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166 Cards in this Set

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"before present"; present=1950
ka, ma, bya
thousands of years ago, millions of years ago, billions of years ago
How long ago did the Big Bag occur?
13.7 bya
How long ago did the Sun form?
~4.7 bya
How long ago did the Earth form?
~4.5 bya
How long ago did the Life first occur?
~3.5 bya
How long ago did the first Primates, hominins, and Homo sapiens appear?
~50-60 million ya, 5-7 million years ago, 200,000 years ago
Subdivisions of geological time
Eons (divided into) Eras (divided into) Periods
Hadean Eon
- 4600-3800 ma
- before the oldest fossil evidence of life
Archaean Eon
- 3800-2500 ma
- first single-celled organisms
Proterozeric Eon
- 2500-542 ma
- first simple multi-celled organisms
Phanerozoic Eon
- 542ma-present
- origin and evolution of complex life forms
Eons of the Precambrian (oldest-->youngest)
Hadean, Archaean, Proterozeric
Eon of the Cambrian
Eras of the Phanerozoic (oldest-->youngest)
Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic
Precambrian supereon
span of time in Earth's history before the current Phanerozoic Eon; accounts for 88% of geological time
Ediacara fauna
multi-celled, soft-bodied marine fossil organisms
Paleozoic era
- 542-251 ma
- first vertebrates appeared
- mostly marine at first
- first land animals appear
Mesozoic era
- 251-65 ma
- dinosaurs dominate, mammals and birds appear
- extinction of dinosaurs at end of mesozoic
Cenozoic era
- 65.5 ma
- primate and human evolution
preserved remains or traces of animals, plants and other organisms from the remote past
fossil record
all discovered and undiscovered fossils, and also their placement in fossiliferous rock formations and sedimentary layers
Archeological record
body of physical evidence about cultural behaviors in the historic and prehistoric past (e.g. tools, shelters, food remains, etc)
study of primate and human evolution; includes fossils, genetics and behavior of living humans and nonhumans; multi-disciplinary approach
How to make a fossil
1) Death: rare cases of preserved remains
2) Burying/entombment prior to complete decomposition
3) Preservation: mineralization replaces bone chemicals w/rock-like minerals (also freezing, mummification, tree resin, anaerobic environments)
Intervening step) deformation: fossil may be distorted and must be reconstructed
4) Discovery
study of what happens to plants and animals after they die
Relative dating
comparative method of dating the older of two or more fossils/sites, rather than providing a specific date
Chronometric dating
method of estimating the specific date of fossils
Relative dating methods
stratigraphy, fluorine dating, biostratigraphy
method based on fact that older remains found deeper b/c cumulative build up on earth's surface
Flourine dating
method based on accumulation of fluorine in a bone (more fluorine=older); comparison can tell if two bones from same site are same age
method that assigns age of sites based on similarity of animal remains associated with particular time periods
Chronometric Dating Methods
Carbon-14 dating, Argon dating, dendrochonology, fission-track dating, thermoluminescence, electron spin resonance, paleomagnetic reversal
Carbon-14 dating
method based on half-life of C-14 that can be applied to organic remains; useful for <50,000 years ago
Limitations of C-14 dating
-carbon may be replaced during fossilization
-C-14 atmosphere levels have not been constant
-only useful <50,000
Potassium-argon dating
enables geologists to determine the absolute age of volcanic rocks; potassium isotopes in volcanic rock decay to argon gas; samples > 100,000 years old
method based on the fact that trees in dry climate accumulate one growth ring per year; samples <10,000 years old
fission-track dating
when uranium decays into lead in obsidian (volcanic glass), it leaves small tracks that allow to determine age (several thousand - billions ya)
dating method based on accumulation of electrons in heated objects
electron spin resonances
dating method estimating based on radioactive atoms trapped in fossils
paleomagnetic reversal
dating method based on shift of earth's magnetic field
species identified from the fossil record based on similarities and differences to other species
