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109 Cards in this Set

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Characteristics of A Myth
Timeframe: Set in the past
Ostensibly True
Often Deals with god and the supernatural

Traditional Socially powerful story
Charter Myth
justifies a ritual
Etiological Myth
explains why things are the way they are
Instructional Myth
Tells you about moral function
Myth Proper
god's relationship with mankind
religious in nature but not religion
Talking Animals
Used for Entertainment
Magical Elements/Impossibilities
Historical Figure
Rooted in Human History
Possible Events
Symbolic for Society
Saga: series of stories about family
Social Power of Myth
Beliefs that were believed at the time
A series of events
Tradition and Myth-Telling
It's just part of the culture and you don't know the author
Myths are disguised as something else such as religion or philosophy

What Theory
Something repeated often to where it becomes part of culture

Why Theory
Bronislaw Malinowski
Functionalism-Myths only serve the function of maintaining and justifying a society's practices

What Theory
Cambridge-Myth Ritual
The origin of myths in all societies is the explanation of ritual
James Frazier

Why Theory
Claude Levi Strauss
Myth exists to mediate contradictions of binary opposites

Why Theory-Structuralism
Carl Jung
Myths are reflections of the collective unconscious
Why Theory Psychoanalysis
Comparative Mythology
Comparative mythology is the systematic comparison of myths from different cultures in the attempt to identify shared themes and characteristics
believed that myths are based on traditional accounts of real people and events also known as

What Theories-Historicism
What Theory
Myths only serve the function of maintaining and justifying a particular society’s practices
Max Muller
Myths can be reduced to primitive man’s attempt to express the awe they felt before the natural phenomena of day and night

Natural Allegory-What Theory
Heraclitus Homeric Problems
believed in myths as allegory

What Theories
Psychoanalytic Theories
Sigmund Freud-Myths are the collective dreams of the human race

Carl Jung: Myths are reflections of the collective unconscious
Sigmund Freud
Myths are the collective dreams of the human race
Sir James Frazier
Golden Bough
The origin of myths in all societies is the explanation of ritual
What Theories-Cambridge-Myth-Ritual
A system of definable relations between the parts or elements of a whole which admit predictable transformations-Walter-Bruekert
Why Theory
What Theories
What theory will tell you what a myth is. It tells you only what it is. Ex: myths is only misrepresented history, allegory.What theories explain myth as a subcategory or forerunner of something else. What theories are generally more older.
Why Theories
Why theories try to find the impetus behind the myths. It’s hard to prove its right or wrongs ( Why Theories). A Why theory try to find what causes myths.
is the attribution of human characteristics to animals or non-living things, phenomena, material states and objects or abstract concepts.
Birth of Aphrodite
According to Hesiod's Theogony, she was born when Cronus cut off Uranus' genitals and threw them into the sea, and from the sea foam (aphros) arose Aphrodite.
Birth of the Furies (Erinyes)
Birth of Furies and Giants from blood-these are the revenge girls from the castration of Ouranos
Birth order of Rhea's Children
Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and then a rock instead of Zeus
Birth of the Giants
From Castration of Ouranos, blood dripped became the giants and furies
Automatic (spontaneously generated, no creator)
Hesiod, Theogony
Architectural (created by someone)
Genesis and Ovid, Metamorphoses
Cosmogony (Birth of the universe)
Cronus (Saturn) and Rhea
Cronus imprisons Cyclopes and Hundred-Handers
Cronus swallows the five Children as they are born
Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and then a rock instead of Zeus
Son of Uranus and Gaea
Fashioned lightning bolts
Hesiod's Historical Context
Date of composition: 8th BC
Purpose: Artistic take on an orally transmitted material, not a sacred text
Theme: Theogony (Birth of the Gods) and Cosmogony (Birth of the universe)
Birth of the Gods.
Theogony (the work)
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The Theogony (Greek: Θεογονία, Theogonía, the birth of God[s]) is a poem by Hesiod (8th-7th century BC) describing the origins and genealogies of the gods of the ancient Greeks, composed circa 700 BC. It is written in the same artificial Epic dialect of Ancient Greek used by Homer.
Hetaconcheires (Hundred Hander's)
were figures in an archaic stage of Greek mythology, three giants of incredible strength and ferocity, that surpasses that of all of Titans whom they helped overthrow
Kinds of Cosmogony
Automatic (spontaneously generated, no creator)
Hesiod, Theogony
Architectural (created by someone)
Genesis and Ovid, Metamorphoses
Logical Context of Cosmogony
Generations and Regime Change
Ex: Protogenoi (primordial divinities) ; Gaea and Uranus; Cronus and Rhea; and Olympians
Families of things- ex: Spirits of night, Sea gods, Titans
Anthromorphic Gods
They have emotion and feeling
the stone Cronus ate instead of Zeus
Ouranous + Gaea =?
Chaos Gaea Tartarus Eros
Apollodorus Library (Mythography)
2nd Century AD writer is collecting a lot of literature, he’s creating a synthesis and an epitome of what myths are all about it. These myths attempt to cohesively combine myths together.
Birth of Athena (Minerva)
Zeus does it with Metis (a titan), an oracle predicted that the son would become the ruler of the gods. So Zeus eats his wife and Athena pops out of his head. Sometimes with Hephaestus axing his heads, other times just popping out
Birth of Hephaestus
comes straight out of Hera according to some myths, in others she is the baby of Zeus and Hera, as a result he is lame
Goddess of childbirth
nursed Hephaestus back to health after he was cast down

