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78 Cards in this Set

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Compelling indications to start HTN trmt in PreHTN pts.
prior MI
prior stroke
Life style modifications to lower HTN?
weight loss
smoking cessation
low salt/cholesterol intake
decrease EtOH intake
Avoid B blockers in pts with?
Heart block
sick sinus syndrome
What is sick sinus syndrome?
damage to SA node conduction tract, causing symps of bradycardia: syncope, SOB, dizziness
Anti-HTN meds for pregnancy?
alpha methyldopa
Mg sulfate (lowers BP in pre-ecclampsia)
Causes of Secodary HTN?
Renovascular (fibromuscular dysplasia, athersclerosis)
Excessive EtOH
Cushing dz
Conn syn (aldosterone)
- all occur new b/t ages 30-55, hard to control w/ meds
HTN emergency
= end organ failure
- trt with Nitroprusside, nitroglycerin, or labetalol
HTN epidemiology - 4 fun facts?
- every 20/10 mmHg inc over 115/75 carries a doubling of CVD
- CAD MC cause of death if HTN untreated
- control of HTN lowers stroke, MI, CHF, RF, Ao dissec, renal
- if normal @ 55, still 90% chance of developing HTN
DM health maintenance issues? (5)
- ACE inhib to prevent RF
- opthamology yearly
- foot exam for neuropathy
- BG monitoring, A1C
- trt risks for HTN, athero aggresively
C peptide level with insulin
- if high after hypogly episode, think insulinoma
- if low, think factitious disorder
-metabolic acidosis
-trt with IVF, insulin, K+,Phos
-r/o infection
NHH (nonketotic hyperglycemic hyperosmolality)
-in Type II DM
-trt w/ IVFs, IV insulin, electrolytes
-no ketones because insulin is present, preventing lipolysis
Longterm complications of DM?
-Neuropathy (Charcot jts, silent MI, gastroparesis, impotence)
Somogyi effect vs. dawn phenomenon
-Somogyi=3 a.m. glucose is 40, causing inc in glucose release by 7 a.m; decrease p.m. NPH dose
-dawn=3 a.m. BG is 160; still have normal GH & cortisol a.m. surge; trt is inc in p.m. NPH
How do you measure LDL?
LDL = total cholesterol - HDL - (TGs/5)
**not valid is TG is >500
5 risk factors for CHD?
-FH of premature CHD
-low HDL
Drugs for managing cholesterol?
-bile-acid binding resins
Cancers associated with smoking
lung 90%
oral 90%
esophagus 80%
larynx 50%
kidney 30%
pancreas 25%
smoking in pregnancy
low birth weight
spontaneous abortion
infant mortality
Beuger disease
-painful red fingers/cold toes in a heavy smoker
-thromboangiitis obliterans
-inflam and thrombosis of medium arts & veins
Cancers associated with EtOH
Stages of EtOH withdrawal
-12 to 24 hrs tremors, sweating, hyperreflexia, seizures
-24 to 48 hrs alcoholic hallucinosis
-2 to 4 days DTs; hallucinations, illusions, confusion, poor sleep, fever
Signs/symptoms of cirrhosis/chronic liver dz
spider angiomas
palmar erythema
caput medusae
gynecomastia/testic. atrophy
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
Dz's associated with EtOH
Mallory Weiss tears
pancreatitis (acute & chronic)
dilated cardiomyop.
cerebellar degen./ataxia
Fetal alcohol syndrome
midfacial hypoplasia
cardiac defects
How to treat alcoholics with IVFs
Give thiamine first
then fluid with glucose
- prevents Wernicke enceph.
Chronic thiamine deficiency
-alcoholic develops Korsakoff syn
-can't form new memories/makes up stories
-transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt
-trts portal htn by shunting flow from portal v. to hepatic v.
hepatorenal syndrome
-rapid kidney func. decline in cirrhotic pts
-due to change in blood flow to kidneys
