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55 Cards in this Set

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Muybridge invented the_____
in ______
The Zoopraxiscope
-individual photographs within split secs of each other
*zoo- horse 77- horse movie
horse crossing bridge- Muybridge
Edison and Dickson’s invented the_____ in ______
What was the Kinetoscope ?
-Not a mass medium
-peep show device
-you had to look through a machine, only 1 person at a time
The Lumiere brothers invented the_____ in ______
***cinema - what they use in theaters?
movie projector, most like today
Melies was the _________
and created the __________
***Melies -- multiple

-first movie artist
-first narrative
-multiple camera shots
Porter used a _______
to create the first _______
***porter- portable
-mobile camera
-real story
The first Real story movie written by_____ was called the ____________
-"Great Train Robbery"
Griffith directed "____________" in _____
***Griffin (family guy- racist)
-slaves- free labor - good things spark up

-The Birth of a Nation
Nickelodeons were brought about as a result of "__________"
directed by _________
-Great Train Robbery
Motion Picture Patents Company
The MPPC was founded by
The nickname for the MMPC
leaving it to them to "protect"
you with a patent

"The Trust"
Founded by Edison, What was the MMPC? it was used to advance the _____________
Patenting every movie for themselves
10 most powerful companies come together and start --making their own rules
kind of like a monopoly

big companies
In reaction to the ______
independent companies moved
Hollywood was started by
____________ as a result of
the ________
Many actors came from Europe to America as a result of ______
In the early _____ _______

-20th Century
In the early 20th century there were ______movie theaters and __________worked for theaters
The "Talkies" - Year

Before "talkies", in 1926
__million went to the movies weekly, in 1928 __ million went weekly. __% more
-50 million
-80 million
What impact did the talkies have
on Actors?
actors became stars
Actors began to become stars in _____ and people began to worry about ____ ______________
-bad influence
The worry about bad influence
sparked the need for ____ _____
which brought about the _______
Stands for:
Motion Picture Produces and Distributors of America
The MPPDA was
Lead by:
The MPPDA was a ________
and it's nickname was______
not saying bad words = having ____

- Moral comittee
-Hays' Office
If ____ office rules were broken the fine was________
The great depression brought about new ______ in film, which were ____
CD, gangster music
-comedies, documentaries, musicals, gangster movies
Double features came about as
a result of ____________ and were _________________
-the Depression
-2 movies for the price of 1
In Double features, the "free movie was usually a ______
- B-movie
List 3 details of B-movies
quality not as good
not top actors
less expensive
Vertical integration is when
steps of movie making from bottom to top or smallest to biggest (vertical) all integrated
all aspects of a movie are owned by the same company
Vertical integration was a "________" and became illegal in ________
4 (small) half size of 8 (big)

In _____, laws changed and we now have _______ vertical integration
a "portion" of as bad as before

What changes did film introduce in response to the popularity of TV?
-Changes in tech
-changes in content
what were these Tech and content changes in Film, as a result of the TV ?
-Special effects
-more people in the movies
-things that could only be "pulled off" on a larger screen
The Red scare was in the _____
and who was the cause of it?
- 1940's
During the Red Scare anything ___________ was ____
Politics created a "_________"
and if you were suspected of being a communist no one would ______ you
bad color

-black list

-hire you
The "black list",brought about by the _______, drained ______ out of the media industry
-red scare
2 goals of movie pioneers in the
_____ century
movies new- something new and liked makes___
purpose of movies....
-make $
-19th century
Before vertical integration was illegal, the all parts of the __ _____ ______ were owned by the studio producing the film
-three component system
The Three component system consists of :
think if steps in movies from making it to showing it
___ films are produced per year in the USA, ___% of films released were shown in theaters. These are ______ numbers of the 3CS
What changes did film introduce in response to the popularity of TV?
-Changes in tech
-changes in content
what were these Tech and content changes in Film, as a result of the TV ?
-Special effects
-more people in the movies
-things that could only be "pulled off" on a larger screen
The Red scare was in the _____
and who was the cause of it?
- 1940's
During the Red Scare anything ___________ was ____
Politics created a "_________"
and if you were suspected of being a communist no one would ______ you
bad color

-black list

-hire you
The "black list",brought about by the _______, drained ______ out of the media industry
-red scare
2 goals of movie pioneers in the
_____ century
movies new- something new and liked makes___
purpose of movies....
-make $
-19th century
Before vertical integration was illegal, the all parts of the __ _____ ______ were owned by the studio producing the film
-three component system
The Three component system consists of :
think if steps in movies from making it to showing it
___ films are produced per year in the USA, ___% of films released were shown in theaters. These are ______ numbers of the 3CS