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32 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 reasons we need to communicate$!@

1. Physical needs

2. Identity Needs

3. Social Needs

4. Practical Needs

What does it mean when communication is transactional?

Communication isn't something we do to others, its n activity we do with them.

What are the 4 principles of interpersonal communications?

1. Communication is transactional

2. Content and relationship levels of meaning.

3. Communication is irreversible

4. Communication is unrepeatable

How do we define interpersonal communication?

Interpersonal communication is an exchange of information between two or more people

What is the definition of culture?

The language, values, beliefs, traditions, and customs people share and learn.

what is the definition of social Identity?

The part of the self-concept that is based on membership in groups.

What is the definition of co-cultures? Examples of co-cultures?

A group within an encompassing culture with a perceived identity

examples of co-cultures

church group

bike club

alumni from a certain school

special olympics participants

What is intercultural communication?

members of two or more cultures or co-cultures exchange messages.

what is the "interculturalness" continuum? examples?

encounters fit along a spectrum of interculteralness. it is the degree of cultural significance

a traveler visiting a new country for the first time

a student from los angeles goes to school in the mid west

know the difference between interpersonal and intercultural communication. which types of exchanges have one element? both? none?

Interpersonal Communication doesn't have to have cultural elements. Interpersonal is able to have only one intercultural has both.

Differences between high context and low context cultures.

Low context- as directly as possible. language directs thoughts feelings and ideas.

High Context- Relies on subtle often non verbal cues to maintain social harmony.

Difference between individualistic and collectivistic cultures?

Ind: primary responsibility is to help oneself.

Coll: loyalties and obligations to the in group, extended family, community, or work organization.

Differences between low power distance and high power distance cultures.

Low: equal distribution of power

High: unequal distribution of power

what is the self concept?

stable set of perceptions you hold of yourself. it reflects your physical features and emotional states.

what is the self esteem:

self esteem is part of the self concept that involves evaluation of self worth

what are the two ways that the self concept develops?

Reflected appraisal: judgements you've received from people.

Social comparison: evaluating ourselves in terms of how we compare ourselves to others.

Know what the self fulfilling prophecy is

occurs when a persons expectations of an event and your behavior based on those expectations, make the outcome more likely to occur than would otherwise have been true.

what is the premise of social penetration theory.

describes relationship in terms of their breadth and depth.

Johari window

top left: known to self and others

bottom left: known to self, not others

top right: known to others, not self

bottom right: not known to self or others

What is the definition of perception? the Process?

1. selection

2. organization



what are the four organizational structures to make sense of what we have selected to notice?

prototype, personal constructs, stereotypes, scripts

what is the fundamental attribution error?

tendency to judge others unfairly because we don't take into account the situational factors that may have caused them to make unethical decisions.

What is a self serving bias

occurs when we take excessive personal credit for our successes and assume someone or something else is responsible for our poor performance. Ex- blaming someone else for losing on a videogame

What is perception checking? what is the process?

a process to check and share your perceptions to avoid miscommunication and conflict.

1. a description of the behavior you noticed

2. two possible interpretations of the behavior

3. a request for clarification about how to interpret the behavior.

what are 4 principles of language?

1. language is symbolic

2. language is rule governed

3. language is subjective

4. language and wold view.

what are the three A's of symbols?




Whats the difference between convergence and divergence.

Convergence adapts to surrounding language

Divergence emphasizes their differences

what is hypothetical thought?

exploration of possibilities and outcomes without the event occurring.

when symbols allow self reflection, what are the two parts of the self.

I-the spontaneous,creative self; acts impulsively in response to inner needs and desires regardless of social norms.

Me-the socially consious part of the of the self, that monitors and moderates the I's impulse.

what is the definition of nonverbal communication?

messages expressed by non linguistic means

what are the characteristics of nonverbal communication?

all behavior has communicative value.

nonverbal communication is primarily relational

its ambiguous

influenced by culture and gender

what are the types of nonverbal communication examples?

body movement



