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112 Cards in this Set

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the Primitive, unconscious portion of the personality that houses the most basic drives and stores repressed memories.
Libido Energy
Freud concept: libido energy drives individual to experience sensual pleasure.Libido fuels: work/lesiure
emphasizes our present subjective reality.
Minds storehouse of values, including moral attitudes learned from parents and society."Polic force" in charge of values and morals. include view of who you want to become.
"new freudians" broke with freud but kept a psychodynamic aspect. focus on motivation as the source of energy for the personality
Self-Actualizing Personalities
Healthy individuals who have met their basic needs and are free to be creative and fulfill their potential.
Psychis Determinism
Freuds assumption that all our mental and behavioral responses are caused by unconscious traumas, desire, or conflicts.
Collective Unconscious
Jung's addition to the unconscious, involving a reservoir for instinctive "memories" including archetypes (exist in all ppl)
Yellow Bile
Angry Person
Cheerful Person
Cool/unemotional person
Phenomenal Field
Our psychological reality composed of one's preceptions and feelings.
Black Bile
Depressed person
Mental process which an individual tries to becom like another person.
occurs when psychosexual development is arrested at an immature stage.
Personal Unconscious
Jung's term for that portion of the unconscious corresponding roughly to the Freudian id.
Oedipus Complex
According to freud unconscious process takes place where boys displace an erotic attraction toward their mom.
The psychological qualities that bring continuity to an individuals behavior in different situations and at different times.
Ancient Memory images in the collective unconscious they appear and reappear in are, literature, and folktales.
Observational Learning(Brandura)
the process of learning new responses by watching toher's behavior. what workds and doesnt personality is a collection of learned behavior.
Conscious, rational part of the personality, charged w/ keeping peace between the superego and the Id.
Hidden part of the mind=source of powerful impulses,instincts, and conflicts. behavior orginates in the unconscious.
According to the psychodynamic, humanistic, and cognitive theories:
Personality is a continously changing process, shaped by our internal needs and cognitions and by external pressure from the social enviroment.
An unconscious process that excludes unacceptable thoughts and feelings from awareness and memory.
Reciprocal Determinism(Bandura)
Process in which Behavior/Enviroment/Cognitions mutually influence each other.
inheirted personality dispostiions that are apparent in early childhood. set tempo for behavior. single dominant them that characterize a person's personality.
Positive Psychology
A recent movement w/in psychology fucising on desirable aspects of human functioning
Basic Anxiety
An emotion proposed by Karen Horney: gives a sense of uncertainty and loneliness in a hostile world and can lead to maladjustment.
Fully Functioning Person
Roger's term for a healthy self-acuatlizing person. Has a self-concept that is both positive and congruent with reality.
Neurotic Needs
Signs of neurosis in Horney's theory. These 10 needs are normal desires carried to a neurotic extreme.
Jung personality concept involving one's attention outward, towards others. more intune with ppl.
Social Cognitive
based on the idea that personality is influenced by; learning /perception/social interactoin.
Projective Tests
personality assessment instruments such as -Rorschach -TATA which are based on Frued's ego defense mechanism of projection.
Rorschach inkblot techniques
A projective test requiring subjects to describe what they see in a series of ten inkblots.
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
A projective test requiring subjects to make up stories that explain ambiguous pictures.
Person -Situation Debate
In knowledge of situation more important in predicting behavior than knowing a persons trait. ppl act differently in diff. situations
Jung concept that focuses on inner experience. one's own thoughts and feeling. less outgoing.
focus on MOTIVATION. unconcscious motives and the influence of past experiences on our mental health.
.Ego Defense Mechanisms
lgly unconscious mental startegies emploted to reduce the experience of conflict or anxiety.
Carroll's M.E.E.S.
Mees= mundane extreme environmental stress.
Mundane= stress is so common
extreme=impact on our worldview how we see ourselfs, behave, interact
environmental=induced and fostered
stress= stressful detracting energy consuming.
Declarative (long term) Memory
knowing what: facts/events/directons

episodic- store personal expriences ;when/where

Semantic- stores general knowledge ; basic meaning of words and concepts.
What is found in psychodynamic, humanistic, and congnitive theroies, but NOT in temperament, trait, and type theories?
Description of the processes of development and change underlying personality.
Fundamental attribution Error
assumption that another person's behavior is the result of a flaw in perosnality, rahter than situational.

