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47 Cards in this Set

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the study of how nutrients in foods and the study of how the body can handle them

Nutrition includes:





-Interaction Storage



defined as any food constituent that aids in the support of life - growth, tissue, maintenance, health

some of the main ways products vary

pet owners are faced with products that will vary in nutrition, digestibility, palatability and cost

AAFCO stands for

Association of American Feed Control Officials

AAFCO is responsible for

sets standards for substantiation claims and provides an advisory committee for state legislation

NRC stands for

National Research Council

NRC is responsible for

collects and evaluates research and makes nutrient recommendations

FDA stands for

Food and Drug Administration

FDA is responsible for

specifies permitted ingredients and manufacturing procedures

USDA stands for

Unite States Department of Agriculture

USDA is responsible for

regulating pet food labels and research facilities

PFI stands for

Pet food Institute

PFI is responsible for

trade organization that represents pet food manufacturers

List governing agencies which set standards for and regulate pet foods






essential nutrients

nutrients that cannot be produced by the body at a rate adequate to meet body's needs and must be supplied by diet

nonessential nutrients

nutrients that are produced by the body and can be made by the body and/or obtained by diet

functions of nutrients

-act as structural component of body

-assist with chemical reactions in body; simply called metabolism

-transport substances throughout the body

-help regulate body temperature

-affect palatability which increases consumption

-supply energy


-not a required nutrient

-necessary for the production of kibble/dry food

-provides energy, vitamins/minerals, maintains proper GI function

-sources are vegetables, grains


-building blocks of the body

-quality is just as important as quantity

-sources are meat. fish, eggs and other dairy


-major source of energy, palatability enhancer

-sources are oils, animal fats

sources of carbohydrates



sources of proteins




-other dairy

sources of fats


-animal fats

when was the extrusion process first developed


which company first developed the extrusion process


when did food produced by extrusion enter grocery stores?


-best selling pet food one year later

depending on the manufacturing process (if manufactured incorrectly/poorly) what can extrusion result in?

-loss in vitamins and nutrients

-poor digestibility

-stool issues (large volumes, poor quality, frequent defecation)

most of the dry foods in the US (kibbles, biscuits, meals) are produced using what?


what is extrusion?

-a cooking process in which the raw ingredients are mixed together and rapidly cooked under high heat and pressure

-the soft mixture is pushed through a small opening called a "die" to create various shapes and sizes of the dry food

-after the pieces have cooled, a coating of fat is sprayed onto the pieces - this is called enrobing and increases the palatability and caloric density

why use extrusions?

-results in thorough breakdown of starches

-mixture of small peptides, fatty acids and amino acids

-increased digestibility and palatability

-kills bacterial contaminants

when was the biscuit made and by whom?

1860, James Spratt

When was canned food developed and by whom?

1900s, the Chappel brothers

when were pet foods available in feed stores

eary 1900s

What was the first company to sell "meal" in grocery stores?

-Nabisco (National Biscuit Company) was the first company to sell a new type of dog food called "meal" in grocery stores

Nabisco stands for

National Biscuit Company

When was the new type of dog food called "meal" developed and by whom?

1930s, Samuel Gains

what appears on a pet food label?

-guaranteed analysis (GA)

-ingredient list

-metabolizable energy (ME)

-caloric density

-recommended life stages feeding

-substantiation claims

-expiration date and/or date of manufacturing

ME stands for...

metabolizable energy

GA stands for...

Guaranteed analysis

What is required to be part of the guaranteed analysis?

-provide percentages for:

-min. of protein & fat

-max. of moisture & fiber

what is an optional part of the guaranteed analysis?

-ash, magnesium, EFA (essential fatty acids)

what is NOT listed as part of the guaranteed analysis?

-carbohydrate percentage

EFA stands for...

essential fatty acids

can you determine quality of pet food from guaranteed analysis?

it is impossible determine product quality from the GA alone

how are ingredients list?

in decreasing order according to weight

what do you want to see listed first on the ingredient list?

a named meat or fish (ex: chicken, beef, lamb, salmon, duck)