-AMS, jaundice, oliguria, ascites
-Type I is rapid, II is slow
Pickwickian syndrome
-hypoventilation in obesity
-trt with CPAP
-sleep apnea, somnolence during day, high CO2, low O2 sat due to shallow breathing
MC hypercoagulable conditions
surgery (ortho, abd, pelvic)
lupus anticoag/antiphospho
factor V Leyden
def in ATII, prot C or S
Studies to eval for PE?
-Vent-Perf scan if can't use IV contrast
-cath pulm angiogram (invasive)
How does warfarin work?
-inhibs epoxide reductase in liver, preventing gamma-carboxylation of Vit. K coags
-followed by PT (ext. pathway)
-effects reversed by Vit. K
-renal azotemia (inc BUN & Cr)
-parenchymal damage to kidneys
-BUN:Cr ratio <15
ASA overdose and treatment?
-causes primary metab. alkalosis and primary resp. acidosis = near normal pH
-alkalinize the urine to inc excretion
-use bicarb
What does high O2 in COPDers do?
-decreases resp drive
-will see inc in CO2, dec in pH
-turn down O2 support
Acid base in a sleep apnea pt?
-has high pH, high bicarb, normal CO2
-pt has chronic metab compensation for his CO2 retention at night
Symptoms of hypoNa?
MS changes
-caused by head trauma, surgery, meningitis, SCC of lung, pulm infections, painful states, opioids
-restrict H2O intake
-Demecclcycline: induces DI, counteracting ADH
Initial stroke steps?
-initiate stroke team/pager
-get emergent CT of brain
-12 EKG
-full neuro exam
Asystole/PEA steps?
1- ABC and call for AED
2- 30 compressions/2 breaths
3- EPI 1 mg IV q3-5min
**give vasopressin 40U at 2nd dose instead, then resume epi
4- Atropine 1 mg IV q3-5, max 3 mg
H's and T's?
(6 & 5)
Hydrogen (acidosis)
Tension PTX
VT/VF steps?
1- ABC and crash cart
2- BLS
3- Biphasic shock @ 120-200J
4- EPI 1mg q3-5
**may use vasopress 40U once
5- 5 CPR cycles
6- shock
7- Amiodarone 300mg once
8- Consider Mg 1-2g for torsades
Nine indications for hemodialysis?
- serum K > 5.5
- BUN > 80-90
- acute fluid overload
- persistent metabolic acidosis
-removal of toxins
-uremia (pericarditis, encephalopathy, anorexia)
-hyperPO4 with hyperCa
-platelet dysfunc. w/ bleeding
List the signs of ARF?
-decreased UOP (<20ml/hr) with inc. BUN
-discoloration of urine
-FENa >2 is pre or post renal
-too high/too low urine osmolality
Five types of ARF?
Causes of ARF?
-any disregulation effective glomeruli perfusion
-hypoTN (aff constrict)
-NSAIDS (inhibs vasodilatation)
-G- sepsis (dec PVresistence)
-stenosis, thrombosis
-outflow obstruction
-IV contrast (w/in 48 hrs)
-trauma (myoglob/hemogb)
treatment of ARF?
-adequate hydreation
-mucomyst (pre-emptively)
-insulin + glucose, aerosolized B2 agonist, Ca carbonate to correct hyperK
-fleet Phospho-Soda for hyperPO4 to prevent rhabdo
-hemodialysis if all fails
Clostridium colitis details
-commonly occurs after Abx trmt (clindamycin, cephalasporins, fluoroquin's are more common)
-severe diarrhea, pain, leukocytosis
-toxins A and B
-high false neg = do multiple tests
-DIC, hypoTN, BD, lactate inc
How to treat C. diff?
-oral or IV Flagyl
-oral Vancomycin
-colectomy if pt is septic/progressively worsening (toxic megacolon)
Describe relationship b/t CRP and prealbumin?
-CRP is acute phase reactant that inc. in sepsis, injury, inflam.
-prealbumin is a constitutive prot made by liver
-in times of stress, liver dec production of constitutive prots
-if CRP is high, pre-alb might be falsely low= =don't use prealb for nutritional gauge until CRP=0
How do you calculate Ideal Body Weight for a female?
IBW=45kg + 2.3kg for each inch over 5 ft

