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29 Cards in this Set

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Selective Attention

What our brains choose to "pay attention" to. If there was not selective attention, our brains would be overwhelmed with information.

More Attentive/Consiousness

Means greater ability to survive, reproduce and pass on these genes for consciousness for the next generation.

Selective Attention

Driving cars with cell phones uses selective attention, we constantly switch from cell phone to driving/data that cell phone is more distractive that even talking with person in a the car.

Selective Innatention

We we are "blind" to. Magicians use this trick; cause us to concentrate on another aspect, while a change is made.

Circadian Rhythm

24 hr sleep/awake cycle

Changes in temperature

Taking medications

Pineal Gland

Produces melatonin, which helps people sleep. It is higher in the evening time.

Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep

fast, jerky eye movements; associated with dreaming

Stages of sleep

-Alpha waves - awake but relaxed state/in bed but not asleep

-Sleep vs wake : sleep is measured in slow breathing/irregular brain patterns.

- Stage 1: associated with hallucinations/out of body experiences

- Stage 2: more relaxed, slower HR

- Stage 3&4 - Deep sleep/Delta waves, hard to wake patients

- Sage 5 - REM and dreaming

REM Sleep

REM priods increase as night progreses

REM= Higher heart rate, rapid/irregular breathing, genitals become aroused

Need for REM is biological, REM rebound if one is deprived of sleep

Characteristics of Sleep

Newborns: asleep 2/3 or time

Adults: 1/3 of time

Sleep: inc memory, concentration, mood, inc hunger, promotes immunity

Repair/Restore neuronal tissue

Making memory

enhances creativity


Persistent problem sleeping

- Sleeping Pills and Alcohol Often exacerbate sleeping problems


Overwhelming sleepiness, occur at unexpected times, genetic link

Sleep apnea

stop breathing during sleep. Often unaware of disorder associated with obesity

Night terrors

Mostly in children, not dreams since they do not occur in REM sleep when dreaming happens.

Freud and Dreams

Manifest content - previous days' preocupations

Latent Content - Unconsious drives/indirectly expressed wishes

PET scans - increased activity in the emotional limbic system.

Manifest Content:

Previous days' preocupatoins

Latent content

Unconscious drives/wishes, hidden psychological meaning.

Tests that assess Latent Content

Thematic Apperception Test:

Harvard 30s

Tell stories from pics

People project their own life and unconscious preoccupations onto the pictures.


Not always accurate and unlikely to cause people to act against will.

Unlikely therapeutic, but could be preventative for obesity

Can dampen pain

A form of selective attention

Psychoactive drugs

chemicals that change mood and perceptions at neural synapses

Psychoactive drug tolerance

continues to build tolerance. Still great damage to brain, heart, and liver for alcohol

Drug Withdrawal

Undesirable side effects for those who stop usage, creating physical dependence.


Compulsive craving, despite adverse consequences.

Types of psychoactive drugs




Depressant - Alcohol

A. Alcohol

-Disinhibition: Slowing brain activity and lowers control of judgement and inhibition

Slows sympathetic nervous system

Disrupts memory, supresses REM sleep

Reduces awareness/supression of feeling of failure/shortcoming

Correlated to risky sex

More depressants

Barbiturates (tranquilizers) - Mimic effect of alcohol, in combination w/ ETOH, can be deadly

Opiates - opium, morphine, heroin; relaxes, short term pleasure, and causes brain to stop producing own opiates known as endorphins


Caffeine: most widely consumed in world. Withdrawal includes fatigue and headaches.

Nicotine: Boosts alertness, inc heart rate/bp, relax muscles, reduces blood flow to arms and legs.

More Stimulants

Cocaine: Creates rush of euphoria, depletes brain supply of neurotransmitters.

Ecstasy - triggers dopamine/seratonin release, flooding of "feel good" sensation.



Marijuana - Relief of pain/relaxation