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63 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Technique for remembering names, phrases or steps by using the first letter of each word to form a new, memorable word
Focus on a stimulus
Automated Basic Skills
Skills that are applied without conscious thought
The ability to perform thoroughly learned tasks without much mental effort
Bottom-Up Processing
Perceiving based on noticing separate defining features and assembling them into a recognizable pattern.
Central Executive
The part of working memory that is responsible for monitoring and directing attention and other mental resources
Chain Mnemonics
Memory strategies that associate one-element in a series with the next element
Grouping individual bits of data into meaningful larger units
Cognititve Load
The volume of resources necessary to complete a task
Cognitive View of Learning
A general approach that views learning as an active mental process of acquiring, remembering and using knowledge
A category used to group similar events, ideas, objects or people
The part of working memory that is responsible for monitoring and directing attention and other mental resources
Conditional Knowledge
"Knowing when and why" to use declarative and procedural knowledge
The physical or emotional backdrop associated with an event.
The weakening and fading of memories with the passage of time
Declarative Knowledge
Verbal information; facts, "knowing that" something is the case
Defining Attribute
Qualities that connect members of a group to a specific concept
Distributed Practice
Practice in brief periods with rest intervals
Domain-Specific Strategies
Consciously applied skills to reach goals in a particular subject or problem area
Episodic Memory
Long-term memory for information tied to a particular time and place, especially memory of the events in a person's life.
Adding and extending meaning by connecting new information to existing knowlege
Elaborative Rehearsal
Keeping information in working memory by associating it with something else you already know
Extraneous Cognitive Load
The resources required to process stimuli irrelevant to the task
Executive Control Processes
Processes such as selective attention, rehearsal, elaboration and organization that influence encoding, storage, and retrieval of information in memory
An actual memory of a specific object
Explicit Memory
Long-term memories that involve deliberate or conscious recall
Flashbulb Memories
Clear, vivid memories of emotionally important events in your life
German for pattern or whole. Gestalt theorists hold that people organize their perceptions into coherent wholes
General Knowledge
Information that is useful in many different kinds of tasks; information that applies to many situations
Germane Cognitive Load
Deep processing of information related to the task, including the application of prior knowledge to a new task or problem
The process that occurs when remembering certain information is hampered by the presence of other information
Intrinsic Cognitive Load
The resources required by the task itself, regardless of other stimuli
Representations based on the physical attributes-the appearance-of information
Implicit Memory
Knowledge that we are not conscious of recalling, but influences behavior or thought without our awareness
Information Processing
The human mind's activity of taking in, storing and using information
Keyword Method
System of associating new words or concepts with similar-sounding cue words and images
Levels of Processing Theory
Theory that recall of information is based on how deeply it is processed
Loci Method
Technique of associating items with specific places
Long Term Memory
Permannent store of knowledge
Long-Term Working Memory
Holds the strageties for pulling pulling information from long-term memory into working memory
Maintenance Rehearsal
Keeping information in working memory by repeating it to yourself
Massed Practices
Practice for a single extended period
The concepts of procedural memory; rules about what actions to take, given certain conditions
Techniques for remembering; also, for the art of memory
Interpretation of sensory information
Activating a concept in memory or the spread of activation from one concept to another
Ordered and logical network of relations
Procedural Knowledge
Knowledge that is demonstrated when we perform a task, "knowing how"
Procedural memory
Long-term memory for how to do things
A best example or best representative of a category
Phonological Loop
Part of working memory. A memory rehearsal system for verbal and sound information or about 1.5 to 2 seconds
Peg-Type Mnemonics
System of associating items with cue words
Part Learning
Breaking a list of rote learning items into shorter lists
Propositional Network
Set of interconnected concepts and relationships in which long-term knowledge is held
Process of searching for and finding information in long-term memory
Recreating information by using memories, expectations, logic and existing knowledge
Rote Memorization
Remembering information by repetition without necessarily understanding the meaning of the information
Schemas (singular, schema)
Basic structure for organizing information, concepts
Short-term Memory
Component of memory system that holds information for about 20 seconds
Semantic Memory
Memory for meaning
Story Grammar
Typical structure or organization for a category of stories
Serial-Positions Effect
The tendency to remember the beginning and the end but not the middle of a list
Schema or expected plan for the sequences of steps in a common event such as buying groceries or ordering take-out pizza