IBW=100lbs + 5lbs for each in. over 5 ft
Calculation for IBW in males?
IBW=50kg + 2.3kg for each in.>5ft

IBW=106lbs + 6lbs for each in. > 5ft
What components make up parenteral support?
-amino acids

Pt generally needs 25kcal/kg/day and 1.5g protein/kg/day
Difference between SIADH and DI?
-SIADH causes hyponatremia
-DI causer hyperNa
Treatment of DI?
-Vasopressin to dx pituitary vs. nephrogenic
-thiazide diuretic decreases urine formation
Traits of hypokalemia?
-muscle weakness, fatigue
-adynamic ileus
-too little = vent failure
-beware of after insulin trmt to DKA; give K+ prophylactically
Traits of hyperkalemia?
-tall T waves, prolonged QRS and PR, loss of P
-sine wave: loss of ST segment
-caused by RF, NSAIDS, ACE inhibs, hypoaldosteronism, adrenal insuff.
How to treat hyperK+ with EKG changes?
1. Calcium gluconate
2. NaHCO3 -> shifts K+ back into cells (via alkalosis)
3. IV glucose and Insulin
4. Dialysis if emergent w/ RF
Signs of hypocalcemia?
-Chvostek's sign
-depression, dementia, convulsion
-Trousseau sign: hand spasm after arm BP cuff inflation
Causes of hypoCa2+?
-DiGeorge syn
-post thyroid/parathyroidectomy
-Vit D deficiency
-acute pancreatitis (Ranson's criteria)
-psuedohypoparathyr: high PTH, but resistance
-hypoalbuminemia: loss of prot-bound fraction
Ranson's criteria at admission?

-age > 55
-WBC > 16000
-LDH > 350
-AST > 250
-glucose > 200
Ranson's criteria at 48 hours?

-Calcium < 8
-Hematocrit fall > 10%
-Oxygen <PO2 60%
-BUN inc > 5
-BD > 4
**score > 3 is pancreatitis
**score 7-8 is 100% mortality
-Sequestration of fluid
Traits of hypercalcemia?
-bones, moans, groans, and psychiatric overtones
-hyperPTH, sarcoidosis, malignancy, Hypervitaminosis of A or D, thiazides
Treatment options for hyperCa2+?
-oral Phos
-prednisone in malignancy
Degrees of hypovolemia?
I = 750cc or 15% loss
II = 1500cc or 30% loss
III = 2000cc or 40% loss
IV = >2000cc or >40% loss
What is the "sepsis 3"?
documented infection
organ dysfunction
What is the treatment options for sepsis?
-Volume resus
-Abx trmt
-Drainage of collections/abscess
-Zygris; active Prot C
Neurogenic shock parameters
-low CO
-low PCWP
-low SVR
-low SvO2
Hypovolemic shock parameters

*and late septic shock
-low CO
-low PCWP
-high SVR
-low SvO2
Cardiogenic shock parameters
-low CO
-high PCWP
-high SVR
-low SvO2
Septic shock parameters
-high CO
-low PCWP
-low SVR
-high SvO2
-peanuts, shellfish, beestings, PCNs, sulfa drugs
-admin EPI and IVFs, O2
-beware of laryngeal edema--> intubate
-presbyopia, presbyacusis
-dec immunity
-inc fat mass, dec muscle
Common causes of dementia
- Alzheimer's (neurofib tangles)
-multiple cerebral infarcts
-Pick disease
-pseudodementia (due to depression)
Correcting calcium if hypoalbuminemia -- formula
Serum calcium + 0.8(4 -Serum Albumin)
How do you calculate Pt's H2O deficit?
(Na+/140 - 1) X 0.6(body weight)
Correcting Hypernatremia
-dec. no faster than 0.5-1 mEq/L/hr, or 12 mEq/L/24hr
-Change in Na= Infusate Na - serum Na/ weight kg X 0.6