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100 Cards in this Set

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Causes of non-volume responsive met alkalosis
how to decrease pericarditis in Dressler's
Ca and PO4 in osteomalacia
Ca low, PO4 low
APS and cholesterol emboli present with what skin Sx
livedo reticularis: lacy pattern on legs
Dx that gives highest yield info in solitary pulm nodule
Surgical excision
Skin condition assoc c diarrhea, IgA in dermal papillae, urticarious vesicles on knees/vesicles
Dermatitis herpetiformis
Bx of dermatitis herpetiformis reveals
Neutrophilic/eosinophilic microabscesses @ derm-epidermal jxn
Immune complex & complement deposition in dermal-epidermal jxn
IgG directed against dermal-epidermal jxn
bullous pemphigoid
Common electrolyte disturbances of refeeding syndrome
Hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, hypomagnesiumia

Intracellular stores are depleted & rapidly taken by cells
3 classes of med most common implicated in exacerbating psoriasis
beta-blockers, lithium, anti-malarials
CA should be r/o in all pt c type II RTA
multiple myeloma: amyloid deposition causes loss of bicarb proximally
Commonly prescribed hormone that increases risk of ischemic colitis
Cinchonism after quinine presents c 5
Vertigo, tinnitis,
diaphoresis, fever, anaphylactoid reaction
When use quinine for malaria
chloroquine-resistant malaria
exudate effusion/serum LDH ratio of?
> 0.6
pulsus paradoxus is what change in SBP during inspiration
decline (normal but exacerbated)
PT/INR evaluates which pathway? Which factors?
Evaluates extrinisic: I, II, V, VII, X
why do pt with celiac dz, Crohns and panc insufficiency have high risk of kidney stones
High intestinal fat increase oxalate absorption
most common complications of systemic sclerosis:
pulm 2
Renal 3
Pulm: pulm fibrosis, pulm arterial HTN
Renal:acute renal crisis from vasospasm, vasculitis, GN
Tx of choice for acute renal crisis from scleroderma
indication for monotherapy c alpha-adrenergic antagonist
only as adjunctive
medical condition for which prazosin is used 2
BPH, bad HTN
lab value to distinguish from primary HPTH from paraneoplastic hypercalcemia
PTH level:
high if primary
low if PTHrP
If see dec serum Ca, should order what? 2
Ionized Ca, Alb
why need alb for correction value of Ca
Alb is negative; Ca binds to it
To r/in acute HBV inf? 2
HBsA, core Ab
When HBsA not + in HBV infected pt
Window period: precipitates out of solution
Maculopapular rash on palms that spreads centrally, accompanied by fever, recent camping trip
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: ricksetti
role of dig in CHF Tx
No change in mortality; dec morbidity; dec hospitalizations
lab values to check frequently with dig
daily chem, dig levels
top 4 ekg changes suggestive of active MI
STE/new LBBB, STD, new Q waves
top 2 causes asteristix
hepatic encephalopathy, uremia
sentinel loop on radiograph is?
represent isolated dilated loop of bowel near inflamed organ
autoimmune dz assoc c NHL
sjogren's syndrome; RA
what immunocompromised pt get NHL 2
AIDS, organ transplants
Inf assoc c NHL 3
EBV -> Burkitt's, CNS; HTLV -> T cell; HHV-8, HCV, h. pylori -> gastric MALToma; HIV -> B cell lymphoma
Common causes of non-megaloblastic macrocytic anemia 4
EtOH: AST/ALT > 2, mild macrocytosis
Chronic liver dz
Hemolytic anemia
prophylatic abx in AIDS pt c CD4 <50
TMP-SMX (PCP), Azithromycin (MAC)
Tx of choice pneumococcal meningitis 3
vanco, ceftriaxone, dexamethasone
HbH dz falls into what class of anemia
alpha thalassemia -> 3 defective alpha genes
beta chains only
microbe that causes GBS
campylobacter jejuni (undercooked poultry)
typical presentation for GBS
post-inf ascending paralysis; hyporeflexic 2o/2 distal neuropathy
Tx of choice for MRSA PNA
Who is at risk for MRSA PNA
nasopharyngeal carriage, recently hospitalized, immunocompromised, COPD
smoking cessation in COPDers does what? 2
slight improvement; dec clinical decline
microcytic anemia warrant peripheral blood smear + what?
PBS, Ferritin level
type of CA to concer in microcytic anemia
Colon CA
appetite stimulant of choice for CA pt
Megestrol: progesterone
exfoliative dermatitis, nephrotic syndrome, stomatitis assoc c
partial v absence seizure
partial: aura, stereotyped movements, post-ictal phase
absence: no aura, no post-ictal, few seconds
STEMI undergo what therapy right away
IV heparin, IIb/3a inh, clopidigrel
Minimize door to balloon-> cath lab for PCI
Leading cause of morbidity and mortality in pt c acute pancreatitis
inf pancreatitic necrosis
ABO universal donor
O neg
Universal plasma donor
AB positive
sterile thrombotic endocarditis, and sterile thrombophlebitis most assoc c what class of CA
visceral adenocarcinoma
Drug of choice for beta-blocker tox
lots of Glucagon
partial agonist beta-blocker c/in in angina
beta-blocker used for angina
metoprolol, labetalol, carvedilol,
Tx of choice for mets prostate CA
palliative radiation and leuprolide
M/A leuprolide
GnRH-agonist -> constant stimulus -> lose pulsatile -> suppresses production LH/FSH -> suppress testosterone
acute ischemic limb medical mgmt
start heparin drip
type of amyloidosis in pt on dialysis
beta-2 microglobulin
biggest complications of amyloidosis in dialysis pt 2
Tenosynovitis, neuropathy (esp carpal tunnel)
extremely common drugs that cause thrombocytopenia
Abx: sulfa, PCN, antivirals
Heparin, even besides HIT
GI dz c recurrent laryngitis, asthma, chronic cough
viral inf commonly assoc c polyarteritis nodosa
LDL < 100, DM should strive for what second goal
non-HDL < 130 or TG < 150 (VLDL ~ TG/5)
IFN injected directly into HPV wart
effect of PEEP on preload
incr intrathoracic pressure -> decreases preload
role of Cx in diagnosing disseminated gono? what has better sensitivity
specific, not sensitivity
25-50% of true joint gono will grow
25% of true BCx gono will grow

