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38 Cards in this Set

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What is the atomic number

the number of protons


differnt forms of the same element

what is atomic mass

the average of all of the differnt masses of a perticular elemeent

who were the six people that we studid when we learned about this history of the atomic model in order
democratis, John dalton, jj thimson,rjtherford,bohr,Chadwick

What is the maximum orbit of:

1st orbit

2nd orbit

3rd orbit

2, 8, 18

Explian why ecah element can be indentfied by a specidic color or bands of color

Every element has its own specific line spectrum


positive ion


negative ion

What did Mendeleev do?

Russian Chemist 1863

Organized delemnts in rows by increasing atomic masses the grouped elemts together with similar characterisics in the same colum

-left empty spaces

Henry Moseley

English phisysit

changed meendelev by atomic number

perodic law

repeating chemical and physical property of elements chnge periodically with the atomic number of elements


-World was made up of invisbale units called atoms

-atoms= undividable


John Dalton

-atom look like a solid round sphere

-wrote 1s atomic theory

-every element was made up of tiny particles called atoms

-atoms of same element are eact same

-atoms can be bonded together to form a molecule

JJ Thomson

*discovered electrons

-discovered atoms have positive and negative charges

-Postive materuals with negative stuff stuck inside

-plum pudding model

Ernest Rutherford

-gold foil experiment

-found nuclues (proton)

-atoms were mostly empty space

Rutherford experiment

Neils Bohr

-electrons orbit around the nucleus in set paths

-planetary model

James Chadwhick

-Discovered Nuetron

-Nuetron doesnt't affect the charge

WHat does metals valance do

lose valance electrons

where are metals located

to the left of the stair step line

Metals are good conductors of..

heat and electricty

what are metals at room temperature


what is the execption



shines or reflects light

Nonmetals tend to valance

gain valance elctrons

where are non metals found

right of the stair step line expect hydrogen

What metilloids nickname

semi conductors

where are the noble gasses found on the periodic table

column 18 - far right

where can you find transition metals

3-12 - middle

what is the atomic number

thhe number of protons

How did Meendelv group elements in his version of the periodic table

In rows according to increasing atomic mass

noble gas

unreactive elemets found to the very right of the periodic table


rows -> atomic number


columns -> valance

where are tranisition metals found on the periodic table

in the middle of the periodic table

what is the only non metal that is liquid at room tempterature


what is an element

a substance made up of only one type of atom

atomic number

number of protons

atomic mass

number of protons+ neutrons