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79 Cards in this Set

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Forms of cognitive change that involves recognition of previously unseen relationships.
Shaping/Successive Approximations
Strategy of positively reinforcing behaviors that are successively more similar to desired behavior.
Fixed Interval Schedule
Reinforcement schedule where the reinforcer is given following the first response occurring after a predetermined period of time.
Premack Principle
More probably behaviors will reinforce less probable behaviors.
Acts as manager, trying to satisfy needs of Id in accordance with what is realistic and moral. Works according to the reality principle. Keeps Id in check. Delays gratification.
Novel Stimulation
New or changed experiences
Avoidance Goals
Doing something to avoid something else happening: student is motivated to work hard to avoid getting bad grades and looking stupid to others.
Unconditioned Response
Unlearned, inborn reaction to an unconditioned stimulus.
Conditioned Response
Response that is similar or identical to the unconditioned response that comes to be elicited by a conditioned stimulus.
Memory Retrieval
Memory is recalled

behavioral response is performed.
Avoidance Conditioning/Learned helplessness.
Operant conditioning where the behavior is reinforced because it prevents something negative from happening (a form of negative reinforcement)
General Effects of Psychotropic Drugs
Alter mood, Alter Energy Levels, Produces hallucinations.
Schacheter and Singer (1962)
Impact of Social Context
Variable Interval Schedule
Reinforcement Schedule where the reinforcer is given following the first response occurring after a variable amount of time.
The process of releasing instinctual energy.
Extrinsic Motives
Human motives activated by external rewards
Episodic Memory
Memory for specific experiences that can be defined in terms of time and space.
Intrinsic Motivation
Human motives stimulated by the inherent nature of the activity and of its natural consequences.
Primary Motives
Biological Needs. Human motives for things that are necessary for survival such as food, water, warmth, sex, etc.
Secondary Reinforcers
Learned positive reinforcers.
Vicarious Reinforcement
Observed Reinforcement of the behavior of a model which also increases the probability of the same behavior in the observer.
Spontaneous Recovery
Temporary increase in the strength of a conditioned response which is likely to occur during extinction after the passage of time.
Positive Reinforcement
Any consequence of behavior that leads to an increase in the probability of its occurrence.
Drug Tolerance
Smaller effects if taken repeatedly.
Dreaming Psycodynimic (Freud)
Dreams are an important way our unconscious minds talk to us.

Freud: Manifest Content: story of the dream.
Latent Content: Important hidden meaning.
Ecstasy (MDMA)
Hallucinogenic and amphetamine like properties. Effects: Elevated mood, energy, closeness, and sensual and perceptual sensitivity. Release of Serotonin and Dopamine from Synaptic Terminals.
Works on pathways for neurotransmitters for serotonin. Effects: euphoria and hallucinations.
LSD (Acid)
Works on pathways for serotonin. Effects: Euphoria, sense of well-being, some perceptual distortion.
Psychological Perspectives on Dreams
Hobson. Brain activity of REM sleep is important in memory formation. Images of random, brain puts together to make a story.
Methods of relaxation through clearing one's mind and focusing on basic bodily processes like breathing.
Ideals, morals, conscience. Often in conflict with Id.
Categories of Psychotropic Drugs.
Stimulants, Depressants, and Hallucinogens.
Operant Conditioning (B.F. Skinner 1904-1990)
Learning in which the consequences of behavior lead to changes in the probability of its occurrence.
Why sleep?
Mental restoration, keep away from harm, aid immune system, helps consolidate memories.
Cognitive Dream Perspective
Day Residue. Dreams may be important, but no hidden meaning. They are an extension of thoughts or wishes from the day. Dreams are a product of day neurons firing at night.
Focusing completely on the present moment.
learning based on observation of the behavior of another.
Process of unlearning a learned response because of the removal of the original source of learning.
Social Learning Theory
Must see or experience its success to become aggressive
Cannon-Bard Theory
Simultaneous body and emotional reaction. Conscious emotional experiences and physiological reactions and behavior are relatively independent events.
Instinct sexual or aggressive energy. Works according to pleasure principle. Irrational, selfish.
Memory Encoding
When info is first learned, organizing it and getting it into the mind.
Variable ratio schedule
Reinforcement schedule where the reinforcer is given after a varying number of responses have been made.
James-Lang Theory
Behavior by emotion.
Yerkes-Dodson Law
Effective Performance is more likely if the level of arousal is suitable for the activity.
Sleep disorder in which the person has difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
Fragile Memory
Memories are reconstructed, not straight recall.
Stimulus Discrimination
Tendency for responses to occur more often in the presence of one stimulus than others.
Rapid Eye Movement. Frequency is up, amplitude is down. Much like awake. Muscles are paralyzed.
Stimulus Generalization
Tendency for similar stimuli to elicit the same response.
EEG activity
Graphically record brain-wave activity through electrodes on the scalp and forehead.
Stages 3 and 4 of sleep
"Deep Sleep" Amplitude is up and Frequency is down.
Partial Reinforcement Effect
Responses that have been reinforced on variable ratio or variable interval schedules are more difficult to extinguish than responses that have been continually reinforced.
Memory Storage
Memories put into long term memory
Fixed Ratio Schedule
Reinforcement schedule in which the reinforcer is given only after a specific number of responses.
Achievement Motivation
Psychological need in humans for success
Stimulate Dopamine pathways. Effects: Increased heartrate, Increased wakefulness, decreased appetite.
Retroactive Interference
Interference created by memories from later learning.
Classical Conditioning
Form of learning where a previously neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a conditioned response that is identical to the unconditioned response
Role of Retina
Images are formed
Approach Goals
Motivated to work hard to get better grades to gain the respect of other students.
Decay Theory
The theory that forgetting occurs as memory trace fades over time.
Primary Reinforcers
Innate positive reinforcers that do not have to be acquired through learning.
Negative reinforcement
Reinforcement that occurs when the behavior is followed by the removal or the avoidance of a negative event and the probability that the behavior will occur in the future as a result.
Procedural memories
Memory for motor movements and skills.
Stimulate dopamine pathways and pathways for epinephrine and norepinephrine. Pleasurable high, wakefulness, increased physical activity, increased heart rate and respiration, decreased appetite.
Counter conditioning
Process of eliminating a classically conditioned response by pairing the conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus for a response that is stronger that the conditioned response and that can't occur at the same time as the conditioned response.
Semantic Memory
Memory for meaning without reference to the time and place of learning.
Psychological Motives
Motives related to the individuals happiness and well-being but not to survival.
Proactive Interference
Interference created by memories from prior learning.
Cognitive Theory
Impact of social context. Key factor in emotions.
Stage 2 Sleep
In between 1 and 3&4.
Stage 1 Sleep
Almost same as awake. Increased frequency and decreased amplitude.
Cocktail party phenomenon
ability to split attention between a foreground conversation and a background one, and even remember aspects of the background conversation you're not listening to.
Vicarious Punishment
Observed punishment of the behavior or a model which also decreased the probability of the same behavior in the observer.
Sleep Apnea
Sudden interruption of breathing during sleep.
Declarative Memory
Semantic and Episodic Memory
Conditioned stimulus
Stimulus that comes to elicit responses as a result of being paired with an unconditioned stimulus.
Unconditioned Stimulus
Stimulus that can elicit a response without learning.