scientists preferring to lump new fossils into preexisting categories; believe that range of variation w/in species is large; anagenesis
view that evolutionary change taking place w/in lineages
scientists preferring to split new fossils into new species; view fossil record as evidence of frequent speciation
variation w/in species
-sexual dimorphism
-age differences
study of ancient environments; e.g. study fossil pollen, plants, temp through O2 isotopes
Stable isotope analysis
analysis of the ratio of stable isotopes of elements that provide info about diet (e.g. ratio of C-13 to C-12 can indicate different plants eaten)
Continental drift
movement of continental land masses on top of a molten layer of the earth's mantle
Continental drift during the Mesozoic/Cenozoic Era
Pangea (225 ma) --> North vs. South continents --> continents recognizable, NA and Europe separating by Cenozoic (65 ma)
-early primate-like mammals
-paleocene epoch (65.5-55.8 ma)
-NA and Europe
-insectivores adapting to trees
-quadrupedal, adapted for climbing
Non-primate features of plesiadapiformes
-no post-orbital bar
-claws not nails
-large diastema
gap next to canine tooth that allows space for canine of the opposing jaw
Carpolestes simpsoni
-intermediate btwn primate-like and true primates
-small, arboreal fruit eater
-nails and grasping foot
-lacked stereoscopic vision
Hypotheses for explanation of primate evolution
-nocturnal visual predation hypothesis
-angiosperm coevolution hypothesis
-grasping-leaping hypothesis
-narrow niche hypothesis
Nocturnal visual predation hypothesis
early primates required both binocular vision and grasping hands/feet to approach insects at night
Angiosperm coevolution hypothesis
rise of angiosperms (flowering/fruiting plants) led to vast development and broadening of potential food sources
Grasping-leaping hypothesis
primate morphotype can be explained most parsimoniously by having a habitually leaping ancestor (vs. slow, cautious locomotion)
Narrow-niche hypothesis
primate morphological suite evolved from not only selection pressure for fine branch use, but also from a lack of engagement in other activities
First True Primates
-adapid and omomyids
-Eocene epoch (55.8-33.9 ma)
-post-orbital bar and stereoscopic vision
-grasping hands
-reduced snout
-teeth closer together
-first true primates
-primarily diurnal
-leaf and fruit eaters
- ~modern lemurs and lorises
-first true primates
-insect and fruit eaters
- ~modern tarsiers
- 23-35 mya
-small, arboreal primates
-generalized quadrupeds
-fruit, plus insects and leaves
-reduction snout, vision over smell
-fully enclosed eye socket
-definite example: aegyptopithecus, 33ma (North Africa)
Debated Anthropoids
-Eosimias sinensis: ("Dawn Monkey of China"), 45-50 ma, combo of primitive and derived traits
-Ida (Darwinius masillae): 47 ma, actually closer to lemurs, lorises
Saadanius hijazensis
-29-28 ma
-saudi arabia
-closely related to common ancestor of Old World Monkeys and apes
New World Anthropoids
-favored hypothesis is Anthropoids "rafted" from Africa to South America
-Branisella=earliest known fossil in new world (27 ma)
-late Oligocene
Miocene Hominoids
-miocene epoch (23-5.3 ma)
-more apes than monkeys during miocene (reversed in present)
Early Hominoid traits
-brachiator anatomy changes (shoulder, arm)
-lack tail
-larger avg. body size
-larger brain:body
-Y-5 low, rounded molars
Proconsul species
-miocene ape
-21-14 ma, Africa
-transition from early anthropoid to modern ape
-intermembral index ~ monkey (vs. ape)
-no tail
-arboreal quadruped
-skull/teeth ~ ape
-fruit feeder
-miocene ape
-14-7 ma, Asia
-skull/teeth very similar to modern orangutans
-arm bones different from orangutan
Eugène Dubois
-believed intermediate between apes and humans
-believed origins of humans in the tropics
Java Man
-discovered by Dubois in 1891
-Homo erectus
-first specimens of early hominid remains found outside of Africa or Europe
Davidson Black
-studied comparative anatomy and then human origins
-discovered Peking Man (now Homo erectus)
Franz Weidenreich
-succeeded Davidson Black
-casted Peking Man fossils (which were later lost)
-exposed Piltdown hoax
Piltdown Hoax
-fossil discovered in England believed to be link between ape and man
-Weidenreich exposed as a modern human cranium and orangutan jaw w/teeth filed down
Raymond Dart
-Australian eventually professor in S. Africa
-helped ID Taung Child (1924)
Taung Child
