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100 Cards in this Set

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In an inclusion program, how many times do students with special needs need to spend in general education classes?
Any part of the school day
Students with learning disabilities possess average
memory ability
An educational plan is prepared for
each student receiving special education services
Which is the most restrictive educational placement?
Services in a hospital setting
A general education class could contain
Students with disabilities
Gifted and talented students
Culturally and linguistically diverse students
ALL of the above
The general education teacher contributes to the success of students with special needs by participating in
Program planning and IEP development
Placement decisions
ALL of the above
According to the "No Child Left Behind" Act, the education initiative includes all of the following except to
Increase the number of public schools in a given community
Provisions in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 address all of the following except
Requires the use of benchmarks or short-term objectives in the IEP
PL 94-142 requires all of the following except
Free after school care for children between the ages of 5-12
The education plan devised by the inclusion team is called
The Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 applies to
All students, all ages
The written educational plan for each student should be reviewed at least
Inclusion teams are responsible for assuring that each student receives services in the
Least restrictive environment
Non discriminatory assessment does not penalize students for their
Native language or race
Culture or disability
Answers A & B
The most restrictive of all educational placement options is the
Residential program
The IEP team
Reviews assessment data
Identifies and selects appropriate annual goals and objectives
Designates the appropriate placement in the LRE
ALL of the above
Teams serving students with special needs are composed of
General education and special education teachers
School administrators
ALL of the above
Providing additional instruction, reducing the number of items to complete, and grouping students with similar needs for instruction are all examples of
Instructional adaptations
A student should not be referred for special education when
The student's problems are resolved by the classroom teacher
Some teachers refer a high number of students while others refer none for special education. This may occur because
Teachers may not understand how serious a student's problems should be before referral
Teachers may not be aware of special programs
Teacher may be unfamiliar with referral procedures
ALL of the above
To help students who have difficulty focusing on relevant instructional cues, the teacher can
Provide prompts
Which of the following is NOT a suggested method for modifying basic skills instruction for students with learning disabilities?
Allow students to practice independently before beginning to instruction on a new skill
To assist students with learning disabilities to acquire content area information, which of the following adaptations may be useful?
Taped texts
Allowing students to respond through a medium which demonstrates their abilities
Manipulative aids
ANY of the above
In the assessment of learning disabilities, information is gathered about all of the following areas except
Personality and social functioning
Which of the following statements is NOT recommended for adapting instruction for students with ADHD?
Increase the amount of short answer and essay tests
The percentage of the school-aged population that is estimated to have ADD/ADHD is
3 to 5
Students with ADHD are identified by their
After a decision has been made that a student is eligible for special education services
The team begins to gather information about educational needs
The following are among typical behaviors of students with learning disabilities
Attention disorders
ALL of the above
The two main indicators of mild intellectual disabilities are
Slow rate of learning, and most areas of development are delayed
The major approach to the education of mainstreamed with mild intellectual disabilities is
These individuals are not one of the three prime candidates for referral for special education assessment for suspected intellectual disabilities
Students who have a physical disability
When assessing an individual for intellectual disabilities, it is important to collect information about the following areas of current performance, except for
Computer knowledge
Academic instruction can be adapted by all of the following except
Scheduling an IEP meeting
General education teachers can help students develop and improve their general work habits by
Accepting acquisition of work habits as a valuable educational goal
Having students receive instruction and practice in specific work behaviors
Reinforcing good work habits
ALL of the above
For students with severe intellectual disabilities, poor intellectual performance may be accompanied by
Physical impairments, sensory impairments, and emotional disturbance
Most students with learning disabilities are identified during the early elementary grades.
There are more than twice as many boys with learning disabilities as girls.
Students with ADHD are seldom successful in the general classroom because there are so many distractions.
Math is the academic skill in which students with learning disabilities most frequently experience difficulty.
Research suggests that the behavior of students considered hyperactive, distractible, or impulsive can be improved by
systematic instructional/management techniques
Which of the following techniques could be used to improve student social relationships?
Teaching students acceptable responses to verbal or physical attacks
Role playing
Including the withdrawn student in a classroom group assigned to complete a project
ALL of the above
One common cause of inaccuracy is
a rapid response rate
All of the following are examples of psychostimulant medications often used with students with ADHD except
When hyperactivity, distractibility, and impulsivity occur together, which label is used?
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Helping students analyze the skills or steps required to arrive in class on time is a strategy to reduce
These populations are over represented in behavioral disorders
Lower socioeconomic
ALL of the above
Communication disorders are of two types
speech and language
How can general education classroom teachers help students with language disorders who are included?
