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20 Cards in this Set

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List of Biological Drives
1.Hunger; 2.Thirst ;3. Sex ;4. Sleep; 5. Temperature (98. 6); 6. Breathing; 7. Elimination (removes body waste); 8. Pain
Human Motives
Defined—“and desire for a goal that has value for the person.” (Kagan and Havemann)
Adjustment, Maladjustment and readjustment
1. Adjustment (Being like God)
God is our standard for determining health.

2. Maladjustment (being unlike God) some people are more like the creator and other less likes the creator.

3. Re-adjustment (becoming like God) we keep adjust to be more like God.
Personality Defined:
the total pattern of characteristics ways to thinking, feeling and behaving that constitutes the individuals methods of relating to the environment.” (kagan and Havemann)
Five Major Personality Theories

Secular view
Psychoanalytic (Freud)
Behaviorist (B.F. Skinner)
Humanistic (Carl Rogers)
Cognitive ( George Kelly)
Type and Trait (George Sheldon)
A Christian view of Personality
1. Humans are similar to the animals: Physical, Sensation, Learning, Drives.

2. Humans are similar to God: Spiritual, Perception, Cognition, Motive

3. Humans are unique: Sin, Different from God and animals.(Ronald Koteskey)
Mentally Gifted
Geniuses are included: they are often left to be their self.
Four major secular approaches on hum life span
Psychosexual (Freud)- Sensual, Body, and physical
Cognitive (Piaget)—Intellectual Mind
Psychosocial (Erickson)—Social, soul
Moral (Kohlberg) – moral, Spirit
the goal of development
Maturity (like Jesus)
Important Developmental Life Stages:
1. Marriage (God says a lot of things about marriage in the scripture)
2. Parenthood (says that those who choose not to have kids is unbiblical) with this come great privilege and great responsibility. Unmarried people don’t live unmarried people.
3. Vocation Work is not a bad thing. Toiling and sweat are from the curse. We should value work. We should want to work. People who go in to working retirement live longer. We are designed to work. man needs to have a purpose in life. I’m going to throw out.
4. Death medicine had made people to live longer but has prolonged the suffering. If there is nothing after death. People want to live as long as possible sometimes we should let people go to a better place. What is the difference from living and being?
5. Resurrection: we are all terminal and we are going to die.
the process of learning society and ways
The importance of attitudes -
We acquire strong believes and feelings as a result of the
socialization process that cause us to act a certain ways.
3 elements of an attitude:
Cognitive(believes); Emotional (Feeling); Behavioral (actions)
Stereotypes and Prejudices:
many times illogical and cannot be supported by clear evidence
the concept that all people in a group are the same.
a stubborn conviction un-influenced by contrary information (example racial prejudices{pride is the core of racism)
Bystander Apathy
The failure to assist others who appear to be in need of help – Realize it is an emergency, realize our personal responsibility,
Behavior resulting from hostile motives
Being kind, generous, and helpful to others humans made in the image of God. Anything has its source in God.
Psychological-mental factor that come form the consicence and subconsious
1 thess. 5:23
Physical factors- keep your body in check, body effects behavior 1 thess. 5:23
Spiritual factors- Roman 7 sin causes us to behave abnormal
Environmental factors- if we are in unhealthy environments we behave abnormally.Exodus 20:5