-South Africa, 1924
-Australopithecus africanus
-Dart considered intermediate between apes and humans
-ape-like skull and human-like teeth
Robert Broom
-scottish doctor
-found first robust Australopithecine skull
"Mrs. Ples"
-Sts 5
-South Africa, 1947
-fossil skull
-once though adult woman, now adolescent male
Louis Leakey
-Grew up near Nairobi, Kenya
-East African excavations
Mary Leakey
-married Louis in 1936
-discovered most complete Proconsul (miocene ape) in 1948
Australopithecus boisei
-"nutcracker man"; hominid
-Mary and Louis Leaky
-robust skull w/large teeth, near stone tools
"Handy Man"
-Homo habilis
-found w/tool remains
-similar to Austraolipithecines
-primitive face, teeth smaller but still >humans, larger brain
Laetoli Footprints
-leaky discoverd in 70s
-3.6 mya
-indication of bipedalism
Richard Leakey
-excavation near Lake Turkana in Kenya
-Homo habilis and erectus skull
"Turkana Boy"
-Kimoya Kimeu (working w/Rich Leakey)
-near complete skeleton of Homo erectus
Don Johanson
-discovered Lucy
-ethiopia, 1974
-3.2 mya
-adult female
-40% of skeleton
-australopithecus afarensis
Time White
-1992 discovered almost complete female Ardipithecus ramidus ("Ardi") in Ethiopia
Possible reasons for origin of bipedalism (6)
-hands free to carry tools
-hands free to carry other items (food, infants)
-predator avoidance by seeing farther
-foraging bipedally
-increased ability to tolerate heat loss
-more efficient to travel long distances
Hominin Features (8)
-small canines
-big brain
-stone tools
-living in all ecozones
Environment of origin of bipedalism
probably forest/woodland
Origins of bipedalism: carrying?
-stone tools possible but didn't appear until ~3.4 mya
-other items: chimps walk bipedally more often when carrying valuable, unpredictable resources to less competitive areas
Origins of bipedalism: predator avoidance
-many animals stand to see over savanna grasses
-but early bipeds probably in forest/woodland habitat
Origins of bipedalism: Foraging bipedally
-chimps stand bipedal to collect fruits
-this standing doesn't require major anatomical alterations
Origins of bipedalism: Thermoregulation
-less SA exposed to solar radiation
-higher temps lower to ground
-increased convective cooling
-but bipeds not on savanna, so perhaps not applicable
Origins of bipedalism: Efficiency of walking
-costs less energy to cover same distance
-conserve energy when foraging
Possible Implications of bipedalism
-allowed for hunting/scavenging (requires long daily travel)
-results in hairlessness (increased cooling)
-running and walking both possible
Earliest Hominins
-Africa, 4-7 mya
-gives ideas about first appearance of bipedalism
Sahelanthropus tchadensis
-Chad, Africa (2001)
-7-6 mya
-bipedal, small brain, small canine, huge brow ridge
-fruit diet
-low male competition
-foramen magnum position
Foramen magnum
-large opening at base of cranium through which medulla oblongata enters and exits skull
-can indicate bipedal vs. quadruped (90deg. vs. 45 deg.)
Orrorin tugenensis
-Kenya, Africa (2000)
-6.1-5.8 mya
-bipedal w/ability to climb
-"millenium man"
-femoral head w/groove for bipedal muscle attachment
-strongest evidence for oldest date of bipedalism
Biomechanics of the Femur
shape and thickness of femoral head can indicate animal's locomotion
Ardipithecus kadabba
-Ethiopia, Africa (1997)
-5.8-5.2 mya
-bipedal?, ape-like canines
Ardipithecus ramidus (general)
-Ethiopia, Africa (1992-94)
-5.8-4.4 mya
-bipedal, small brain (than chimps even), small canines
Ardipithecus unique traits
-diet: omnivore
-no sex dimorph
-dental between chimps and humans
-habitat: woodland w/forest patches
-not a knuckle walker, able to climb
-feet: worked for both walking and climbing, divergent big toe
-potential increase in male parental investment
Gracile Australopithecines
-Africa, 3-4 mya
-bipedal, ability to climb
-large teeth
-large face
-small brains
-A. anamensis
-A. afarensis
-A. africanus
-A. garhi
Australopithecus anamensis
-Ethiopia, Kenya (1994)
-4.2-3.9 mya
-bipedal, large canines
Australopithecus anamensis: teeth, lifestyle, evolution
-ape-like teeth, parallel rows unlike parabola of humans
-bipedal w/climbing
-fruits and nuts
-some sex dimorph
-possibly descendent of Ardipithecus
-direct ancestor of australopithecus afaranesis
Australopithecus afarensis
-Ethiopia, Kenya, Chad, Tanzania (1974)
-3.7-3 mya
-bipedal, also arboreal?