ex: someone trips-ppl think that person is clumsy
Alarm Reaction

General Adaptation Syndrome
Body mobilizes its resources to cope with stressor.
General arousal- increase of hormones/normal resistance.
Retrograde Amnesia
inability to remeber information previously stored in memory.
Behaviior originates in the unconscious drive we dont want to acknowledge.

Psychic domain in which the person is not aware but the unconscious is the strehouse of repressed inpulses, drives, and conflicts, unavailable to the consciousness.
abrupt and intense physiological arousal accelerated heart rate, blood pressure goes up .
arousal can come from:

acute stree- temporary pattern of stressor activated arousal (distinct onset/limited duration)

Chronic stree- continuous state of stressful arousal persisting overtime.
Big Five
five factory theory
trait perspective suggest personality is composed of 5 personality dimensions:

Openness to experience-curious independence

Conscientiousness-dependable,constaint, prudence

Extraversion-sociable,bold, popular ,self-confidence


Neuroticism- anxiety,emotinal
impermance of long-term memory

long-term memory gradually fade in strength over time.
Either switch theories to explain different situations of building one's own theory of personality from pieces borrowed from many perspectives.
Intrinsic Motivation
comes from w/in the individual who engages in an activity for its own sake not an external reward.
expectancy bias= tendency to distort recalled events to make them fit one's expectations

Self- Consistency bias= more consistent in our attitudes, opinions, and beliefs then we actually are.
Freud's system of treatment for mental disorders. The term is oftenused to refer to psycho analytic theory, aswell.
James-Lange Theory
Proposal that an emotion-provoking stimulus produces

physcial response -turns into emotion

ex: we feel sorry because we cry
cry-feel sorry
physcial-turns into emotion
Working Memory

(2nd stage of short term memory)
most limited capacity takes info from sensory and tries to connect it with long term.
Anterograde Amensia
inability to form memories for new information
Procedural (long term) Memory
stores memories for how things are done.
ex: riding bike
tying a shoe
playing piano
drive a car
Two- Factory Theory
emotions we feel depend on our appraisal of both:

1.physical state
2. emotion-provoking stimulus
Universal set of Emotions
Unconscious Motivation
being consciously unaware of the desire.
Explicit Memory
memory that has been processed w/ attention and can be consciously recalled.
An attribute of a psychological test that actually measures what it is being used to measure.

ex: MMPI-2 indicators of mental disturbance
Extrinsic Motivation
comes from outside th eperson. desire to engage in an activity to achieve an external reward.
Long Term Memory (stage 3)
holds material organized according to its meaning.
the process of memory distortion as the result of deliberate or inadvertent suggestion.
Pyschosexual Stages
instinctive patterns of associating pleasure w/ stimulation of specific bodily area's at different times of life.

Oral- sucking 1st yr
Anal-1-3yrs anal stimulation
Phallic-3-6yrs stimulation of genitals
Latency- 6yrs repressed sexual desires
Genital-mature sexual relationship
Sensory Memory (1st stage)
briefly holds info. awaiting entry into working memory
Stage of Exhaustion

General Adaptation Syndrome
3rd stage
if resistance fails to relieve stress exhaustion sets in, the body deplets it resources to an ongoing stressor.
Fight or Flight
sequence of internal processes preparing an organism for struffle or escape.
are important clusters/dimensions of traits that are central to a persons personality and are the same pattern in many ppl.
stable personality characterisitics w/in the person that guide their actions.

