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35 Cards in this Set

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What is the Function of the CNS

Controls and regulates most mental and physical function

Parts of the CNS

Brain and Spinal cord

What is Neuronal cell death

Cause of CNS dysfunciton

Neoplasms, Degenerative, infections, trauma, genetics

What does Dysfunction result in?

Abnormal perception of the environment

Uncoordinated movement

Loss of force production

Decreases in cognition

CNS Cell types

Neurons, Glial

What are glial cells?

Support Neurons: Macro/Micro glia

What are Macroglia

Astrocytes, Oligodendrocytes, schwan cells

What do Neurons do?

Transmit info via electrical and chemical messengers

Pathology of Neurons

-Toxicity of drug abuse can affect the ability of the DNA to replicate in a normal manner

-Axon serves as entry route of many pathogens and toxins

-Trauma Stretching

-Disturbances in chemical messengers

-AA, Amines, Nueropeptides

Describe Microglia cells

-immune cells of CNS (10%) and are usually dormant

-Activated - act like macrophages and signal inflam markers (cytotoxic, antigen presentation signal lymphocytes)

What happens if Microglia's are activaed

Fever, Increased Sleep, Reduced appetite, Lethargy

What are astrocytes function?

-Responsible for nerver growth factor for development

-Regulate fluid

-Monitor and remove extracellular neuronal debris after brain injury and can seal off damaged brain tissue

-Clear Synapses

Pathology of Astrocytes

-Injury or degenerative process


-can be site of neoplasm

What are Oligodendrocyte

Produce myelin sheath (Oligodendrocyte CNS // Schwann cell PNS)

Target of Demyelinating CNS Disorderss

Clinincal Manifestations

-Sensory disturbances - visual blocks, hallucinations

-Movement disorders - Hypotonicity, dysmetria, dysdiachokinesia (inability to preform rapidly alternating movements), gait.

-Higher brain function

-Altered States of Consciousness

-Memory deficit

-Autonomic nervous system dysfunction

What happens if the Frontal Lobe is affected?

Cognitive processing, control of emo, behavior

What happens if the Right hemisphere is affected

-Hemi Neglect (does not respond to environ on left side)

-Emo Disturbances


-Language deficit

-Apraxia is acquired disorder of skilled purposeful movement

What happens if the Frontal and prefrontal areas are affected

Mental control, Concentration, Vigilance, Performance of meaningful activity

How does Aging affect the CNS

-Cells lost and shrinkage

-Neural Plaques

-More abnormal neural fibers

-Blood supply to brain is 10-15% less

-Decreased # of receptors

-Dec # hair cells

Diagnosing CNS dysfunction

-Clinical manifestations

-CT Scans


-PET or FMRI monitor blood flow to brain


Types of CNS Infections

Meningitis, Encephalitis, Brain Abcess

Risk factors for CNS infections

Insect bite, Contaminated food, contact with bodily fluid, penetrating trauma, weakened immune system.

Diagnosis for CNS Infection

Lumbar puncture

Blood Test


Neuro Exam

Treatment of CNS infections

Antibiotics (bacterial)



Describe Meningitis

Inflammation of the meninges

Caused by: Aseptic, bacterial, fungi, parasites

Signs and Symptoms of Meningitis


Fever> 90%

Verystiff neck > 85%




Describe Encephalitis

Acute inflammatory disease of the brain parenchyma from infection

Leads to inflammatory response and apthologic changes in brain

What can cause Encephalitis

West Nile, Mumps, Rubella, Herpes

Fatal Signs of West Nile

–Abdominal pain




–Mental status changes

–Muscle weakness


Common signs of West Niles

-Balance problems

-Decreased appetite



-Neck stiffness

-Shortness of breath


Describe a Brain abcess

Cuased by infection where a collection of pus and dead tissue in in the parenchyma of the brain. Can spread from ear, teeth and sinuses

PT for CNS infection

Isolation precautions

Good assessment (HR, Sensation, cognition)

Support - positioning, skin care, prom, aarom

What are the different classifications of Neoplasms

Primary: Develop in the brain, spinal cord, or surrounding structures

Secondary: May spread to CNS from another site such as a lung

Signs and Symptoms of Brain tumors

-Anosmia - odor perception

-Aphasia - speech

-Apraxia - purposeful actions

-Ataxia - bodily movements

-Cognitive changes — impairment of memory, judgment, personality

-Cranial nerve palsies

-Facial numbness

• Hemiparesis,hemiplegia

• Seizures

• Sensory impairments (tingling, spatial orientation changes)

• Swallowing difficulties

• Syncope

• Visualchanges (double vision, blurred vision)

PT Implications for Brain tumors

Thorough Eval - balance headache weakness

Goal Setting

Treatment side effect

Be aware of intracranial pressure post surgery