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21 Cards in this Set

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Love is a compensatory mechanism that is a byproduct of our need for sex that is blocked


Love is an innate response due to stimulation of exogenous zones

Social psychologists

Treated love as an attitude that compels us to think,feel and act in certain ways

Love prototype

List as many features of love in 3 minutes

Listed 10 items most central to love and not

1st item was trust




Evolutionary love

Humans were born with biparental units of caring for children

To reduce chance of chuckoldry (cheating) pair bonding provides insurance for fathers that their gender will propagate

Lust - sexual attraction

Androgens: testosterone, estrogen - sex drive Libido

Romantic love

Dopamine: pleasure reward system

Serotonin: modulated anger, aggression, body temp, mood sleep

Norepinephrine: fight or flight system, modulated alertness, arousal


Oxytocin: letdown reflex. Uterine contractions released during orgasm, involved in social bonding. Released during hugging and touching

Vadopressin: aggression, blood pressure. Released during sex. Supports pair bonding. Induces male to male aggression

Fisher et Al

Found lust and sexual attraction associated with increases in androgens and estrogen

Attraction and romantic love associated with increases in Norepinephrine and dopamine = increase in serotonin and indoleamibe

Attachment associated with oxytocin and Vadopressin


Compared testosterone levels with people who feel in love and who have been in love

Who just fell in love: increase for men and decreased for woman

Who were in relationship: decreased in men and increased in wokanv

Misatribution of arousal

Emotion = result of changes in physiological arousal that are misidentified by the perceiver

Love can be exacerbated by these cues: Parental disapproval, stress, keeping it hush-hush

Preoccupation with the other

Thinking about the other person is also important

It may be that thinking about the other person causes us to feel love

Teaser and paulhus

Tested 202 college students on their subjective feelings of love

Those who felt love at time 1 were more likely to feel love at time 2

Dating more frequently related to reeling more love

Realistic constraints: idealizations decrease when we discover things we dislike about the other

Triangular theory of love

Intimacy: increases steadily, decreases at end of relationship

Passion: increases rapidly and levels off

Decision/ commitment: depends on the other 2: develops slowly and plateaus

If you have all 3. You have consumate love: rare and difficult to achieve.


Compared love to colors

Can combine different colors to produce new ones

Combine different love styles to create other types of love

Primary loves: lodus, Eros, storage

Secondary: agape, mania, pragma

Companionate vs compassionate

Passionate: romantic and infatuation

Intense longing and infatuation for other person. If this love is not reciprocated, you feel empty, angry and dispair.

Companionate: lacks the passion. Attraction for someone with whom our lives are connected more comfort

Age effects

4-14 year olds can experience love as intensely as 18 year olds with a decrease for 12 year old boys

Young : more likely to display behaviours indicative of passion and romanticism

Experience of love and emotions decrease over time

Transactive memory

Memory that a couple shares


Predicts love decreases steadily over the years

Tucker and aron

Found that love as measured at important at transition points, marriage, childbirth, empty nest did not decrease

Keeping love alive

Sprecher tested hetero couples over 4 years

Subjects reported their satisfaction,commitment and love several intervals

Steadily increase in love over 4 years for males and females