-larger brain then anamensis
-intermediate canine
-big molars
Australopithecus afarensis: skull, teeth, locomotion, dimorph, lifestyle
-skull ~ small ape
-transitional dental
-sex dimorph similar to humans, pair-bonding
-beginning stone tool use
-plant-based diet, some seeds/nuts
Kenyanthropus platyops
-Kenya (2001)
-3.5-3.2 mya
-small brain
-jutting lower face
-small molars
-debates over classification
Australopithecus africanus
-S.Africa (1924)
-3.3-2.5 mya
-bipedal, slightly larger brain than afarensis
-small canines
-big molars
-Taung Child, Mrs. Ples
Australopithecus africanus: lifestyle, evolution
-bipedal, also climbing
-plant-based diet, some nuts/seeds
-descendent of A. afarensis
-possible ancestor of Homo, but maybe too specialized or wrong place
Australopithecus garhi
-Ethiopia (1990)
-2.5 mya
-brain ~ africanus
-large molars, but different from A. afarensis
-meat eating w/stone tools?
-possible ancestor to homo (right place, right time)
Australopithecus sediba
-possible link between Austraolopithecine and homo
-ape-like: tiny brain, long arms, chimp body size, narrow birth canal
-human-like: short fingers, long thumb, brain reorganizing like humans
Modern Geological Time
Panerozoic Era, Cenozoic Era, Holocene Period
Phanerozoic Eon
-542 ma - present
-origin and evolution of complex life forms
Cenozoic Era
-65 Ma - present
-age of mammals
Peilstocene Period
-1.8 Ma - 10 ka
-alternating glacial and interglacial periods
Holocene Period
10ka - present
Homo heidelbergensis
-Europe, Africa, Asia (1908)
-200 - 800 ka (Middle Pleistocene)
-Brain size=1206cc
-postcrania ~ modern humans
-tall, powerfully built
-levallois tool tradition
-hunting, fire
label given to different points in an evolutionary lineage of a single species over time
evolution within a lineage over time
speciation and separation of a species at one point in time
Knowledge required for Stone Tool Technology
-tool manufacture and specific flaking methods
-characteristics of stone
-mental template of the final product
H. heidelbergensis technology
-first hominin associated w/Levallois
-wooden spears (found among butchered horses)
-indications that they might have hunted/had first access to meat (vs. scavenging)
Evolution of Language (+indications)
-relative brain surface/size
-vocal anatomy--H. sapiens have low larynx that allows speech (also increased choking risk)
-hyphoid bone unique to language production
Homo neanderthalensis
-Europe, Middle East (1829)
-28 - 130 ka
-Brain size (1450 cc)
-Postcrania: cold-adapted, powerful
-Stone Tools: Mousterian Tradition
-Survival of elderly, impaired
Neanderthal skull
-occipital bun: protruding rear region of the skull
-1450 cc
-more projecting than modern humans
-large brow ridges
-large nasal and midfacial regions=cold adapt
Neandertal postcrania
-shorter, esp. limbs
-wider pelvis
-powerfully built
-matches climate (cold)
Mousterian tradition
prepared-core stone tool culture of the Neandertals
Neandertal culture
-hunting, fire
-care of the eldery, injured
-harsh life, frequent injury
-evidence of deliberate burial of dead
Homo sapiens
-Africa, then everywhere (1758 by Linnaeus)
-200 ka - present
-brain size=1350cc
-modern postcrania
-upper paleolithic tools, composite tools
-art and symbolism
Oldest H. sapiens remains
-Omo (Ethiopia)
-Richard Leakey
-200 ka
Global (historical) distribution of Modern Humans
Africa --> middle east --> Asia --> Europe/Australia --> New World
Why did Modern Humans Evolve
- Changes associated with cooked diet
- Need for head stabilization during endurance running
- Associated with shortened pharynx
- Selection for improved vocal language skills
- Selection for cognitive abilities
Social Brain Hypothesis
brain size (particularly size of neocortex) most closely correlates with the size of species social group
outer layer of the cerebral hemisphere involved in higher fxns (conscious thought, language, etc)
Social learning
-increased sociality allows for more transmission of info
