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52 Cards in this Set

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How many pairs of cranial nerves are there?
What are the three cranial nerves that are special sensory only?
I-Olfartory nerve
II-Optic nerve
VIII-Vestibulocochlear nerve
What are the cranial nerves that are motor only?
III- Oculomotor
VI- Abducent nerve
XI-Spinal Accessory nerve
XII-Hypoglossal nerve
What are the mixed spinal nerves?
V Trigeminal nerve
VII Facial nerve
IX Glossopharyngeal
X Vagus
What special senses does the (VIII) Vestibulocochlear nerve do?
Hearing and balance
Cranial nerves are a part of what part of the autonomic nervous system?
Cell bodies in the brainstem send axons to muscles of pharyngeal arch origin
(muscles of mastication and face expression)
Branchial motor BE
Cell bodies in brainstem send axons through CN and branches to the skeletal muslces (ocular muscles, tongue, SCM, etc)
Somatic motor GSE
Cell bodies in brainstem send axons
(preganglionic fibers) to autonomic (parasympathetic) ganglia to synapse.
Postganglionic fibers continue to innervate smooth muscles and glands
(e.g., lacrimal gland, sphincter pupillae muscle)
GVE Visceral motor
Transmit general sensation (touch, pressure,
temperature) from the skin and mucous membrane .
GSA General sensory fibers
Transmit sensation from the viscera ,
they carry mainly pain and afferent fibers for reflexes.
(e.g., carotid body and carotid sinus, pharynx, larynx, trachea).
Visceral sensory fibers GVA
Convey taste and smell (special visceral
afferent fibers), serve the special senses of vision, hearing and balance
(special somatic afferent fibers)
Special sensory fibers SA
Which nerve carries all five components?
Vagus nerve
What fibers are found in the olfactory nerve CN I?
Exit the skull via?
Cell bodies?
About 20 exit the foramina in the cribiform plate of the ethmoid bone to the olfactory bulb
Cell bodies are in the olfactory epithelium in the roof of the nasal cavity
What fibers are found in the optic nerve CN II?
Exit the skull via?
Cell bodies?
Pass through the optic canal to enter the middle cranial fossa, where the form the optic chiasm
Cell bodies located in the ganglion cells in the retina
What fibers are found in the Vestibulocochlear nerve CN VIII?
Exit the skull via?
Cell bodies?
SA-hearing and balance
Emerges from the junction of the pons and medulla and exits cranium through the internal acoustic meatus
Cell bodies in the vestibular and spiral ganglion
What does the vestibulocochlear nerve seperate into?
Vestibular nerve-balance
Cochlear nerve- hearing
What fibers are found in the Oculomotor nerve CN III?
Exit the skull via?
Cell bodies?
Exits through superior orbital fissure and splits to inferior and superior. (inferior carries GVE)
Cell bodies in midbrain(Parasympathetic synapse in ciliary ganglion)
What does the motor component of CN III innervate?
Four extraocular muscles
What does the GVE(parasympathetic) innervate from cranial nerve III?
sphincter of pupil and ciliary muscles
What fibers are found in the Trochlear nerve CN IV?
Exit the skull via?
Cell bodies?
Cell bodies in midbrain
Pass through superior orbital fissure
Innervate superior oblique muscle
What fibers are found in the abducent nerve CN VI?
Exit the skull via?
Cell bodies?
Superior Orbital Fissure
Cell bodies in Pons
Lateral rectus muscle
What fibers are found in the spinal accessory nerve CN XI?
Exit the skull via?
Cell bodies?
Jugular foramen
Cell bodies in spinal cord C1-C5
External branch innervates SCM and trapezius
Internal branch travels with vagus
What fibers are found in the hypoglossal nerve CN XII?
Exit the skull via?
Cell bodies?
hypoglossal canal
Cell bodies in medulla
supplies intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue
What fibers hitch a ride with CN XII and what do they supply?
GSA from C1-cranial dura matter
GSE from C1-thyrohyoid and geniohyoid muscles
What nerve is found in the submandibular triangle?
Hypoglossal nerve CN XII
What fibers are found in the trigeminal nerve CN V?
Cell bodies?
BE and GSA
Cell bodies in trigeminal ganglia (GSA) and Pons (BE)
BE-muslces of mastication, mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, tensor veli palatini, tensor tympani
GSA-skin of face and forehead, oral and nasal cavity
What fibers are found in the facial nerve CN VII?
Exit the skull via?
Cell bodies?
BE-muscles of facial expression
GVE-lacrimal, submandibular, sublingual
GSA-skin close to external ear
Cell bodies in pons, geniculate ganglion, pterygopalatine ganglion, submandibular ganglion
Exit via internal acoustic meatus
What are the two divisions of the facial nerve?
Large Motor root(BE)
Small Intermediate nerve(SA, GSA, GVE)
What does the facial nerve give rise to?
Greater petrosal
Nerve to stapedius
Chorda tympani nerve
What is the course of the facial nerve?
travels through posterior cranial fossa, internal acoustic meatus, facial canal, stylomastoid foramen
Name the ganglion?
Sensory ganglion of CN VII (GSA)
Geniculate ganglion
Name the ganglion?
associated with the CN V2 (GVE) (postgang fibers to the lacrimal gland)
Pterygopalatine ganglion
Name the ganglion?
associated with CN V3 (GVE-postgang fibers to sublingual and submandibular glands)
submandibular ganglion
BE fibers of facial nerve innervate?
muscles of facial expression, stylohyoid, posterior belly of digastric, stapedius muscle
GSA fibers of facial nerve innervate?
external acoustic meatus, skin posterior to the ear
GVE fibers of facial nerve innervate?
Lacrimal gland (tearing)
Sublingual, submandibular, nasal and palantine glands (saliva production)
SA fibers of facial nerve innervate?
anterior 2/3 of tongue-taste
What fibers are found in the glossopharyngeal nerve CN IX?
Exit the skull via?
Cell bodies?
BE-stylopharyngeus muscle
GVE-parotid gland
SA- posterior 1/3 tongue(taste)
GVA-pharynx, carotid body and sinus, middle ear, palantine tonsil
Exit via Jugular foramen
Cell bodies in medulla(BE), otic ganglion(GVE), superior and inferior ganglia(sensory SA and GVA)
What fibers are found in the Vagus nerve CN X?
Exit the skull via?
Cell bodies?
Exit Jugular foramen
Cell bodies in medulla and superior and inferior ganglia(sensory)
BE fibers of Vagus innervate?
all muscles of larynx and pharynx (except sytlopharyngeus), palate and one tongue muscle
GVE fibers of vagus innervate?
parasympathetic fibers to the
thoracic and abdominal viscera ( to the 2/3 of transverse colon)
SA from Vagus innervate?
taste from root of tongue and epiglottis
GVA from Vagus innervate?
from pharynx, larynx, carotid sinus, carotid body and thoracic and abdominal viscera.
GSA from Vagus innervate?
general sensation from the external ear and dura in posterior cranial fossa
what nerves pass through the jugular foramen?
Only nerve to travel to the thorax and not stop in the head and neck
Vagus nerve
name the ganglion?
parasympathetic from parotid gland, associated with V3
GVE from glossopharyngeal
otic ganglion
What ganglion?
parasympathetic fibers with CN III – innervation:
sphincter pupillae muscle and ciliary muscles.
What ganglion?
parasympathetic fibers with CN VII – innervation:
submandibular and sublingual glands
What ganglion?
parasympathetic fibers with CN VII – innervation:
lacrimal gland.
What ganglion?
parasympathetic fibers with CN IX – innervation:
parotid gland