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117 Cards in this Set

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unavoidable. If no conflict, someone isn't being honest.

interpersonal dissimilarity

partners are different. No two people are identical. the more different you are, the more conflict.

intrapersonal dissimilarity (dialectic)

one person is different in self, sometimes we have different wants and needs.

autonomy vs. Connection

wanting space vs. want to love someone. We often want to be free to do what we want but also seek warm, close connections to others that can make them dependent on particular partners.we need both.

stability vs change

life predictable and count on partner vs. too much of the same is boring, need novelty.

openness vs closeness

self-disclosure vs privacy. Intimacy involves self-disclosure and intimate partners are expected to share their thoughts and feelings with one another. However, people also like their privacy and there are some things that prudent partners want to keep to themselves.

integration vs separation

share everything with everyone vs everyone doesn't need to know everything. Ones motives to stay involved with other people is sometimes at odds with the wish to devote oneself to a romantic partnership. Would you rather go out with friends or stay at home and snuggle with your sweetheart?

frequency of conflict

personality traits. attachment. stage of life. similarity

personality traits and frequency of conflict

high in neuroticism = unhappy disagreements with others than people with low. more conflict

high in agreeableness = good natured, cooperative and generally easy to get along with. fewer conflict. and when conflict react more constructively

attachment and frequency of conflict

Pepe anxious about abandonment tend to fret that their partners may leave them and perhaps because they nervously expect the worst, they think that there is more conflict in their relationships than more secure partners do.

Preoccupied, fearful = more conflict

they avoid intimacy

stage of life and frequency of conflict

Conflict highest in middle age then it declines. Kids move out, know each other more, older people mellow out. As we get older we get rid of the people who create conflict


the less similar dating partners are, the more conflict they experience

alcohol and frequency of conflict

intoxication increase conflict

instigating event

criticism, illegitimate demands, rebuffs, cumulative annoyances


attacking someones character instead of their action

illegitimate demands

expecting someone to go above and beyond normal expectations


one person appeals to another for a desired reaction, and the other person fails to respond as expected. Ignoring partner and not giving attention. EX: excited about something and they are silent

cumulative annoyances

an annoyance that builds up over time.

social allergies

Through repeated exposure to small recurring nuisances, people may develop hypersensitive reactions of disgust and exasperation that seems out of proportion to any particular provocation.


explanation of behaviors, influence behaviors

actor observer effect

we attribute our behavior positively and attribute others negatively for the same or similar reason

self-serving bias

judge our own actions more favorably than others do.

attributional conflict

fighting over whose explanation is right and whose account is wrong


goal- address the issue

partners decide whether to engage in conflict or to avoid the issue and let it drop


sweep it under the rug, causes resentment, eventually comes out.


make conflict bigger, makes it worse, forget what the main issue was, damaging in relationship. Involves the dysfunctional forms of communication. other issues might get dragged in. Angry fighting may ensure


still address topic but negatively.

critical accusations - "you lazy pig"

Hostile comand- "shut up"

Antagonistic question- " why are you stupid"

sarcastic put-downs - "you look really cool"


condescension -"Thats not how i would do it"

dysphoric affect- "looks sad or grumpy, whining

prematurely change topic - "randomly " how are the mets?"

fail to recognize issue - "whatever"

attachment in escalation

preoccupied and fearful increase escalation

negative affect reciprocity

partners trade escaping provocations back and forth

demand/withdraw pattern

one person (demander) wants to talk about something but the other withdraws (withdrawer) and doesn't want to talk about it. No trust.

gender patterns

woman more likely to pursue (demand), men more likely to withdraw (withdrawer)

social structure hypothesis

the demand/withdraw pattern results from pervasive differences in the power of men and women in society and marriage alike. Men have more power in relationships than women do and if you're getting your way, you're likely to resist change


when we look the the issue itself and deal rationally. Work together towards a solution.

good direct tactics in negotiation

show willingness to deal with problem by accepting responsibility

exhibit support for the other's point of view through paraphrasing

offering self-dislocure with "i-statements"

provide approval and affection

good indirect tactics in negotiation

friendly, non sarcastic humor that lightens the mood


behaving in can active, constructive manner by trying to improve the situation by discussing matters with the partner, changing one's behavior in an effort to solve the problem, or obtaining advice from a friend or therapist


behaving in a passive but constructive manner by optimistically waiting and hoping for conditions to improve


behaving in an actively destructive manner by leaving the partner threatening to end the relationship or engaging in abusive acts such as yelling or hitting


behaving in a passive but destructive manner by avoiding discussion of critical issues and reducing interdependence with partner. when one is neglectful, one stands aside and just lets things get worse.

