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15 Cards in this Set

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what is circadian rhythm

its your bodies biological clock tells you when your hungry tired etc

how much is a normal amount of sleep

btwn 7-10

why is sleep important

lack of sleep leads to depression difficulty paying attention, learning and weight gain, also lower immune response

what are the stages of sleep, how is sleep divided

sleep is divided into 5 stages the first 4 are non rem sleep, and the 5th stage is rem sleep

1)light sleep last very little time, stage of confusion, your shifting from conciousness not conciousness

2) brain waves continue to slow, everything else starts to slow too like temperatur HR (spend 60% of sleep here

3)/4 sleep continues to deepen

5) rem sleep, mind is acting as though it concious your body is parylized but your mind is awake, most commonly used for dream, rapid eyemovement spend 20% of sleep here

what is lucid dreaming

lucid dreaming is when your regionof the brain associated with self perception is activated so that your able to essentially control your dreams your aware your dreaing

theories of dreams

1) freud: dream protection theory, essentially your dreams protect you from you impulses, they are symbols of your true desires

2)activation theory: the different regions of the brain that get activated during rem sleep cause your brain to try to make sense of it, your brain making sense of it=dreams

3) forebrain theory: your fore brain which controls emotional centers is likely responsile for dreams, people with damage to forebrain do not dream,

4)neurogonitive processes: its more then just random chemicals, your dreams result from processes, likely because as you age the complexity of your dreams also increase and are usually associated with personal preoccupations aka whats on your mind

what chemical turns on rem sleep


what type of sleep disorders are there

narcolepsy: just fall asleep instantanously due orexin presecence (at high levels,) cataplexy results from this condition

insomnia: cant fall asleep, stay asleep, fall back asleep

night terror: react to nightmares out loud, wont remeber this happening

sleepwalking: occurs during rem sleep not you reinacting your dreams but likely you acting as if you were awake but more clumsly

what is the purpose of dreams

process emotional memories, solve problems, memory ,integrate new experiences, simulating threatening events so we can cope with them

what are hallucianations

realistic perceptions of non existant external stimuli

what are out of body experience caused by

they are caused by disruptions in the the different areas of the brain intergrating information, likely scrambling of touch and visual so that you feel like your body is seperate from your mind

what are the 2 theories of how hypnosis work

1) sociocognitive theory: your expctations about what hyponsis will influence how it affects you, also determined by their ability to take wake imagininative suggestions

2) dissociation theory: your conciousness is seperated into what your aware of and what your not, hyponotists use this to their advantage, so hidden observer comes out and you dont realize your taking their suggestions

how is the drug effect determined

by enviornement, socioculture influences, and chemical properties

substance dependence

when you develop a resisitance/tolerance to a drug and need to take increasing amounts to get the same effect

physcal dependance is when you go through physical withdrawels

psychological dependence is when you go thrugh a craving

why do people take drugs

1) they feel there fam will tolerate it

2) socioculture influences (if everyone around them takes it)

3) genetics (if they have little negative effects to the drug more liekly to take itmore often)

4) addictive personality (certain traits that make people more likely to get adducted)

5) expectations (think it will help them relax)