set of characteristics=each characteristics is a trait of that person.
Physcial resonse to stress sequence>>>
1- initial arousal
2- protective behavorial reaction (fight/flight)
3- internal response
4-decrease in effectiveness of immune system
Implicit Personality Theory
assumptions about personality that we make to simplify the task of understanding others.
Absent- Mindedness
forgetting caused by lapses in attention
An attribute of a psychological test that give consistent results.
Ex: MMPI-2 is reliable b/c when taken on 2 diff. occassions get a similar score
memory fault that occurs when memories are retrieved but are associated w/ wrong time/place/person
motivation that is assumed to have a strong biological component.
Cannon-Bard Theory
counter proposal that an emotional feelinf and internal physciological response occur at the same time.
one is not the cause of the other.emotion and physical happen at the same time.
Trait View
view behavior and personality as products of enduring psychological characteristics.
Behavioral view
psychological perspective that finds the source of our actions in enviromental stimuli, not in inner mental processes.
Psychodynamic Psychology
Clinical viewpoint: emphasicing the understanding of mental disorders in terms of desires.memories/conflicts.
Clincal View
pyschologist perspective emphasicing
-mental health
-mental illness
Cognitive Neuroscience
a hybrid field emphasizinf brain activity as information processing.
Mental processes:
Cognitive View
psycholofical erspective emphasixing mental processes
Humanistic Pyschology
clinical viewpoint emphasizing-human ability
free will

looks at the positive of human nature
believe psychology should include the unconscious mind.

an approach based on freud findings which emphasizes unconscious processes.
Behaviorilist try to make psychology
-objective science
-focused ONLY on behavior

wanted to know how people would ACT not think
Gestalt Psychology
-look at whole not parts

a historical school of psychology that trys to understand the brain by studying :perception/preceptual learning.

Gestalt believed that percepts consist of meaninful whole
focused on revealing the most basic "stucture" or "elements" of the mind.
-started by German Wundt

wanted to try and make a periodic table of the elements of the mind
Historical school of psychology
Believed mental processes could be understood in terms of their adaptive purpose and functions.

-stream of consciouseness-
process of reporting on one's own conscious mental experiences/feelings
Experimental Psychologists
also called research pyschologists.

psychologists who do the basic reasearch
-work horses
smalles of the 3 branches
Teacher of Psychology
psychologists whose primary job is teaching
The science of behavior and mental processes.
ex: astrology

erroneous assertions or ractices set forth as being sceintific psycholody

phony unscientific psychology masquerading as the real thing.
Confirmation Bias
tendency to pay attention to events that confirm our beliefs ans ignore evidence that contradicts them.
Applied Psychologists
psychologists who use the knowledge developed by experimental psychologists to solve human problems.
The field devoted to understanding how the brain creates throught,feelings, motive, consciousness, memories, and other mental processes.
Biological View
emphasizes how your physical makeup and the peration of your brain influence your personality and behavior.

searches for the causes of behavior in the functioning of genes.
Developmental View
psychological perspective emphasizing
-changes that occur across teh lifespan.
All physcial and mental talents of individuals availbale and usable in producing goods and services.
forgetting that occurs when an item in memory can't be accessed or retrieved caused by : interference
a memory problem in which unwanted memories cannot be put out of mind.
processes that are learned rather than biological drives
inherited and basic personality dispositions that are apparent in early childhood that establish a tempo of the individual behavior.

single dominate theme-characterize a ersons personality

such personality types are inheirted but much more is learned through life experience.
Implicit Memory
a memory that was not deliberately learned or no conscious awareness of it.
baseball plaer' swinging a bat.
Hippocrates a person temperament came from balance of 4 humors.

4body fluids
4 part process
1-psychological arousal
2-cognitive interpretations
3-subjective feelings
4-behavorial expressions

emotions organize and direct our behaviors

emotions have evolved to help us respond to imortant situations and to vonvey our intentions to others.
Stage of Resistance
General adaptation syndrom
body has dapted and used many resources to compe with the stressor

if a 2nd stressor introduce body cant handle it resources depleted needs rest.
Opponent-Process Theory
one emotion is experienced and the other is suppressed.

Having the desire to engage in an activity and being aware of the desire.