Help to expand their listening and speaking vocabularies
Modify their classroom activities and assignments
Model appropriate grammar
ALL of the above
Students with speech problems may
Mispronounce words or sounds
Have an unusual voice quality
Speak with disfluency
ALL of the above
A language disorder is characterized by an inability to use the symbols of language through
Proper use of words and their meanings
Appropriate grammatical patterns
Proper use of speech sounds
ALL of the above
The meaningful aspects of language are called
Most articulation problems are detected
within the first few grades of school
A major speech goal for the general classroom is
oral communication practice
Students who require pull-out services should leave the classroom during
their least favorite activity
General education teachers are generally the first professionals to bring students with behavioral disorders to the attention of the inclusion team.
At least 50% of public school programs for students with behavioral disorders are at the secondary level.
Reinforcing students who are good behavior models can help decrease the number of verbal outbursts within a classroom.
Boys are typically referred due to withdrawal behaviors whiles girls are referred for aggressive behaviors.
Students with behavioral disorders require adaptations to assessment more than any other area.
Because students with Autism are less likely to learn from imitating others, they may need to be directed in all but which of the following?
Stereotypic behaviors
This method has been used successfully to teach students with autism to share toys and to make comments during play and teach conversational skills?
Buddy System
Which is not a characteristic of a person with Asperger's syndrome?
Moderate intellectual disability
Students with Autism have difficulty generalizing social skills. TO facilitate generalization of teacher should
give the student opportunities to practice skills with many individuals
Due to an avoidance of peer interactions that student with Autism should be placed
near the center of the class to be near more peers
Some students may develop a dependency on teacher oral prompts. One way to avoid that from happening is to
photographic activity schedules
The characteristics of Autism do not include
delays in motor skills
A child with ASD usually has difficulty initiating social contact. To assist a child with ASD the teacher should
Place him in social situations where he will need to interact with other peers
An example of a stereotypic behavior is
fluttering ones hands in front of her face
Which should not be done with a student experiencing an epileptic seizure?
Place a pencil or a tongue depressor in the child's mouth to prevent swallowing of the tongue
Which disorder sometimes results in seizures?
Reentry plans for students with traumatic brain injuries may include all of the following except
elimination of academic responsibility
Head dropping, tic-like movements, and staring spells are all significant classroom signs of
Panic, guilt feelings, and reconciliation are all stages a child goes through before accepting
The following is/are example(s) of physical/health impairments
ALL of the above
The following is not a sign of diabetes?
tic-like movements
Congenital means
present at birth
"Medically fragile" is
a chronic medical condition that requires ongoing medical management
One of the defining characteristics of ASD is that the student is not motivated by social contexts, but is interested in interacting with others, especially peers.
Photographic activity schedules are used to cue students on that they are supposed to be doing during the school day.
Which of the following is appropriate for students with visual impairments?
Changing instructional procedures only when absolutely necessary
Encouraging the use of a typewriter or computer
Developing critical listening skills
ALL of the above
One of the more common goals in the IEPs of students with hearing impairments might be in
speech reading
Teachers working with students with visual impairments may modify instructional procedures by
Providing print material in large print
Speaking aloud material being written on the board
Allowing adequate time to complete assignments
ALL of the above`
Students with sensory impairments may require adaptations in the classroom arrangement, such as
Seating patterns
Sound transmission
Proximity to activities
ALL of the above
When communicating with a student with a hearing impairment
realize that the student may have limited vocab
Strategies such as magnet schools, honors seminars, and special course offerings are characteristic of which educational option for pupils who are gifted?
special classes
To assist underachievers who are gifted
ALL of the above
What is the educational approach being used when an adolescent who is gifted is allowed to enter college at age 16?
Students who are gifted and talented frequently have seemingly boundless energy, which sometimes leads to a misdiagnosis of hyperactivity. This is an example of a
behavioral characteristic
Students who are gifted and talented often show a ready grasp of underlying principles and can often make valid generalizations about events, people, and objects. This is an example of a
learning characteristic
The goal of this approach is to expand the amount of time students spend on more challenging material.
curriculum compacting
Fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration are the four factors of
divergent thinking
Approximately ___________% of students are eligible for services.
Students who are "legally blind" may not be considered educationally blind if they can use their vision for learning.
Students with visual and hearing losses develop extraordinary perceptions with unimpaired senses.
A student who is gifted rarely shows a discrepancy between ability and achievement.
Culturally diverse backgrounds seem to enhance the probability that a student will be identified as gifted.
A common argument against services for gifted/talented students is that they can make it on their own.
Both negative and positive behaviors are associated with students who are gifted/talented.
A single IEP format (goals/objectives) can be used for all students who are gifted.