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124 Cards in this Set

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Give part of the case history
1. family
2. social and environment
3. previous diseases
4. present complaints
5. others
Give parts of physical examination
1. inspection
2. palpation
3. percussion
4. auscultation
What is subfebrility?
body temperature is between 37-37.5
What is fever?
body temperature > 37.6
What are causes of fever?
1. infectious disease
2. necrosis
3. damage of heat center
4. heat congestion
5. immune diseases
6. metabolic diseases
What is febris continua?
1. Continuously high fever
2. daily difference of temperature is less than 1
What is febris remittent?
1. Changing fever
2. Daily changes are higher than 1.5
3. minimum temperature is continuously higher than 37
What is febris intermittens?
1. alternating fever
2. daily changes are higher than 1.5
3. minimum temperature is normal
Give the ideal body weight using Broca's fomula?
Ideal weight = height (cm) - 100
What should be examined by macroscopic analysis of sputum?
1. quantity
2. color
3. odor
4. consistency
What is eupnoe?
1. number of breathing is 16-18 times/min
2. symmetrical distension of thorax
What is tachypnoe?
1. Frequent breathing
2. number of breathing >18times/min
Give basic examination of pulmonary diseases?
1. Physical examination
2. radiological laboratory and morphological examinations
3. functional tests
Basic rules of auscultation of the lungs?
1. comparative auscultation on both sides of the same places
2. First the apical, then middle, then supradiaphragmic regions should be examined
3. in cases of bronchial murmurs, the pathological regions should be auscultated before and after coughing. Wheezing can be examined without stethoscope if patient is breathing with opened mouth
Percussion sound of the lung of a healthy man?
1. sharp
2. full
3. not tympanic
Give the borders of the lungs of a healthy man
1. right front in mid clavicular line at lower edge of rib 6
2. both sides, mid clavicular lines at rib 8
3. both sides, at scapular lines of rib 9
4. both sides of paravertebra, the spinous process of veterbra 11
What should be considered while percussing the thorax?
1. ideal position of patient
2. do not percuss on bone
3. percussion sounds may differ in each region of the thorax
Give forms of the cardiac dyspnoe?
1. excercise induced
2. rest dyspnoe
3. orthopnoe (while lying flat)
4. paroxymal dysnpnoe (sudden, shortness breath at night)
What is tachycardia?
frequency of pulse > 100/min
What is bradycardia?
frequency of pulse < 60/min
Difference between central and peripheral cyanosis?
1. central: generalized and warm extremities
2. peripheral: localized and cold extremities
Borders of relative heart dullness?
1. upper border: parasternally the upper edge of rib 3
2. left border: apex beat or 1 finger medial from left mid. clavicular line
3. right border: right edge of sternum
Cause of I heart sound?
1. closure of mitral and tricuspid valves
2. sound of heart muscle
Cause of II heart sound?
Closure of aortic and pulmonary valves
Cause of III heart sound?
Filling sound
Cause of IV heart sound?
Presystolic sound (atrial)
When will III sound be louder?
Volume overload of heart
Give the parts of a patient's chart
1. Administrative part (patient's data)
2. case history
3. physical examination
4. laboratory data
5. radiological, histological results
6. epicrisis
When is mesosystolic murmur audible?
At the middle of systole
When is holosystolic murmur audible?
In the entire systole
Cause of IV heart sound?
Presystolic sound (atrial)
When will III sound be louder?
Volume overload of heart
When is protosystolic murmur audible?
At the beginning of systole
When is mesosystolic murmur audible?
At the middle of systole
When is presystolic murmur audible?
At the end of diastole, just before systole
What is the gallop rhythm?
1. III, IV sound or both become stronger
2. their intensity will be the same as I and II sound's
What is the organic endocardial murmur?
Cause by structural change in:
1. big blood vessels
2. valves
3. orifices
Give borders of the heart on a postero-anterior x-ray picture?
1. Left side: Aorta, pulmonary a., left atrium, left ventricle
2. right side: Aorta, SVC, right atrium
Give the palpable arteries on the lower extremities?
1. Femoral a.
2. popliteal a.
3. posterior tibial a.
4. dorsalis pedis
What's the pulse deficit?
1. the frequency of the heart is higher than peripheral pulse
2. the difference between 2 data
Give characteristics of the pulse
1. frequency
2. rhythmicity
3. altitude
4. velocity
5. equality
6. compressibility
What's Homans test?