-active teaching is rare in the animal kingdom, but extraordinary in humans
Modern Human Technology
-upper paleolithic
-blade technology = stone tool that is twice as long as wide
-diversity of tool materials (wood, bone, etc)
-composite tools (e.g. Atlatl=spear thrower)
-clothing (80ka-70ka)
-shelter (<20ka)
-stone tool w/sharp edge used to cut and engrave bone
-bone tools bwtn 90ka-40ka years ago
Modern Human Culture
-cave art (early symbolism): 30ka
-statues, jewelry
-complex social groups
Multiregional Evolution Model
-proposes that modern humans emergen more or less simultaneously in major regions of the Old World from local archaic humans
-emphasizes migration
-common ancestor = early H. erectus in Africa 1 mya
"Out of Africa" Model
-suggests that modern human anatomy first appeared in Africa and then spread across the Old World
-African replacement model vs. Assimilation model
African Replacement Model
suggest that when modern humans began migrating around the world, they replaced preexisting human populations
Assimilation Model
suggests that the transition to modern anatomy took place in Africa, and these changes spread to other populations through gene flow
Mitochondrial Eve
-lived ~ 200 kya in E. Africa
-supports Out of Africa
Genetic Evidence for Modern Human Origins
-Mitochondrial Eve: supports Out of Africa
-Africa has more genetic diversity=older population
-genetic diversity decreases as go farther from Africa
-genetic relationships ~ geographic distance (gene flow, sequential founding of populations)
-genetic variation small btwn groups and large w/in groups --> supports Out of Africa
Isolation by distance
predicts that the genetic distance between populations will increase as the geographic distance between them increases
Skin Color & UV Radiation
-evolution of skin color balances need to protect from UV destruction of folate (dark skin) and vit d synthesis (light skin)
-global skin pigment matches predictions based on UV radiation
ability of organisms to respond physiologically or developmentally to environmental stresses
-Acclimation = short-term physiologic responses to stress
-occurs within minutes or hours
-Acclimatization = long-term physiologic responses to a stress
-occurs within days or months
Developmental Acclimatization
-changes in an organ or body structure that occur during the physical growth of an organism
-e.g. larger chest size in high altitudes
Bergmann's Rule
among mammals of similar shape, the larger mammal loses heat less rapidly than the smaller mammal
Allen's Rule
states that mammals in cold climate tend to have short, bulkier limbs, allowing less loss of body heat
Cephalic Index
-measure of cranial shape, defined as the max width of the skull divided by the max length
-colder climates=wider skulls relative to length (higher ceph index)
Nasal Index
-measure of shape of nasal opening, defined as the width of the nasal opening divided by the height
-positive association btwn nasal index and avg. temp/avg. humidity
Cultural Adaptations to Cold Stress
-layered clothing
Cultural Adaptation to Heat stress
-reduce heat production
-reduce heat gain from radiation/conduction
-increase evaporation
-provide protection from solar radiation and hot winds
High-altitude adaptation
-must compensate for lower O2, more UV, less plants/animals
-physiological changes occur: respiration increases then normal, RBC increases, aerobic capacity changes during growth
Horticulture and Sickle Cell Allele
-horticulture allowed malaria mosquitos to survive better
-resulted in heterozygote advantage and mild selection for sickle cell allele
Lactase Persistence and Lactose Intolerance
-recessive allele that causes human to stop producing lactase after ~ age 5
-lactose intolerance is lower in populations that have history of dairy farming
Current biological stresses
-increase in populations --> food shortage and overcrowding
Evolutionary Assets of H. sapiens
-ability to adapt to different environments
-cognitive abilities in learning