four types of conflict

volatile, validators, avoiders, hostiles


high conflict, high make up.

frequent and passionate arguments. Plunge into fiery efforts to persuade and influence each other. Often display high levels of negative affect but they temper their anger with plenty of wit and evident fondness for each ther


Adress conflict directly. Tend to be calmer than volatile couples are and behave more like collaborators than like antagonists as they work through their problems. Discussions may become heated but frequently validate each other by expressing empathy for and understanding of the other point of view


rarely argue and don't solve anything. Avoid confrontation. Rather than discuss conflict with partners, avoiders often just try to fix it on their own or wait it out, hoping that the passage of time will solve problem


High points still negative. Discussions sprinkled with too much criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and withdrawal. Meaner to each other than other couples

process of conflict

instigating event - attributions - engagement - negotiation - outcomes


separation, domination, compromise, integrative agreements, structural improvement


both partners withdraw without resolving the conflict. Disengage from partner, hurtful to relationship if don't come back. If separate to calm down and then come back it is HELPFUL to relationship


1 person over powers the other. 1 person gets their way. Not good for relationship. causes resentment and anger


both people kinda get what they want. No one exactly gets their way. Reduce own aspirations so that mutually acceptable alternative can be found

integrative agreements

BEST possible outcome. satisfy both partners' original goals and aspirations. Takes a lot of time and stress.

structural improvement

Nature of relationship changes. change of process of disagreements

conflict in a nutshell

can be a tool to improve relationship

How conflict is effective?

Be a "buffalo". Fastest way through a storm is too face it. Draw closer together.

start off constructive

start off with something positive. inviting them to listen

control what you can

you can control yourself!!!! your attributions, negativity (be respectful), anger/emotions, take responsibility- take ownership for your part, try to understand partners perspective, repair techniques

the best thing?

have a strong relationship before conflict

Rates of dissolution

commitment/type of relationship matter, dating least commitment, highest dissolution. Divorce more common than previous generations

the process of breaking up

gradual dissatisfaction, vacillation (go back and forth)

direct vs indirect breakups

know being broken up with vs don't know aren't sure

oriented vs self oriented

Oriented- other persons feelings protected

Self-oriented - protecting own feelings

Its not you its me vs I don't wan tot be tied down

gradual vs sudden onset

gradually dissatisfied vs critical event that changed a partners feelings about relationship

individual vs shared desire

one person wants relationship to end vs both want it to end

rapid vs protracted

end the relationship fast vs several efforts to end relationship before they succeeded

presence or absence of rap air attempts

most of the time, no formal effort to repair the relationship was made

perserving indirectness

gradual dissatisfaction that led one of the two partners to make repeated efforts to dissolve the relationship without ever announcing that intention and without engaging in any attempts to improve or repair the relationship

emotional adjustment

No more "weness". the more "weness" = harder adjustment. Higher self-expansion = greater adjustment


more dependent we are the harder emotional adjustment

easier over time

feelings of love decrease, sadness decrease, anger decreases, relief increases. Experience more relief than any other emotion at end of 1 month. Easier than we think

individual differences

Secure- quicker to except and move on, still feel sadness

preoccupied: harder to move on, hang on to it

rumination vs reflection

rumination- always thinking about it, prevents from moving on, feels worse

reflection - think about pain, relive the stress, and make meaning of situation and more forward, makes us feel better

why has divorce increased?

More demanding expectations for marriage than people used to have. Cohabitation is widespread. Gender roles changing. more women in workforce. Perceptions of divorce less negative. More parents divorce, children grow up in broken homes

Levinger's barrier model

three factors influence breakup. Attraction, alternatives, barriers. Highlights the fact that unhappy couples stay together because it would costs to much


enhanced by rewards a relationship offers and it is diminished by its cots.


other partners, want to be single, want to achieve career goal


barriers around relationship that make it hard to leave. Include legal and social pressures to remain married, religious and moral constraints and the financial costs of obtain gin a divorce and maintaining two households

Karney and bradbury's Vulnerability stress adaption model

three influences that contribute to divorce. enduring vulnerabilities, adaptive processes, stressful events

enduring vulnerabilities

Adverse experiences in one's family of origin, poor education, maladaptive personality traits, bad social skills or dysfunctional attitudes towards marriage.

adaptive processes

how people respond to stress.

stressful events

Require the partners to provide support to one another and to adjust to new circumstances. When stressful events occur a couple must cope and adapt, but depending on their vulnerabilities, some people are better able to do so than others. Failure to cope well can make stresses worse and poor coping causes marital quality to decline

stress spillover

we bring surly moods home and interact irascibly with out innocent partners

correlates of divorce

cultural - religon, family history

social - neighborhoods, networks

relational- unique to relationship

individual - for 1 person

work demands increasing divorce rate

woman in workforce, make own money, not economic dependent.

