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75 Cards in this Set

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Why do we communicate? (4 reasons)
physical, relational, identity, and spirtual needs
orginator of thought or emotion
put idea into language or gesture
idea/thought being communicated
means by which a message travels
everday disturbance
verbal and nonverbal responses
physical or psychological environment you're in
channel rich
uses multiple channels
channel lean
uses least amount of channels
content dimension
literal information communicated by a message
relation dimension
signals about nature of relationship
communication about communication
explicit rules
rules that are clearly defined
implicit rules
rules that are implied
interpersonal communication
communication that occurs between 2 people within the context of their relationship and tha tas it evolves helps negoitate relaionships
self awareness
how does it affect others?
adapt to situations
ability to think and feels as others
cognitive conplexity
ability to understand a situaion in multiple ways
code of morality of set of ideas about right and wrong
groups of people who share symbols, language, values and norms
people with whom we identify with
people whom we do not identifl with
represents adn idea (generally held to high standards)
rules of expectations that guide behavior
reflets groups of people in your society with whom you identify
indivualistic culture
believes peoples primary responsibility is to themselves
collectivistic culture
peoples primary responsibility is to their families, compaies, and community
verbal commnication should be indrect, uses nonverbal cues
verbal communication should be direct and straightforward
high power distance
concentration of power in certain groups (Mexico, Singapore)
low power distance
believes in basic equality of all people, doesn't allow one group to acquire too much power (US, Canada)
values traditionally masculine characteristics such as ambition and achievement
values sensitivity adn nurturance
time is linear, values promptness
nonlinear, expectations for promptness vary according to relationships
uncertanity avoiding
aavoid unstructured, unclear or unpredictable
uncertanity accepting
open to novel situaions, accepting of beliefs/ideas different from ones own
phrase is purely figureative
movements that express an idea
gender is function of (3 answers)
gender roles, biological sex, sexual orientation
gender roles
culturally constructed norms for how men and women and expected to act
combination of masculine and feminity
masculine traits
strenghth, dominance, competition, logical thinking
expressiveness, nurturing behavior
biological sex is affected by (3 answers)
psychological differences, genetic differences, anatomical differences
sexual orientation
describes the sex or sexes to whom we are attracted
expressive talk
communication is seen as a primary way to establish closeness
instrumental talk
communication is seen as a mean to solve problem and accomplish tasks
more powerful speech
talking more, interrupting more frequently (men)
less powerful speech
asking more questions, using hedges "sort of" "might be"
masculine linguistic style
shorter sentences, more fragments, more "I" and "me", more references to quantity
female linguistic style
longer sentences, more qualifiers "we", "they"
among adults other sex touch is more common, in same sex touch women touch more than men
emotional communication
women express more positive, men more negative
self concept
understanding of who you are
what affects our self concept (4)
personality/biology, culture/gender roles, reflected appraisal, social comparison
reflected appraisal
process whereby peoples self concept is influenced by their beliefs concerning what other people think
self monitoring
your awareness of how you look, act, and sound
high monitors
more aware of other and adapt to their behavior
low self monitors
less aware of others, more relaxed and adaptive
self fulfilling prophecy
occurs when a prediction causes you to act in ways where the prediction comes true (the prediction must lead to a change in behavior)
self esteem
subjective evaluation of your value and worth as a person
How do minorities maintain self esteem? (3)
value what they excel in, attribute problem to predjuice, copare themselves to other in their social group
3 fundemental needs with respect to self esteem
need for control, need for inclusion, need for affection
image managment
process by which our behavior reflects a specific image we want to project
face needs
components of ones desired publim image
fellowship face
needd to have others like/accept us
autonomy face
avoid be imposed upon by others
competence face
be respected and viewed as intelligent
face threats
any behavior that threatens face threats
self disclosure
act of intentioanlly giving other info about ourselves that we believe to be true but we think they don't already have
self disclosure benefits (3)
enhancement of relationships and trust, reciprocity, emotional release- assistance to others
self disclosure risks (5)
rejection, chance of obligating others, hurt to others, violation of others privace, risks of disclosing online