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72 Cards in this Set

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Political Theory

System of government in a nation.

Degree of collectivism vs individualism

Degree of totalitarianism vs democracy


Value the collective goals of society more than individual rights. Often sacrificed.


(Marx) political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community.

2 main types


Type of socialism where they believe it can only be achieved through violent revolution and totalitarian dictatorship.

Social Democracy

State owned enterprises run for public food rather than private profit. More government intervention.


Direct opposite of collectivism. We value all choices on an individual level.


One person/party exercises absolute control over all spheres of human life. (Competing parties are banned)

4 main types

Communist Totalitarianism

North Korea

Theocratic Totalitarianism


Tribal Totalitarianism

Central African tribes

Right Wing Totalitarianism

Fascist dictatorship

Economic Theory

Political ideology and economic systems are connected.

Economic systems

1. Market economy

2. Command economy

3. Mixed economy


Based on pure market economy. Greed works. Most efficient allocation of resources. Supply must not be restricted by monopolies.

Government encourages free and fair competition.

Command economy

Everything is controlled by the government; price, quantity, goods and services.

All businesses are state owned.

Mixed Economy

Some elements of market economy and command economy.

In the last 10-20 years we have gone away from ... to ...

Command economies


Transfer ownership from public to private.

Legal thoery

The legal system of a country refers to the rules or laws that regulate behavior.

Common Law

Based on tradition, precedent, and custom.

Great Britain’s former colonies including the US.

Less dependent on statutes and codes.

Civil Law

Based on detailed set of laws organized into codes.

-over 80 countries including Germany, France, Japan, and Russia

Theoretical Law

Based on religious teachings.

-Islamic is the most widely practiced.

Can be used for political.

Rule of Law

Decisions should be made applying known principles.

-Law above individuals


Offer and acceptance.




Types of contracts

State Court level

Federal Court level

No international legal system.

-within the contract you say specifically which country will impose the law.


Theft, piracy, blackmail, extortion, confiscation, etc.

U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Not allowed to bribe any officials of other countries.

Intellectual Property




The protection is very different country to country.


Give the inventor exclusive rights, so others cannot copy it.


Exclusive legal rights of authors, composers, play writers, artists, and publishers.


Registered designs and names.

Product Safety Laws

Certain safety standards to which a product must adhere.

Product Liability

Holds firms and officers liable if their product causes harm, injury, or death.


Gross Domestic Product

-measure of nations total economic activity.


GDP + income from foreign investments


Gross national income

Measures GNP per capita.


Purchasing Power Parity

Market Economy

High economic freedom, have high economic growth and richer citizens.

Hong Kong, Switzerland, Singapore, US, Canada, Germany

Hernando de Soto

Developing world will not benefit from capitalism until property rights are better defined and protected.

Cornerstone of a healthy economy:

Legal rights and protection


Regimes tend to be more conducive to long-term economic growth than democracies.


Favorable facilities trade that can promote growth.

Education Levels

Investment in education promotes economic growth.

... is a consequence of economic growth.


Since ... there have been many democratic revolutions.

The 1980s

3 Keys to economic transformation

1. Deregulation

2. Privatization

3. Legal Systems


International and domestic.

Use violence to promote political agenda.


Think your country is the best.

Currencies are ...

Constantly changing.


Values and norms that are shared amongst a group.


Shared assumptions/ideals


Societal rules/ appropriate behavior

Cross-cultural Literacy

An understanding of how theses differences affect business practices.

Culture =

Code of conduct


People who are bound together by a common culture; some have different cultures.


Physical borders, but may have multiple cultures.

Western Ideals

-individualism achievement

-entrepreneurship promoted

-higher turnover in jobs

Non-Western Ideals

-cooperation and team work

-life time employment common

-very loyal to company

-individualism and creativity may be suppressed.

Social categories, social strata

Defined by characteristics, family, background, occupation, income

What is the primary reason why international ventures fail?

Cultural insensitivity or ignorance.


A system of shared beliefs and rituals that are concerned with the realm of the sacred.

Ethical System

A set of moral principles, or values, that are used to guide and shape behavior.

Non-verbal Language

Time flexibility and sensibility, social acquaintance and rapport, personal physical space, personal touching, eye contact.

Can be misunderstood due to interpretation.

Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions

1. Individual vs consensus (I vs we)

2. Power distance

3. Uncertainty avoidance

4. Masculinity vs femininity

5. Long-term vs short-term orientation

Power vs Distance

Do the lower members of a hierarchy accept power is distributed unequally?

Individualism vs collectivism

Getting ahead, entrepreneur mentality vs groups and community

Uncertainty Avoidance

Tolerance of ambiguity

Masculinity vs femininity

Cooperation ( feminine)

Assertiveness (masculine)

Long vs short term orientation

How far into the future?

Friedman Doctrine

The only social responsibility of business is to increase profits, so long as the company stays within the law.

Cultural Realitivism

Ethics are culturally determined and firms should adopt the ethics of the cultures in which they operate.

Righteous Moralist

An MNE’s home country standard of ethics are the appropriate ones for companies to follow.

Sustainable Strategies

Operating in a socially responsible manner. Can be good for shareholders, environment, local communities, employees and customers.