her + Zeus = Graces
War of the Giants
Gaia is vexed by what happened to Titans, she produces giants by Uranus
Massive long hair bulky people
There is an oracle that the giants cannot be killed except with the help of a mortal (i.e. Hercules)
There is a plant that makes giants invincible but Zeus stops sun to hide them
Goddess of youth
She is the daughter of Zeus and Hera.[3] Hebe was the cupbearer for the gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus, serving their nectar and ambrosia, until she was married to Heracles,
Metis (Μῆτις, "wisdom," "skill," or "craft") was of the Titan generation and, like several primordial figures, an Oceanid, in the sense that Mètis was born of Oceanus and Tethys, of an earlier age than Zeus and his siblings. Mètis was the first great spouse of Zeus, indeed his equal (Hesiod, Theogony 896) and the mother of Athena,
goddess of memory
The muses-poetry has to be memorized
giant that tried to rape Hera
was the eldest of the Thracian Gigantes of Greek mythology.[1] He was born (like all other Gigantes) in full armor with a spear in his hand. He was the most prominent of the Gigantes who led a major rebellion against the Olympian Gods, and was said to be immortal in his homeland, Pallene.

cannot die if on gaea so athena helped get him off
was a river in Greek mythology which formed the boundary between Earth and the Underworld
Zeus + Styx = Persephone
(the Seasons), Peace, Order, Justice, and the Fates

Zeus + Themis equals above
There’s a war between the Titans and the Elder Olympians
Lasted 10 years
One of the factors of this world is that Gaia prophesied that the Olympians would need help to
overthrow Titans, therefore in Apollodorus (you need Cyclops) in the other one (need both).
Cyclops made lightning, trident, and helmet
The Triple Division
Hades gets Tartarus, Poseidon gets waters and earthquakes, and Zeus gets sky and Earth
Gaia is still pissed and intercourse with Tartarus
All the Olympians run away and metamorph into animals and leave Zeus by himself
Typhon cuts tendons off w/ Adamantium Sickle that Zeus tried using against him
Hermes and Pan helps Zeus out by getting his tendons back
Fighting over the whole Mediterranean by himself
Mount Etna is thrown on top of Typhon
Mt. Hinus? Typhon’s blood colors the mountains
Interpretation can be Earth deity vs Heaven deity
is the Greek concept of hospitality, or generosity and courtesy shown to those who are far from home. It is often translated as "guest-friendship" (or "ritualized friendship") because the rituals of hospitality created and expressed a reciprocal relationship between guest and host.

