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23 Cards in this Set

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receptors distributed over Lrg parts of the body. 2 sub grps: Somatic senses & visceral seses
genera senses
provide sensory info about the body & environment (touch, pressure, itch, Vibe, temp, pain, prioception (info about l position of bod 4)
somatic senses
info about internee organs [pain & pressure)
visceral senses
conscious awareness
Respond to mechanical stimuli. (compression, sending, stretching of cells)
tactile disk _ found in basal layer of the epidermis. respond to light touch & superficial pressure
Merkel's disk
onion looking structure w/ dendrite in center, found w/in deep Regions of the dermis or in the hypodermis; respond to deep pressure & vibration
Pacian corpuscles
(tactile corpuscle) in dermal paprika. detect Simultaneous Stimulation @ 2 pnts on skin -> 2 pnts = 1
meissner's corpuscle
over stimulation = decreased sensitivity to a continued stimulation
adaptation (accommodation)
generates AD as along Stimulus is applied; accommodate Very slowly
Tonic Stimulation
more sensitive to changes than tonic receptors; accommodate very slowly
pnasic receptors
part of anterolateral sys = sensory from skin ->to brain.
acts in 3 sequential neurons. '-primary neuron: transmits AP from perphery-> spinal cord gray matter -Secondary neuron: decussates@commisswe & enters & ascends to thalamus.
- tertiary: from thalamus to cerebral cortex (specifiCally the somatic Cortex)
spinothalmic tra(t
project to superior colliCuli; transmit AP assoc w/ Visual reflexes in response to some type of Stimulus onthe skin
spinotectal tracts
posterior to the central sulcus post central gyrus
primary somatic sensory cortex
separates parietal lobe about midway along the length of the cerebrum.
central sulcus
anterior to central sulcus the precentral gyrUs
primary motors cortex
taste end of the post central gyrus (primary sensory area).
taste area
inferior frontal lobe; both conscious & unconscious) responses to odor are initiated here.
a primary sensory area
olfactory cortex
superior temporal lobe.
a primary sensory area
primary auditory cortex
occipital lobe.
visual cortex
area just anterior to primary motor cortex where motor functions are organized
premoter area
Impairment in the performance of learned activity
area involved in motivation, intelligence, abstract ideas, judgment, empathy & conscience; and maybe center for aggression
prefrontal lobe.