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24 Cards in this Set

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A process that uses observation, evidence and prior knowledge to answer questions about the natural world.
Scientific Method
A process of doing science, using several steps.
Something you notice about your surroundings, that can detected by your senses.
A question, something you want to figure out about the observation you made.
A possible scientific answer, to a question, based on observation, prior knowledge and evidence, must be tested.
Testing ones hypothesis by collecting and recording data, a data table is often used.
Analysis and Conclusion
Evaluating and interpreting your data to determine whether your hypothesis was correct, graphs are often used.
Repeating an experiment to ensure you have the same consist results that are accurate.
Used to explain a wide set of of observed observations and facts, backed by large amounts of evidence.
Quantitative Observations
Involves taking measurements, such as temperature, mass, size, distance, velocity, etc.
Qualitative Observations
Involves describing the general properties of a materiel that may be used to identify it such as color, smell, feel, texture, etc.
Direct Observations
Observations from things seen.
Indirect Observations
Observations detected with other senses then sight.
Something you assume to be true based on observations and prior knowledge.
The conditions that change in an experiment.
Independent Variable
The variable in an experiment you have direct control over.
Dependent Variable
The variable that chances as a result of the independent variable at a time.
Control Group
A group where the independent variable is not changed to provide a comparison.
Experimental Group
A group where the independent variable is changed and the results are compared with the control group.
Metric System
The universal system of measurements used by scientists all over the world.
Measures the length of something.
Measures the mass of something.
Measures the volume of something.
Controlled Experiment
An experiment that tests one independent variable at a time.