class primarily hangout together
ambrosia (Greek: ἀμβροσία) is sometimes the food, sometimes the drink, of the Greek gods (or demigods), often depicted as conferring ageless immortality upon whoever consumes it.
emphasize anthromorphous qualities
Contents of Ambrosia
when she opens the jar she gives all these evil gifts into the world
Deucalion and Pyrrha
In some myths, son and daughter of Prometheus and Epimetheus respectively
it’s not the flood of the whole world, just the Greek one
The flood
Rain comes from both up and down (rain and springs)
Deukalion and Pyrrha survived in a chest or a small boat
The oracle and the repopulation
they’re scared that there would never be anymore of them
Prometheus forewarns them of the flood
Themis gives them the oracle which is throw the bones of your great mother over your shoulder with your eyes closed
In later myths, the daughter of Epimetheus and Pandora was Pyrrha, who married Deucalion and was one of the two who survived the deluge.
Four Races in Hesiod's Works and Days
Golden Race-the time of Chronus, blissful time, they disappear by falling asleep
Silver Race-the idiots, they’re raised like children and die b/c stupid, don’t give honor to God
Bronze Race-created by Zeus, hard-hearted, warlike, they kill themselves off
Heroes- Odysseus and stuff like that, heroes kill themselves off
Iron Race-is our race, everybody’s a sinner,
700 years later
Literary culture
Scientific Theories of the day- atoms four elements
Nature as creator
700 years later
Literary culture
Scientific Theories of the day- atoms four elements
Nature as creator
God's bloods
drink that makes gods immortal
Creation of Pandora (pan=all +dora=gifts) for Epimetheus (his name means afterthought)
Pandora’s pithos
pithos is a jar
when she opens the jar she gives all these evil gifts into the world
Elpis (hope)
hope is hanging on the inside of the jar
open to interpretation
Dispute over the god’s portion of sacrifices between humans and gods
Prometheus attempts to trick Zeus by changing the appearance of the good sacrifice
Zeus punishes mankind by taking fire
Steals fire for humankind
also known as bringer of culture
also taught them how to build houses
also teaches them how to domesticate animals
Aeschylus’ trilogy:
Prometheus bringer of culture
This myth can be an etiological or ritual myth
some may say there might be a psychological theory
Rescued by Herakles
Acteion (Actaeon)
Accidently viewed Artemis naked
Turns his body into a stag and his hounds tear him to shreds
Even though there was no hubris, it’s the point of transgression, the fact that he did is what matters.
Bow and Arrow (bringer of sudden death)
usually whenever these symbols show up it is Apollo
the young Olympians stay young, while the older Olympians grow till they’re a specific age
he’s usually associated with culture, music, father of Aesclepius (god of medicine)
but he’s also the bringer of the plague, disease
Lyre (Muses)
musical instrument
some stories he got from Hermes some others he already had it
in charge of the Muses
representative of the arts and culture
Snakes (oracle), animals of song (ex:swans)
sometimes snake is representative of medicine, other times reference to Python
Epithet: Phoebus (shining)
Apollo eventually takes the place of Helios as the sun god
Bow and Arrow
represents the opposite of Apollo
she’s the huntress of animals and the protector of younger animals
Dog, Fawn, Boar (animals of the hunt)
the animals that she is correlated to
Protector of women in childbirth
if you’re in labor you pray to Artemis to save you
when a woman is in childbirth she is at her “wildest state” which explains the irony w/ next
Virgin maiden and patron of young maidens
When identifying Artemis her skirt is usually pulled up so she can run faster
Birth of Apollo and Artemis
So and daughter of Leto and Zeus
Leto is a titan
Hera isn’t too happy about Zeus being with another woman, chases Leto around
Born on Delos
Most myths say that Apollo and Artemis was born on Delos, supposedly a moving island.
In some myths, Artemis helps Apollo out because she was born first
This is because Artemis is god of childbirth
Apollo and Python
Gaia had a snake that in some accounts, pursues Leto around. Apollo eventually takes revenge
and kills the snake at Delphi, thus taking over the oracle position
Hubris of Creosus
Interview of Solon: most “fortunate/blessed” man
Creosus shows all of his wealth, and then asks who is the most fortunate person
a god then became angry because he says he’s been blessed and that he ends up most blessed
he thinks that nothing can happen that will affect his blessedness
Loss of Son, Atys
he has a dream that his son was going to die by iron
Atys died on board hunt point is that nobody can escape fate
Defeated by Cyrus
prophecy that “a great empire will be destroyed” and interprets it that he will win
where Apollo and Artemis were born
Leto (Latona)
So and daughter of Leto and Zeus
Leto is a titan
Challenge the god of music, Apollo, to a musical contest
he thinks he can play a flute better than Apollo
Flayed alive
he turns into a river, metamorphoses
Apollo's Maxims
“Know thyself”
Know who you are know your place
“Nothing in excess”
causes you to have hubris and be prideful, these maxims go together
Bragging that she is superior to Leto (Latona)
Leto runs off crying to Artemis and Apollo
Loss of 7 sons and 7 daughters at the hands of Leto’s children Artemis and Apollo
Apollo kills all men while Artemis kills all women
changes into a weeping cliff
Oracles at Delphi
the oracles are really ambiguous and hard to decipher
Phoebus (Shining)
Apollo eventually takes the place of Helios as the sun god
Pythia (Pythoness)
she's the oracle at Delphi
Gaia had a snake that in some accounts, pursues Leto around. Apollo eventually takes revenge
and kills the snake at Delphi, thus taking over the oracle position
Zeus turns Aphrodite’s sphere of influence against her
can’t do anything against Hestia, Artemis, and Athena
she falls in love with Anchises
Aphrodite comes in disguise to Anchises at Mt. Ida near Troy
he recognizes that she as a maiden is different than other normal women (very cautious)
she makes him fall in love with her
After sex revelation and reactions
Shame Aphrodite
she is so ashamed of sleeping with a mortal
Fear Anchises
Aeneas is born and nurtured by the nymphs
Anchises must not reveal who the mother is
In other accounts, he reveals it and becomes crippled
Uranus (Saturn) and from foam (aphros) of the sea (Aphrodite Ourania)
different names of Aphrodite
Ourania- “heavenly love”
Epithet: Cyprian or Cyatheria
Dione and Zeus (Aphrodite Bandemos)
Young and beautiful
Marriage age
Usually in a state of undress
Accompanied by Eros (Cupid)
Sphere of influence ta aphrodisiac
Aphrodite and Ares
cheat alot Hephaestus catches them
Apollo and Daphne
Daphne and Apollo
Apollo questions Cupid’s use of bow, a manly weapon
Cupid shoots Apollo with gold arrow (attraction) and Daphen with lead (hate)
Ridicule of Apollo and the revenge of Eros (Cupid)
Bay laurel tree
Daphne prays right before she is caught and her father turned her into the tree
Aphrodite's city
Aphrodite's Epithet

