two main branches of science?
social science and natural science
What are the three main branches of natural science?
Biological, Physical, and Earth
What does natural science try to understand?
nature (which really means the whole universe)
What is another name for life science?
What are the two main branches of physical science?
chemistry and physics
What is chemistry?
the study of matter and its changes
What science deals with energy and forces?
How do science and technology depend on each other?
Technology is the application of science. Technology involves someone finding a use for a scientific discovery.
Compare and contrast a scientific law and a scientific theory.
Scientific laws and theories are supported by repeated observations. A law does not explain why something happens; a theory does.
How is a scientific model used?
A model is used to study or make predictions about the object or situation the model represents.
Compare quantitative and qualitative descriptions.
Quantitative descriptions use numbers. Qualitative desciptions use words.
What is the scientific method?
a series of logical steps to follow in order to solve problems
What is critical thinking?
applying logic and reason to observations and conclusions
How do most scientific questions begin?
How do scientists test a hypothesis?
by doing experiments
What is a variable?
anything that can change in an experiment
If an experiment does not give you the results you wanted, is it a failure?
No, you can use the results to revise the hypothesis and plan a new experiment that tests a different variable.
What must a scientist know about the special tools that are used?
A scientist must know how to use the tools, what the limits of the tools are, and how to interpret the data from them.
What is the system that scientists use for measurement?
The International System of Units (abbreviated SI)
Why do all scientists use the same system of measurement?
It makes sharing data and results much easier.
How many SI base units are there?
What is the SI base unit for length?
the meter (m)
What is the SI base unit for mass?
the kilogram (kg)
What is a derived unit?
A combination of base units.
What is the meaning of the prefix milli-?
What is the meaning of the prefix centi-?
one hundredth
What is the meaning of the prefix kilo-?
What is the meaning of the prefix mega-?
What is the meaning of the prefix giga-?
All of the SI prefixes are multiples of what number?
A conversion factor is always equal to what number?
What is the relationship between millimeters and meters?
1000 mm = 1 m
What is the relationship between centimeters and meters?
100 cm = 1 m
What is the realtionship between meters and kilometers?
1000 m = 1 km
Define length.
the straight-line distance between any two points
Define mass.
a measure of the quantity of matter in an object
Define volume.
a measure of space
Define weight.
the force with which gravity pulls on a quantity of matter
In the lab, what is used to measure the volume of liquids?
a graduated cylinder
What is equal to one cubic centimeter?
one milliliter (mL)
What kind of data is best displayed as a line graph?
continuous change
Describe the kind of data that is best displayed as a pie chart.
parts of a whole
When would a bar graph be useful?
when you want to compare data for several individual items or events
Where will you usually find the independent variable on a line graph?
on the x-axis (horizontal)
Where will you usually find the dependent variable on a line graph?
on the y-axis (vertical)
Compare the independent variable to the dependent variable.
You choose the independent variable but the dependent variable depends on what happens in the experiment.
Define scientific notation.
a value written as a simple number multiplied by a power of ten
Why do scientists use scientific notation?
when they need to express numbers that are very large or very small
What is a precise measurement?
a measurement that is as exact as possible
What does it mean to say that a measurement is accurate?
a measurement is accurate when it is close to the true value
When you use measurements in calculations, how precise is your answer.
the answer is only as precise as the least precise measurement used in the calculation
Define significant figures.
the digits in a measurement that are known with certainty
Why do scientists express data with significant figures?
significant figures tells others how precisely a measurement was made
How many significant figures are there in the following measurement? 0.007504 kg
there are four...all three zeros to the left of the 7 are not significant
How many significant figures are there in the following measurement? 7500 mL
there are only two...the only way there would be four is if the last zero was followed by a decimal point (7500.)
How many significant figures are there in the following measurement? 568.291 m
there are six...all nonzero digits are significant
How many significant figures are there in the following measurement? 101 mm
there are three...any zeros between significant digits are also significant
How many significant figures are there in the following measurement? 2350. cm
there are four...any zeros to the right of a significant digit and to the left of a decimal point are significant
How many significant figures are there in the following measurement? 18.420 g
there are five...if a measurement is reported that ends with zeros to the right of a decimal point, those zeros are significant
How many significant figures are there in the following measurement? 0.0002 mm
there is only one...if a value has no significant digits to the left of a decimal point, any zeros to the right of a decimal point and to the left of a significant digit are not significant