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12 Cards in this Set

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Galton-Inheritance is all (Rich is all)
Hereditary genius- Intelligence natural among rich, privileged.

-Environment not considered.

-Eugenics idea developed-selective human breeding.

Burt-Inheritance is all (twin study)

-Influenced UK school system

-Used twins-reared-apart study to demonstrate but was refuted by Kamin

However his findings replicated by others

Adoption studies show similar IQ's with adoptive family-suggests inheritance isn't everything.

Jensen-Culture diffs due to genes

-Controversy suggesting mean cultural diffs due to genes (80%)

Kamin-Environment overrides heritability

-argued for a combo against Jensen

-used the seeds argument with good and bad soil

Gardner:Impact of cultural values

Departure from genetics but still biological-brain damage effects intelligence in some not others


-Pioneered Correlation / Setstage for Binet DevisedInt test to produce info to support hereditary theories

-Basedthis on sensation (reflection of Helmholtz)‏

-MeasuredRT, colour perception, ability to hear whistle etc.

Binet-Simon (BS)

1st Real Application / Mental AgeFrencheducation- looked for ways help slow learnersBestof intentions, objective approach not teacher sub evaluation

AskedBinet to develop test - he did & it worked well

Termon & Stanford Binet (SB)

Developed mental age into Int. Quotient (ratio)

Termanrevised B-S test & publishedStanford-BinetAllowedstand. comparison of kids at diff ages

Usedformula Mental Age/ChronAge * 100 So,if three kids age 12 have MA of 9, 12 and 15:IQ= 9/12*100 IQ = 12/12*100 IQ = 15/12*100 = 75 = 100 = 125


Separate components / Normal Dist

Adaptedthe S-B to adult usage (the WAIS)‏Sosuccessful was adapted for kids use 10yrs laterSeparatedintel components into verbal & nonverbal

Discarded notion of overall “IQ”

Intelligence summary-diff to define

Intelligence difficult to define and very controversial (both nature & use)‏

Conceptually, its u/s drawn fromdiverse aspects (innate, acquired, cultural, practical) Incorporates aspects of verbal,numerical, perceptual, mechanical, inductive and deductive reasoning

Summary of APA

Conceptsof "intelligence" are attempts to clarify & organize complex setof phenomena.

Although considerable clarity has been achieved in some areas, nosuch conceptualization has yet answered all the important questions, and nonecommands universal assent. Indeed, when two dozen prominent theorists wererecently asked to define intelligence, they gave two dozen, somewhat different,definitions

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