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63 Cards in this Set

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Anatomy is destiny

Freud's example: Ones gender deterines, to a large extent one's personality characteristics.

Arbitrary Rightness

Issues arise that have no clear solution one way or another, and a person arbitrarily chooses one solution, thereby ending debate.


Form of neurotic aggresion that involves blaming other people for one's shortcomings and seeking reven against those people.


A safegaurding strategy. Can take three forms.

What are the three forms of aggression?

Depreciation, accusation, and self-accusation.

Avoiding type person characteristics.

Give example.

Mistaken lifestyle. Avoiding the attempt to solve life's problems, escaping possible defeat. Lacks adequate social interest.

EX: I overslept and didn't mae it to my zoology test.

What is Birth Order?

What psychologist created the idea?

Adler. Different birth orders created different situations to which children must adjust and that this adjustment may have an influence on personality developement.


Making up for a weakness, such as organ inferiority by emphasiing functions that substitute for the weakness.

Creative Self

Free element of the personality that allows the person to choose between alternative fictional goals and lifestyles. It is the differential exercise of this creative power that is mainly responsible for individual difference.


Neurotic safegaurding strtegy whereby one's accomplishments are overvalued and the accomplistments of others are undervalued. Take the form of idealization. The standards are set so high that no real person could reach them. Solicitude: Acts like no one could get along without them.


Safegaurding strategy used by enurotics that involves creating barriers between themselves and their problems. Adler says : takes the form of moving backward or the use of childlike behavior in order to get attention and control. Get involved in little things to get a feeling of self worth.

Dream Analysis

Primary purpose of dreams was to create emotions that could be used by dreamers to support their mistaken lifestyles.


Safegaurd. Neurotics use their symptoms as excuses for their shortcomings.

Feelings of inferiority:

Can lead to positive accomplistments or to an inferiority complex.

Fictional finalism:

Fictional future goal to which a person aspires. This is which the person means to end up.

Define and explain the characteristics of a firstborn child

Focus of attention until another child is born. "Dethrones" the child. The loss felt by the first-born child when the second child is born often creates bitterness that causes problems later in life. Afler considered this the most troublesome birth position.

First memories

A person's earliest recollections. These provide the basis for the world view, fictional final goal, and lifestyle.

Fraternal birth order effect:

The more older, biologically related brother a male child has, the more likely he is to e homosexual.

Define Getting-Leaning type person

They expect everything to be handed to them. Adler said this was the most harmful to society. Lacks adequate social interest.

What is Individual psychology to Adler?

He uses this term to desribe his theory. Each person is integrated whole striving to attain future goalswhile attempting to find meaning in life while working harmoniouly with other.

What is an inferiority complex?

Psychological condition that exists when a person is overwhelmed by feelings of inferiorty to the popint at which nothing can be accomplished.

What is masculine protest?

Attempting to become more powerful by being more masculine. Both men and women attempt to do this.

What is a mistaken lifestyle and what does it mean for people?

Any lifestyle that is not aimed at socially useful goals.

What does Neglecting do to a child?

Makes them feel worthlessa and angry and to be distrustfull of everyone.

Only Child

often sweet, affectionate and charming in order to appeal to others.

Ruling-Dominant type person:

A. Characteristics

B. What is their social interest?

A. Dominates and rules people.

B. Lacks social interest.

What are safegaurding strategies?

Mechanisms neurotics use to preserve what little self-esteem and illusions of supriority a mistaken lifestyle can provide.

Second born child characteristics:

Very ambitious becuase they are constantly attempting to catch up and surpass the older sibling. Second born was best according to adler.

What did Adler say was the best child in order of the birth order?

Second born.

What is basic anxiety

Present when basic hostility is shown. Everyone and everything in the world is potentially dangerous.

What is basic evil?

Anything parents do that undermines a childs security.

Basic Hostility

Feelings that are made when a child's needs for safety and satisfaction are not constitently and loving attended to by the parents.

What are blind spots:

Denying or ignoring cartain aspects of experience because they are not in accordance with ones idealized self image.

what is compartmentalization

Dividing one's life into various components with different rules appyling to the different components.

Compliant type person

Move towards people. Never says no. Does it to reduce basic anxiety.

Detached type person

Avoiding type. Doesn't want to get close to avoid getting hurt.

Excessive self control

doesn't get emotionally involved.

What is the idealized self

Fictious view of oneself. Tyranny of shoulds.

Moving against people

Hostile. Narcissistic about everything.

Moving away from people


What is rationalization:

Giving "good" reasons to excuse conduct.

What is real self:

Self that is healthy and conducive to positive growth.

What is safety in regards to children?

Their need for security and freeedom from fear that Horney believed must be satisfied before normal psychological developement can occur.

What is self analysis and what psychologist believed you could analyse yourself?

Process of self help that Horney believed people could apply to themselves to solve life's problems and to minimize the conflict.

what is self-realization?

Innate tendency to strive for truthfullness, productivity , and harmonious relatioships with fellow humans.

What is the "Tyranny of the should"?

WHen one's idealized self is substituted for the real self, one's behavior is governered by several unrealistic shoulds.

How does Adlers theory contrast with Freuds?

Freud is the conflict of self and others. Adler is the meaning of life and future.

What is one thing Adler's theory stresses?

Uniqueness of individual and the importance of harmony and cooperation within oneself.

What is one of adlers theory about organ inferiority?

The body is an integrated unit. If you lose one sense, another one will become more powerful.

According to Adler, when does feelings of inferiority develop?

In infancy .

What is feminine protest and how does it differ from maschuline protest?

Stringing to be more powerful by being more feminine. Masculine protest is trying to become more masculine, feminine is obviously more feminine.

According to Adler, what are we striving for?


According to Adler, what is the innate fundamental fact of life?

Everyone strives for superiority.

What is another word for a healthy lifestyle?


What is another word for a mistaken lifestyle?


What is a positive world view?

Being picked up when you fall, being supported as a kid.

What is a Mistaken world view?

Negative world view. Being afraid of failing. Punished when failed.

What does it mean to live "As If".

We set little goals to reach final goals.

What is the correct order of this equation?

A. Feelings of inferiority + world view>life goals and final goal (e.g. dominant or join in)> lifestyle.

B, Life style>Feelings of inferiority + world view>life goals and final goal (e.g. dominant or join in)


What are the fictions Adler talks about?

Healthy v. Neurotic

Personal Freedom.

What are some Life Problems?

Societal tasks- cooperations

Occupational tasks - advance society

Love and marriage - continuancy.

What are Adlers four different personality types?

Ruling dominant



Socially Usefull

Accoring to Adler, what personality type is the worst for society?

The pampered one.