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24 Cards in this Set

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Constitutional Powers of President
-Control of budget
-War Powers
-appointment power
-chief diplomat
-veto power
-executive agreements with other nations
awarding jobs for political support
executive order
directive to an executive agency establishing new policies or how policies should be carried out, such as the creation of the department of homeland security, without immediate approval from congress
going public
when presidents engage in intense public relations to promote their policies to the voters and tehreby induce cooperation from other elected officials
Vetoes and Signals
threatening to veto, so the bill will not even be passed by congress to be vetoed in teh first place
Presidential/Neustadt paradox
expectations of hte president outweigh his actual resources
Judicial Review
the authority of the court to declare legislation unconstitution or invalid
Marbury v. Madison
Established Judicial Review
Common Law
Statutory interpretation
judging a case by interpreting it based upon the written law, regardless if the written law is just or not. No intent to change the written law
Spoils system
system where newly elected officials award governmental jobs to political supporters
Clientele Departments
departements in place to specifically aid the constituents who are directly lobbying for and affected by the cause. Department of Agriculture
Fire Alarms
fixing the problem in bureaucracy after it has happened, solves principle agent problems
police patrols
identifying problems in bureaucracy before they occur (solves principle-agent problems)
positive law
made by legislatiure
captured bureaucracy
a bureaucracy that is controlled only to benefit the clientele of that bureau rather than benefit society as a whole
issue network
loose, informal web of relationships among representatives of various interests who are involved in a particular area of public policy
supreme court process
1) DC makes a decision
2) it is appealed
3) if it makes it past all lower appelate courts, then it is sent to the supreme court to be reviewed for hearing
4) if granted a writ of certiorari (by four judges of hte court), then it is heard by the court
5) voted on,then opinion is written
how congress reduces agency loss among agencies
1) Monitoring
2) Sanctions
3) selection
4) Checks and Balances
insider strategies
interest groups directly lobbying to congress to vote for policy in their favor
Outsider strategies
interest groups appeal directly to constituents to urge them to complain
-congress then must rethink how they will vote, in order not to lose votes in elections
Selective Incentives
solves free-rider problems
-private benefits that induce rational actors to participate in a collective effort to provide a collective good
-AARP and cheap insurance- if they benefit directly from contributing to the group, they have less incentive to freeride
Principals of Bureaucracy
Congress- sets agenda, writes specific legislation, harasses heads of bureaucracy to get things done
president- can work with congress to help control bureaucracy
how congress controls agencies
1) Selection - enacting specific legislation, senate approves nominees
2)Monitoring- police patrols and fire alarms (cheaper)
3)Sanctions - budget cuts, reorganization, elimination
4)Checks and nbalances - giving the same job to different agencies (fbi and cia)