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82 Cards in this Set

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In which of the following countries do people like to be greeted by their title?

Arab countries
Messages are implicit and often highly coded in:

Low-context societies
Moderate-context societies
High-context societies
Variable-context societies
High Context Societies
In the context of negotiation, Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner have noted that U.S. negotiators:

Tend to open negotiations with an extreme initial position
Tend to use an emotional appeal in their negotiation style
Typically have authority to bind their party to an agreement
Treat deadlines as only general guidelines for wrapping up negotiations
Typically have authority to bind their party to an agreement
In high-context societies, the _____ style of communication is common.

Which of the following places would be the best neutral site for a Chilean firm carrying on negotiations with a German firm?

New York City
New York City
Researchers have found that the contextual style is often associated with:

Low-power distance, collective, high-context cultures
Low-power distance, individualistic, high-context cultures
High-power distance, individualistic, low-context cultures
High-power distance, collective, high-context cultures
High-power distance, collective, high-context cultures
Which style of communication focuses on the speaker and relationship of the parties?

Distributive negotiation:

Occurs when two parties with opposing goals compete over a set value
Focuses on the group and is based on long-term interaction
Is sometimes called a win-win scenario
Involves cooperation between the two groups to integrate interests, create value and invest in the agreement
Occurs when two parties with opposing goals compete over a set value
Which of the following steps in the negotiation process is considered by many to be the most important?

Interpersonal relationship building
Exchanging task-related information
In which step of the negotiation process does each group set forth its position on critical issues?

Exchanging task-related information
Interpersonal relationship building
Exchanging task-related information
The primary purpose of subordinate-initiated _____ communication is to provide feedback, ask questions or obtain assistance from higher-level management.

Communication is the process of:

Transferring meanings from sender to receiver
Choosing a course of action among alternatives
Giving teams the resources they need to develop ideas and effectively implement them
Using reports and other written forms to control business operations
Transferring meanings from sender to receiver
Communicating through the use of bodily contact is known as:

In communicating on a face-to-face basis, _____ distance is used to handle most business transactions.

A monochronic time schedule is one in which:

Things are done in a linear fashion
People tend to do several things at the same time irrespective of the amount of work involved
People tend to place higher value on personal involvement than on getting things done on time
Things are done in a planar manner
Things are done in a linear fashion
Many multinational corporations use _____ as the common language for international communication.

The first step in the negotiation process is:

Interpersonal relationship building
Exchanging task-related information

Is the use of sound to communicate messages
Is the use of symbols to communicate messages
Is the use of gestures to communicate messages
Is the use of color to communicate messages
Is the use of color to communicate messages
The process of determining an organization's basic mission and long-term objectives and then implementing a plan of action for attaining these goals is:

Strategic management
Tactical management
Contingency management
Functional management
Strategic Management
National responsiveness is the need to understand different consumer tastes in segmented regional markets and respond to different national standards and regulations imposed by autonomous agencies.

When the need for national responsiveness is low and the need for global integration is high, a global strategy is appropriate.

Which foreign marketing strategy is characterized by niche companies that adapt their products to satisfy the high demands of differentiation and ignore economies of scale because integration is not very important?

Strategic planning helps MNCs to do all of the following except:

Coordinate and monitor its far-flung operations
Deal with political risks
Determine performance
Get higher profitability
Get higher profitability
All of the following act as disincentives for MNCs except

Restrictions on profit repatriation
Controls on the transfer of technology
Export maximums for generating foreign currency
Limits on local market growth
Export maximums for generating foreign currency
A _____ is designed to help MNCs take advantage of global economies of scale while also being responsive to local customer demands.

Global matrix structure
Transnational network structure
Worldwide divisional structure
Cross-cultural matrix structure
Transnational Network Structure
A common first choice among manufacturing firms, especially those with technologically advanced products, would be to develop a(n):

Domestic policy
Export arrangement
Cartel arrangement
Import quota
Export Arrangement
A global area division structure most often is used by companies that are in _____ businesses and have _____ product lines.

Growing; broad
Mature; narrow
Growing; narrow
Mature; broad
Mature; Narrow
A disadvantage of the international division structure is that it separates a firm's domestic and international managers, which can result in two different camps with divergent objectives.

True or False
As an organizational characteristic, _____ is the assigning of individuals to specific, well-defined tasks.

A structure under which global operations are organized on a geographic rather than a product basis is referred to as a(n):

Global area division structure
Global product division structure
International division structure
Global functional division structure
Global area division structure
Specialization in an international context can be classified into:

Diagonal and vertical specialization
Vertical and parallel specialization
Horizontal and vertical specialization
Diagonal and parallel specialization
Horizontal and vertical specialization
A structural arrangement in which domestic divisions are given worldwide responsibility for product groups is referred to as a(n):

International division structure
Global product division structure
Global area division structure
Global functional division structure
Global product division structure
A global functional division structure is used primarily by:

Service companies
Extractive companies
Light manufacturing companies
Heavy manufacturing companies
Extractive companies
The primary reason for the use of _____ is a desire by the MNC for total control and the belief that managerial efficiency will be better without outside partners.