Cervical & urethral swab more likely
most common extra-articular manifestation of ankylosing spondylitis
anterior uveitis
murmurs of HOCM best auscultated where
membranous or MPGN assoc c hypocomplementemia
best test to screen for hemophilia
PTT -> abnormal VIII or IX
primary organ involved in clearance of metformin
biggest complication of metformin
lactic acidosis
acute upper GIB w/u if hemodynamically stable
upper endoscopy
non-GI cause epi pain to r/o
natural Hx of post-partum cardiomyopathy
resolve in 6m after delivery; risk of recurrence in further preg 20+%
Drug of choice for shingles 2
Vamcylovir, Valacyclovir
Tx of choice for warm Ab mediated hemolytic anemia
immunosuppression -> prednisone
tests for w/u Sjogren's syndrome
Schimer's test: quantify amt of fluid
Bloodwork for Sjogren's syndrome
Auto-Ab: Anti-SSA & Anti-SSB
definitive Dx technique for Sjogren's
lip Bx or parotid Bx
hypotension refrac to fluid resus & vasopressor -> do what?
Pressors: norepi, dopamine
Stress-dose steroids
Nitro effective for unstable angina b/c
Coronary venule vasodilation -> pooling -> lower vent preload -> less demand
top 2 org implicated in esophagitis of immunocompromised
candida, HSV
Tx for candida esophagitis
upper endo, anti-candidal (fluconazole)
molecular marker for polycythemia vera
what is polycythemia vera
d/o of xs RBC production in marrow
if primary, will have low EPO
cardiovascular complication assoc c pleuritic CP, diffuse STE, neoplastic dz/uremia/autoimmune
acute pericarditis
tear drop cells on PBS signify
myelofibrosis: overprolif of marrow matrix
ingesting what substance result in anion gap metab acidosis & renal failure? what UA finding?
UA: rectangular crystals
Ethylene glycol
common causes non-anion gap metabolic acidosis
GI loss of bicarb (diarrhea)
Hypoaldosteronism (acid retention)<- Addisons, Spironolactone
Rx used for prophylaxis of sickle cell crisis
hydroxyurea -> incr Hb F
Electrolyte disruptance: constipation, confusion, polydispsia, polyuria, bone pain
Acute cerebellar ataxia suggest what infection?
screening test for hemachromatosis included in HF in northern euro? What not as specific but helpful?
Transferrin saturation extremely high
Serum Fe/transferrin level

Ferritin in the thousands
Pt on chronic steroids greater than ___ need supplementation if going for surgery/stress
20 mg/day; 50 first day and taper after