Boss expect more, technology , blur between work and family

No-fault divorce laws

someone had to do something wrong, now you don't

social correlates

poverty more likely to divorce - more stress, marry at young age

family history of divorce - more likely to think its OK

smaller social networks/mobility

relational correlates

number of marriages - increase divorce rate

children prior to marriage - increase divorce rate and against the norm, more complicated, married because pregnant

cohabitation - more likely to divorce

faith - no faith = higher divorce

individual correlates

satisfaction, attachment, attitudes/commitment, education - more education = more stable, personality traits- neuroticism= higher divorce, age at marriage - 22 or younger

Process of divorce

personal phase - you think about it

dyadic phase - let partner know

social phase - tell people whats going on

grave-dressing phase - mourning of loss relationship, revise memory's to make sense of whats going on

resurrection - no longer part of couple

effects of divorce

long, difficult process. over time feel better. social networks get cut in half, lose social support, finances - house income drops, child support, relationships with ex important for children, children influenced

over time, feel better

But not as god as prior to marital difficulties, not as good as people widowed or sill married, most report 6 years later divorce was a positive event


most divorced individuals remarry

men more likely to remarry

most remarry within 4 years

boosts well being and satisfaction

children of divorce

children of divorce exhibit reduced well-being but they can prosper if their parents stay involved with them and are civil to each other. Children fare better if surly, hostile parents do divorce than if they do not.

parental loss

children are presumed to benefit from having two parents who are devoted to their care and children who lose parent for any reason, including divorce, are likely to less well off

parental stress model

Children's outcomes depend on how well a custodial parent adjusts to a divorce and consistent with this perspective, children of divorce usually start doing more poorly in school when their parents grow dissatisfied long before they actually break- up.

parental conflict

bad interactions between parents appear to be hard on children and whether or not divorce occurs, conflict in the home is associated with more anxiety

relationship maintenance mechanisms

strategic actions people stake to sustain their partnerships. commitment and contentment


people in committed relationships who wan rand expect it to continue, think and behave differently than less committed partners do. They sustain relationship and act in ways that avoid or defuse conflict and enrich the relationship

cognitive interdependence

Perceive greater overlap between their partners' lives and their own and they use more plural pronouns with we, us, and ours replacing I, Me and mine

Positive illusions

idealizing each other and perceiving their relationship in the best possible light

perceived superiority

think your relationship is better than most

inattention to alternatives

uninterested and unaware of how well they could be doing in alternative relationships

behavioral maintenance mechanisms

changes in things people do. willingness to sacrifice, Michelangelo phenomenon. accommodation, self-control, play, positivity, assurances, forgiveness, sharing tasks and consistency

willingness to sacrifice

Trivial costs such as seeing a movie that doesn't interest you because your partner wants to go, but it can also involve substantial costs in which people endure rather long periods of deprivation in order to preserve or enrich their partnerships

Michelangelo phenomenon

see each other best self, encourage them to do the right thing. Help partner become who they want to be.


willingness to control the impulse to respond in kind to a partner's provocation and to instead respond constructively


ability to manage one's impulses, control one's thoughts, persevere in pursuit of desired goals, and curb unwanted behavior


couples are usually content when they find ways to engage in novel, challenging and exciting activities


forgiveness quickens the healing of both the relationship and the partner who was wronged. don't carry around wrong doing forever

staying content

positivity, openness, assurances, social network, share tasks, support and good humor

Preventative maintenance

working to make current relationship strong, looking ahead to trouble shoot issues, premarital counseling, make a contract

self help books

pros: cheap, written down, self-paced, anonymous

cons: wide audience, no-accountability, where did it come from

behavioral couple therapy

Working to change behaviors. Encourage them to be more pleasant and rewarding partners. Focuses on couple's present interactions and seeks to replace any negative and punishing behavior with more generous actions. Teaches good communications skills. If the behavior goes away the problems go away

Cognitive-behavioral couple therapy (CBT)

Change various aspects of the ways partners think about and appraise their partnership. Work on changing behaviors and thoughts

Integrative behavioral couple therapy

Behavioral and emotional work. Encourage more desirable behavior and to teach the partners to tolerantly accept the incompatibilities that they cannot change. Accept own and partners imperfections

Emotionally focused therapy

seek to make partners more secure. emotion focus therapy based on attachment

Insight oriented couple therapy

seeks to free spouses from emotional baggage they carry from prior relationships.


Pros: someone tailors it for you , confidential, someone hold you accountablecons: expensive