Licensing agreements
Wholly owned subsidiaries
Joint ventures
Wholly owned subsidiaries
The decision-making control in which local units are given autonomy is characteristic of a(n):

Global area division structure
International division structure
Global product division structure
Transnational network structure
Global area division structure
Pushing decision making down the line and getting the lower-level personnel involved is referred to as:

Horizontal specialization
Vertical specialization
A _____ is a business arrangement under which one party allows another to operate an enterprise using its trademark, logo, product line and methods of operation in return for a fee.

Certificate of proprietary usage
Joint venture
One disadvantage of the global product division structure is the necessity of duplicating facilities and staff personnel within each division.

Examples of protective and defensive techniques include all of the following except:

Limiting the responsibility of local personnel and hiring only those who are vital to the operations
Raising capital from local banks and the host government as well as outside forces
Diversifying production of the product among a number of countries
Producing as much of the product locally as possible with the use of in-country suppliers and subcontractors, thus making it a "domestic" product
Producing as much of the product locally as possible with the use of in-country suppliers and subcontractors, thus making it a "domestic" product
Expropriation is more likely to occur in:

Non-Western governments that are poor, relatively unstable and suspicious of foreign multinationals
Western governments that are rich, relatively stable and are experienced in dealing with foreign multinationals
Non-Western governments that are neither rich nor poor, relatively stable and are unsure about the presence of foreign multinationals
Western governments that are moderately wealthy, relatively stable and are new at dealing with foreign multinationals
Non-Western governments that are poor, relatively unstable and suspicious of foreign multinationals
The following actions raise the political risk of doing business in China except:

Interpretation of rules and regulations by officials
Industrial piracy
Pressure on the MNCs to do things in a particular way
Concerns on safety and reliability of product quality
Concerns on safety and reliability of product quality
According to the 2009 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index, which of the following is the least corrupt nation?

United States
New Zealand
New Zealand
_____ investments include the production of raw materials or intermediate goods that are to be processed into final products.

The theory behind _____ is quite simple. The MNC works to maintain a stronger bargaining power position than that of the host country.

Analogous negotiating power
Pertinent bargaining power
Proportionate negotiating power
Relative bargaining power
Relative bargaining power
All of the following are examples of integrative techniques except:

Developing good relations with the host government and other local political parties
Doing as little local manufacturing as possible and conducting all research and development outside the country
Producing as much of the product locally as possible with the use of in-country suppliers and subcontractors, thus making it a "domestic" product
Developing effective labor-management relations
Doing as little local manufacturing as possible and conducting all research and development outside the country
Which of the following is not a critical business issue for successful termination of international alliances?

The basic decision to exit
People-related issues
Rights over sales territories and obligations to customers
Relations with the host government
Rights over sales territories and obligations to customers
Macro risk issues often take forms such as industry regulations, taxes of specific types of business activity and various restrictive local laws.

When host governments do not require alliances as a condition for entry many MNCs:

Are advised not to voluntarily pursue alliances as they tend to be problematic
Are usually indifferent about establishing alliances
Find that having an alliance is advantageous to their entry and expansion
Are likely to consider alliances, except in emerging markets and highly regulated industries
Find that having an alliance is advantageous to their entry and expansion
China's decision regarding restrictions on foreign exchange transactions is a _____ political risk because it affects all MNCs.

Price controls, financing restrictions, export commitments, taxes and local-sourcing requirements are examples of:

Ownership-control risks
Operational risks
Transfer risks
Functional risks
Operational risks
Political risks can be broken down into three basic categories. These are:

Transfer risks, ownership risks and labor risks
Ownership risks, operational risks and economic risks
Operational risks, bureaucratic risks and transfer risks
Transfer risks, operational risks and ownership-control risks
Transfer risks, operational risks and ownership-control risks
According to the text, the following are all forms of terrorism except:

Classic terrorism
Amateur terrorism
Religious motivated terrorism
Political terrorism
Political Terrorism
Hygiene factors include all of the following except:

Interpersonal relations
Technical supervision
Working conditions
Expectancy theory postulates all of the following except:

Effort will lead to performance
Performance will lead to specific outcomes
The outcomes will be of value to the individual
The employees are controlled by the external environment
The employees are controlled by the external environment
The theory that focuses on how motivation is affected by people's perception of how fairly they are being treated is the:

Goal-setting theory
Equity theory
Motivation theory
Expectancy theory
Equity theory
The goal-setting theory focuses on how individuals go about setting goals and responding to them and the overall impact of this process on motivation.

