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14 Cards in this Set

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D has a duty to act with due care to ensure that D's actions do not interfere with other's rights (i.e., a civil duty)
D breaches their civil duty when they intentionally, knowingly, recklessly (only emotional distress) act in a way that will infringe upon other people's right not to be harmed
D must be the actual and the proximate cause of the harm to the P
INTENT (Harry Potter Is So Tiny)
H: Intent need not be hostile
P: Unless statute says otherwise, parents not liable for torts of children
I: Intent can be inferred if D's actions if those actions were reasonably certain to result in prohibited harm
S: Insanity and infancy not a shield for intentional torts
T: Intent can transfer even if the D unintendeds to harm a P or commits another tort
Injury can be to P's...
body, reputation, property
P is not required to prove the amount of damages. Compensatory and Punitive Damages are available at the jury's discretion
Defenses (COPS RAN)
Consent, Self Defense, Defense of Others, Defense of Property, Recapture of Chattel, Authority, Necessity
*Actual: words/conduct that express willingness
*Apparent: words/conduct that would lead RP to think consent has been given
*Implied: implied by law based on P's conduct
*Informed: validity may depend on information available to consenting party; (lack of informed consent may negate defense b/c understanding may be required)
Consent Limitation
*Exceeds the scope (express or implied)
*Mistake and Fraud
-Nature/quality of act - consent invalid
-Collateral Matter - consent valid
*Criminal Conduct
Self Defense
*Force must be reasonable
*Mistake does not preclude defense; if reasonable
-No retaliation
Defense of Others
*Must be reasonable
*J/S on whether mistake negates defense
-objective plus standard of reasoning v. purely objective
Defense of Property
*Reasonable - non-deadly only
*Mistake will preclude defense
-Demand P to cease; unless obviously futile
The intentional harmful or offensive contact with P or something closely attached to the P. Proof of damages not required.
Intentional tort where action place the P in apprehension of an immediate harmful/offensive touching