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13 Cards in this Set

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Change in behavior due to experience.
Stimulus-Stimulus Learning
Classical conditioning.
Response-Consequence Learning
Operant conditioning.
Classical Conditioning
Organisms come to associate stimuli.
Neutral stimulus that signals an US begins to produce response that anticipates and prepares for US.
Pavlovian/Respondent conditioning.
Classical Conditioning: Pavlov
Founded four principles of learning: acquisition, extinction, generalization, discrimination.
Did dog experiment.
Developed US, UR, CS, CR.
Classical Conditioning: Conditioned and Unconditioned Response/Stimulus
US-naturally/automatically triggers response.

UR-unlearned, naturally occuring response to US.

CR-learned response to previously neutral (but now conditioned) CS.

CS-originally irrelevant stimulus that, after association w/US, comes to trigger CR.
Classical Conditioning: Dog Experiment
Pavlov presented neutral stimulus (tone) just before US (food in mouth).
Neutral stimulus then to CS, = CR.
Initial stage in classical conditioning.
Associating neutral stimulus w/CS so that neutral stimulus comes to elicit CR.
Operant conditioning = strengthening of reinforced response.
Diminishing of CR.
When US does not follow CS.
Operant conditioning = when response = no longer reinforced.
Spontaneous Recovery happens sometimes.
Tendency, once response has been conditioned, for stimuli to CS to elicit similar responses.
Learned ability to distinguish b/w CS and stimuli that don't signal an US.
Cognitive and Biological limitations of Classical Conditioning
Cogntivie = not based only on CS-US association but also on thought process.

Biological = Learning enables animals to adapt to their environments; animals generally predisposed to associate CS with US that follows predictably and immediately: causes often immediately precede events.
John Watson
Albert study = generalization.