1. low extremity is bended
2. rapid dorsal flexion causes pain in the leg's muscles
Give regions of the abdomen
1. 2 hypochondrium
2. epigastrium
3. 2 lumbar
4. umbilical
5. 2 inguinal
6. pubic/hypogastrium
What to exam by superficial palpation of the abdomen?
1. tension of the muscles
2. diffuse or circumscribed muscle defence
What does the disappearance of liver dullness indicate?
Air in the abdominal cavity due to perforation of stomach or gut
Where is the normal border of the spleen?
1. between rib 9 and 11
2. between middle and anterior axillary line
What is pollakiuria?
1. pain and urgency at urination
2. frequently small amount of urine
What is anuria?
Daily urine < 100ml
What is oliguria?
Daily urine > 500ml
The analysis of urine means the following examinations:
1. Sugar
2. Urobilinogen
3. Protein
4. Acetone content
5. Bilirubin content
6. Osmolarity
7. Microscopic examination of the sediment
What does clearance indicate?
The excretion of a particular material by kidney in 1 minute
What is proteiuria?
Detectable amount of protein in urine
What is pyuria?
Detectable leukocyte in urine
What is bacteriuria?
Detectable bacteria in urine (>1million/ml)
Give examinations which indicate the tubular functions of the kidney
Dilution and concentration capacity of kidney:
1. pH
2. excretion
3. phosphate
4. glucose reabsoprtion
5. excretion of amino acids and sodium
What is microscopic hematuria?
RBC in urine sediment
Give characteristic of glomerular hematuria
RBC of different size and shape in sediment of the urine
What is diagnosis?
The process to identify the disease
What is differential diagnosis?
Differential diseases from each other
What is stimulation?
Healthy patient pretends to be sick
What is aggravation?
worsening of an existing sickness/symptom
What is dissimulation?
Neglecting/diminishing complaint/symptom
Give the theoretical outcomes of a disease?
1. Complete recovery
2. partial recovery
3. relapse
4. death
Give the different stage of disease?
1. Latency period: from the beginning of the disease until the complaints developed
2. Morbid stage: from the appearance of complaint/symptoms till their disappearance
3. Recovery
If the patient complains about pain, you must determine the followings:
1. location
2. quality
3. quantity
4. time-relation
5. the setting in which it occurs
6. factors that make it better or worse
7. associated symptoms
Orthopnoe suggests:
1. left ventricle failure or mitral stenosis
2. obstructive lung disease
Give the location of pain caused by myocardial infraction
1. retrosternal
2. radiate to shoulders, arms, neck, lower jaw (mainly left side) or epigastrium
Give the location of pain caused by pericarditis
Give the location of pleural pain
Chest wall overlying the process
Give the location of pain caused by reflux esophagitis
1. Retrosternal
2. may radiate to the back
Give the location of pain caused by dissecting aortic aneurism
1. anterior chest
2. radiating to neck, back, abdomen
Give the location of pain caused by tracheobronchitis
1. upper sternal
2. parasternal
Describe bitemporal hemianopsia
Visual loss of temporal half of each field
Describe homonymous hemianopsia
1. visual loss in both eyes are homonymous (similar)
2. involve half of each field
Give the middle clavicular line
vertical from the midpoint of the clavicle
Give the anterior axillary line
vertical from the anterior axillary fold
Give the scapular line
vertical from the inferior angle of the scapula
Give the characteristics of vesicular breath sounds
1. low, soft inspiratory sound
2. locate over the lung fields away from the trachea and large bronchi
The potential use of palpation of the thorax are:
1. identification of tender area
2. assessment of observed abnormalities
3. further assessment of respiratory expansion
4. assessment of tactile fremitus (palpable vibration)
Describe added sounds in left side heart failure
1. crackle at lung base
2. sometimes wheezes
Describe added sounds in lobar pneumonia
For purpose of description, female breast is divided into:
1. upper inner
2. upper outer
3. lower inner
4. lower outer
What is claudicatio intermittens?
1. At walking for a certain distance, crampy pain in the leg
2. disappears after rest
What does the Perthes' test inform about?
1. stage of venae perforantes
2. permeability of the deep veins
What is the difference between transsudatum and exsudatum?
1. Protein content of transsudatum: 1-2%
2. exudate: 4%
What is vital capacity?
Amount of maximally expired air after a deep inspiration
Where can the aortic valve be auscultated?
