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53 Cards in this Set

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Only IGO with global scope and nearly universal membership
1. the creation of international law, norms and principles
2. has created other IGOs
3. Sponsored conferences
4.acts as a catalyst for global policy networks
Functions of UN
core of the global security system and primary legitimizer of actions
UN Security Council
1. Unprecedented Millennium Summit and Declaration
2. Awarding of the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize to the UN secretary-general Kofi Annan
Two things that symbolized the UN’s continuing role as the centerpiece of global government
US, GB, France, Russia, and China
all permanent members of the security counsel
-Atlantic charter of 1941 by Roosevelt and Churchill calls for collaboration on economic issues and a permanent system of security
-26 nation agree w. the principles and agree to create a new system to replace the league of nations
-Would be based on sovereign equality of all members.
-All “peace loving” eligible for membership
Foundation of UN
all permanent members of the security counsel
Decisions of security must be agreed upon by
1. General Assembly
2. Security Coucil
4. Trusteeship Council
5. International Court of Justice
6. Secretariat
Major Organs of UN
5 by Africa or Asia
2 Latin America
2 Western Europe
1 Eastern Europe
Nonpermanent members of SC- region distribution
5 perm
10 non perm
Seating distribution of SC
# of perm, non perm
in the even that the SC cannot maintain int'l peace, a matter can be take up by the GA
Uniting for Peace
Factors for Successful Collective Security
executive head of the UN
in charge of mediation of disputes, negotiations between and among warring parties and the deployment of UN sponsored forces
Secretary General
makes it possible for the Secretary General to bring the attention of SC any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of int'l peace and security
Article 99
all states shall refrain from the threat or use of force in their international relations
Article 2(4)
Security Council is the organ primarily responsible for maintaining int'l peace and security
Chapter V
UN enters into a contract with the US or other major power to enforce policy in countering either aggression of threats to the peace
sheriff's posse approach
preference for regional arrangement of regional conflict
Chapter VIII
letting organizations closest to the eye of the storm undertake action before the UN has to get involved
encourages states to use regional organizations before directing their conflicts to the SC
recommends that the council make regional arrangements
Article 52
define relations between UN and regional orgs
prohibits the latter from taking measures regarding peace and security without the former's approval
Article 53 and 54
provide transparency and legitimacy to global governane
role of NGOs
double standards
membership included political regimes that were major perpetrators of human rights
"no action motion"
lack of meeting time
problems with Commission on Human Rights (CHR)
1. observing peace- monitoring and reporting
2. keeping peace- providing buffers between belligerents and zones of disengagement
1948-1988 peacekeepers' 2 functions
1. consent of parties
2. continuing support of the SC
3. a clear and practicable mandate
4. nonuse of force except in the last resort and in self defense
5. willingness of troop contributors to furnish military forces
6 willingness of member states to make available requisite financing
Characteristics of peacekeeping during cold war
1. helps insulate UN decision making process against great power dissent
2. reduces likelihood peacekeepers will encounter resistance when doing duties
why is consent the keystone of traditional peacekeeping?
1. budgets
2. troop #s
3. mandates renewed
why is SC support necessary for peacekeeping operations?
1. 1st generation negative- individual and political rights (thought, speech, religion, privacy, assembly)
2. 2nd gen positive- socioeconomic (redistribution of material benefits of economic growth, obligate pub authority to ensure minimal food, shelter, health care
3. 3rd gen solidarity- collections of persons (peace, development, healthy environment)
3 clusters of human rights
1. passes resolutions to condemn or otherwise draw attention to violations of human rights
2. creates and funds agencies or meeting to deal with human rights
2 way GA indirectly protects human right
state's responsibilities and accountability to domestic and int'l constituencies for its human rights performance
responsibility to protect
combination of the need to simultaneously foster economic development and ensure the availability of resources for future generations
sustainable devlepment
women in development
transnational healthcare
Main clusters of MDGs
international credits
drawing from previous deposits with imf or loans from foreign banks
short term way to cover balance of payments
devalue national currency
make exports cheaper and more int'lly competitive
long term solution for balance of payments
reduce tariff barriers on imports
increase interest rates to cool economy and reduce inflation
impose austerity programs- cut back gov services and remove state sudsidies
conditionality on imf loans
regulate currency exchange rates
ensure int'l stability by making loans at times of crisis in member countries' balances of payments
purpose of imf
promote int'l monetary coop
facilitate expansion and balanced growth
promote exchange stability
assist in establishment of multilateral system of payments
give confidence to member govs by making general resources of FUND temp available to them under safeguards
shorten duration of disequilibrium in int'l balance of payments
objectives of imf
draw on 25% of their quote (tranche) whenever they need it
if insufficient, draw up 3x original quota (upper tranche) under certain conditions
country needs loans from imf
what happens?
letter of intent
imf monitoring
put certain policies into effect
imf conditionalities
free floats
managed/dirty floats
pegged to $
3 types of exchange rates
raise taxes
raise tariffs
devalue currency
reduce gov expenditure
Conditions for imf rescheduling
principal debtor countries get 29 billion in loans
20b coming from commercail banks
must make structural changes
Baker Plan
encourage banks to engage in voluntary debt reduction
implement market oriented structural adjustments but in exchange for a reduction of commercial bank debt and new loans from com banks and multilateral lending agencies
35% debt forgiveness
'brady bonds'
int'l banks/us treasury push govs to rapidly open all parts of finacial markets to foreign entry
remove all restraints on the free int'l movement of capital and all kids of financial instruments and transactions
capital account liberalization
purpose of imf
structural adjustment
world bank purpose
trade liberalization
wto purpose
set of policy reforms imposed when debtor countries are called on to set their houses in order and submit to conditionality
washington consensus
fiscal discipline
reducing public expenditures
tax reform
interest rates- market determined
competitive exchange rates
trade liberalization
encouraging foreign direct investment
competitive economy
securing property rights
policy instruments of washington consensus
prudent macro policies, outward orientation, free market capitalism
washington consensus promtes
minimum state spending
increase competitiveness
secure property rights
export oriented economies produce hard currency
all maximize the loan capacity of developing countries and ensure the ability of an economy to repay principal and interest
Banker's perspective
not good for unemployed
cut off from public services
pay exorbitant for water, electricity, etc
why 'sound' good economic principles not good
not adopted with sufficient rigor
parts of consensus to blame- open economies too quickly/prematurely
blame imf and political masters for inconsistency
washington consensus criticisms