In the two-factor motivation theory, the job content factors which include achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement and the work itself are referred to as:

Inducement factors
Reward factors
Hygiene factors
One reason that Americans and Japanese work such long hours is due to:

High stress levels
Low employee turnover
High cost of living
Employee complacency
High cost of living
_____ is a psychological process through which unsatisfied wants or needs lead to drives that are aimed at goals or incentives.

The two-factor theory of motivation holds that two sets of factors influence job satisfaction. These are:

Inducement, subsistence
Advancement, responsibility
Hygiene, motivators
Recognition, rewards
Hygiene Factors; Motivators
To motivate employees, especially in foreign countries with high individualism companies tend to offer:

Non-financial perks
Local area networks
Financial incentives
Financial incentives
In the context of job design and work centrality, the acronym QWL stands for:

Quantity of Work Load
Quality of Work Life
Quality of Work Load
Quality of Work Level
Quality of Work life
A basic assumption of Maslow's theory is that:

Lower-level needs must be satisfied before higher-level needs become motivators
Higher-level needs must be satisfied before lower-level needs become motivators
There are more ways to satisfy lower-level needs than higher-level ones
A need that has been satisfied can continue to serve as a motivator
Lower-level needs must be satisfied before higher-level needs become motivators
A number of research efforts have been undertaken to replicate the two-factor theory and they:

Cast doubt on Herzberg's findings
Support Herzberg's findings
Are unable to either refute or support Herzberg's findings
Prove Herzberg's findings to be utterly worthless
Support Herzberg's findings
Researchers like Hofstede recommended that lower-level personnel should be given:

Physical rewards
The opportunity to use one's skill
A cooperative environment
Physical Rewards
Training programs are useful in preparing people for overseas assignments for many reasons. These reasons can be put into two general categories which are:

Organizational and personal
Economic and philosophical
Personal and impersonal
Financial and psychological
Organizational and personal
An individual from a host-country who is assigned to work in the host-country is referred to as a multipatriate.

Traditionally, what was the only selection criterion MNCs relied on for overseas assignments?

Previous experience
Technical competence
Historically, MNCs have staffed key positions in their foreign affiliates with:

Home-country nationals
Host-country nationals
Third-country nationals
Home-country nationals
This approach to developing an expatriate compensation package entails giving the individual a series of options and letting the person decide how to spend the available funds.

Lump-sum method
Cafeteria approach
Localization approach
Balance-sheet approach
Cafeteria approach
This type of MNC relies on local managers from a particular geographic region to handle operations in and around that area.

An agreement whereby the firm tells the individual how long she/he will be posted overseas and promises to give the individual, on return, a job that is mutually acceptable is a:

Strategic plan
Human resource plan
Labor-contract agreement
Repatriation agreement
Repatriation agreement
A(n) _____ is a programmed learning technique that is designed to expose members of one culture to some of the basic concepts, attitudes, role perceptions, customs and values of another.

Cultural assimilator
Ethnocentric regulator
Educational regulator
Developmental assimilator
Cultural assimilator
An approach to developing an expatriate compensation package that involves giving the expat a predetermined amount of money and letting the individual make his/her own decisions regarding how to spend it is referred to as localization.

The process of evaluating how well a family is likely to stand up to the stress of overseas life is referred to as:

Suitability assessment
Selection fitness
Adaptability screening
Expatriate fitness
Adaptability screening
The belief that one's own way of doing things is superior to that of others is:

Borstorff and her associates examined the factors associated with employee willingness to work overseas and concluded that:

Married couples with teenage children are probably the most willing to move
Prior international experience appears associated with willingness to work as an expatriate
Unmarried employees are least willing, compared to any other group, to accept expat assignments
Careers and attitudes of spouses have an insignificant impact on employee willingness to move overseas
Prior international experience appears associated with willingness to work as an expatriate
All of the following are correct with regard to the impact of age, experience and education on expatriate managers except:

There is universal agreement that degrees in marketing or engineering are the most desirable for expatriate managers
Most MNCs strive for a balance between age and experience
Many companies consider an academic degree, preferably a graduate degree, to be of critical importance to an international executive
There is evidence that younger managers are more eager for international assignments than older managers
There is universal agreement that degrees in marketing or engineering are the most desirable for expatriate managers
An approach to developing an expatriate compensation package that involves paying the expat a salary comparable to that of local nationals is referred to as:

The cafeteria approach
The balance-sheet approach
The lump-sum method
An individual from a host-country or a third-country national who is assigned to work in the home country is a(n):

In general, some evidence suggests that testing is:

Extremely popular among MNCs
Not extremely popular among MNCs
Used more in the selection of overseas managers than domestic managers
Used by a high percentage of MNCs in selecting expatriate managers
Not extremely popular among MNCs
There are two major types of adjustments that an expatriate must make when going on an overseas assignment. These are:

Pre-deployment adjustment and post-deployment adjustment
Direct adjustment and indirect adjustment
Anticipatory adjustment and in-country adjustment
Iterative adjustment and continuous adjustment
Anticipatory adjustment and in-country adjustment