1. Right edge of sternum
2. at 2nd intercostal space
Where is the pulmonary vavle auscultated?
1. Left edge of sternum
2. 2nd intercostal space
Where is mitral valve auscultated?
1. above apex of the heart and left edge of sternum
2. at 4th intercostal space
Give the lines which demarcate different regions of the abdomen
1. 2 medioclavicular lines
2. subcostal line
3. interspinal line
What is meteorism?
Elevated anterior wall of the abdomen due to increased gas content of the bowels
Give the causes of symmetric elevation of the abdominal wall?
1. Obesity
2. meteorism
3. acites
4. pregnancy
5. fill urinary bladder
What is hernia?
1. Congenital or acquired weakness or ruption of abdominal wall
2. Due to increased intraabdominal pressure, the content (bowels, greater omentum) protrudes foward the abdominal peritoneum
What is the normal male and female umbilical hair like?
1. Male: above mons pubis: convex borderline, may grow up to the umbilicus
2. Female: above mons pubis : horizontal sharp border
What is Rowsing's sign?
1. Press deeply in lower left quadrant of abdomen then quickly withdraw; the patient has pain in right lower quadrant during the press
2. suggest appendicitis
Where should the abdominal puncture be made?
1. in the left iliac region
2. divide the line between umbilicus and anterior superior iliac spine into 3 equal parts
3. puncture at the border between the lateral and medium segments
(opposite to McBurney's point)
What is edema, give its types and location
Edema: increase of interstitial fluid
Type: generalized or local
1. cardiac edema: according to gravitation ( feet, legs, sacral)
2. renal edema (periorbital - generalized)
3. hypo-proteinaemic edema (generalized)
4. deep vein thrombosis (og the affected extremity)
How should the Babinsky's test be carried out and evaluated?
1. stroke the lateral aspect of the sole (with moderately sharp object) from the heel to the ball of the foot, curving medially across the ball
2. Lightest stimulus will provoke a response
3. dorsalflexion of big toe amd fanning of other (possitive sign) indicate upper motor neuron disease
What should be examined on the pupils?
1. are they round, symmetric, sharp edge, cnetral?
2. their consensual reaction to light and convergention
Give the hypnoid mental lesions
1. somnolence
2. sopor
3. coma
Which are the most frequently tested reflexes on the upper extremities?
1. radius
2. ulnar
3. biceps
4. triceps
Which are the most frequently tested reflexes on the lower extremities?
1. patella
2. achilles
Give the characteristics of meningeal agitation
1. vomitus
2. nausea
3. fixed occiput
4. bradycardy
4. Brudzinki and Kernig's positivity
Technique of investigation of Laseque sign?
1. Patient lying on his back
2. feels pain when elevating his leg to 90 degree
Give different forms of palpation
1/ superficial
2. medium deep
3. deep
4. bimanual
5. balloting
How an intraabdominal resistance should be characterised?
1. location
2. shape
3. surface
4. consistency
5. mobility
6. tenderness
7 following breathing or not
8. fixed to its environment or not
What is the percussion sound of the abdomen like?
Give border of the liver
right side in medioclavicular line from lower edge of rib 6 till the costal margin
What is hematemesis?
Vomiting blood
What is melena?
digested blood in stool
What is hematochesia?
fresh blood in stool
What is acholic stool like?
1. grayish-white
2. shiny
(due to bile duct obstruction)
What is hyperemesis?
Extensive vomiting
How should the spleen be examined?
1. patient lies on his right side
2. left arm over head
What is subicterus?
1. slight jaundice
2. icteus of sclera is detacble
3. concetration of bilirubin ~ 30 micromol/l
What is the McBurney's point?
1. right iliac region
2. devide the line between umbilical and the anterior upper iliac spine into 3 equal parts
3. at the border of laterla and medium segment
(opposite to the abdominal puncture site)
Which articulations are most frequently effected by gout?
The metacarpophalangeal articulation of the big toe
Give the functions of CNI-III
1. sense of smell
2. vision
3. pupillary constriction
4. elevation of upper eyelid and extraocular movements (mostly)
Give the normal concetration of serum Na.
137-145 mmol/l
Give the normal concentration of serum Potassium
3.5-4.5 mmol/l
Give the normal concentration of serum glucose
3.6-6.0 mmol/l
Give the normal concentration of WBC
4.8-9.0 G/l
Give the normal concentration of hemoglobin
120.0-150.0 g/l