The Cypria (Ancient Greek: Κύπρια Kypria; Latin form: Cypria) is an epic of ancient Greek literature that was quite well known in the Classical period[1] and fixed in a received text, but which subsequently was lost to view.
Sappho, Hymn to Aphrodite
Transitory madness, disease, it’s an external thing
Under the control of Aphrodite
it’s like a lovesickness, passionate warlike
Plato, Symposium
Friend and healer of ills
attraction rather than passion
Aristophanes-Eros is a consequent of our current nature
Hephaestus and Aphrodite
Husband and Wife
Mt. Ida
where Aphrodite comes in disguise to Anchises

where Zeus was born
which Pygmalion was a sculptor who fell in love with a statue he had carved.
Sex with mortals
Sex with Mortals if it is a female deity
Shame because he penetrates thus making him more dominant than the goddess
Different male god with mortal female as opposed to vice versa
Product of Union
she will bear the child of their union, shameful because the child will die (a mortal)
Eos and Tithonus
Tithonus pursued by Eos
Gift of eternal life but not eternal youth
Locks him in a chamber and he wastes away b/c of no eternal youth.
Zeus and Ganeymede
Zeus snatches young prince and son of Tros
Cupbearer to the gods
a whirlwind takes him up to the heavens
Minerva and Arachne
Arachne challenges Minerva to a weaving contest
In disguise, Minerva warns Arachne (gave her a chance)
Two different tapestries
Minerva’s mortals who challenged the gods
Arachne’s the dalliances of the gods with mortals
she beats her on the head a few times, she is resurrected as a spider
Early King of Athens
Hephaestus is attracted to Athena
tries to rape her wipes sperm off her leg and flings it to ground
Gaia brings child up
Judgement of Paris
Wedding of Peleus and Thetis
Hera- rule all the lands/ dominate the rest in wealth
Athena- strongest among mortals/ know every skill
Aphrodite – he would marry the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen
Minerva Capta
capta could be head
Minerva capta could be captured
when you conquer another country you can take on another god
the common epithet for Athena
Several theories to why her name is Pallas
1) slays and skins the giant Pallas with his own shield in the Gigantomachy (giant war) (a lance)
2) Pallein means to brandish
3) she was raised with a daughter of Triton’s daughter Palladion and killed her when playing war games
The Greeks learned from Helenus, that Troy would not fall while the Palladium, image or statue of Athena, remained within Troy's walls.
Romulus and Remus
Founder of Rome
Rhea Silvia
mother of Romulus and Remus
Syncretism is the attempt to reconcile disparate or contrary beliefs, often while melding practices of various schools of thought.