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23 Cards in this Set

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High Context cultures
The meaning is implied by physcal setting or presumed to be a part of norms or social practices
Low Context Cultures
majority of the information is vested in the explict code (speech).
High Power Distance
each person has a place in the social order and authorities should not be challenged.
Low Power Distance
Minimal social or class difference. Challenge authorities.
Hofstede's Cultural Taxomony
study of cultural differences in value orientations. 5 demensions of order.
Individualism vs. collectivism
extent in which individual atonomy is regarded favorably or unfavorably
Masculinity vs. Femininity
the extent to which people prefer achievement and assertiveness or nutrance and social support.
Long term vs. Short term tiem orientation
Do you live for the now (short-term orentation) or for the future (long term).
In-group collectivism
the degree to which people express pride, loyalty, and solidarity with family or similar group.
gender egalitarianism
extent to which a culture minimizes differences in gender expectations or men vs. women
How many taxonomies are used in chapter 5?
3. High/low context, Hofstede's, and GLOBE
the GLOBE cultural taxonomy
conducted by Robert House. Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness
Cultural Identity
one's sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group.
words, actions, or objects that stand for or represent a unit of meaning.
the rules for combining units of a language.
the study of the meaning of words.
denotative meanings
are public, objective, and legal meanings of words.
connotative meanings
are personal and emotionally charged and specific to a person [someday]
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis of linguistics Relativity
language effects the way we view the world
the study of body movements
behaviors that have a direct verbal counterpart.
nonverbals that regulate flow of conversation
nonverbals that accompany verbal messages.