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51 Cards in this Set

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epidermis - = epithelim
dermin = = connective tissues
hypoderjis = adipose + connective tissue
accessory components (hair follicle, sweat glands)
name p. 149 epidermis
Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium:
4 principle cells types in epidermis
From base up: Stratum basale (deepest layer) , stratusm corneum (most superficial). 2nd = stratum granulosum 3rd up = stratum lucidum
most bottom layer
stratum basale
2nd bottom layer
stratum spinosum
3rd from bottom
stratum granulosm - (stains well) w/dark granules
4 th from bottom
stratum corneum - no nuclei - bec it's just keratin
5 th from bottom
stratum lucidum (not always seen)
stratum meaning in Latin
stratum = layer
Keratinocytes' function
a glycoprotein - produces keratin
produces melatonin, esp under sun, skin produces melanina -protects a layer & damaging the basal layer, to protect cells from UV rays
where 're melanoyte found?
dark stratum basale layer
All non-melanocytes cells are called
what's dermis made up?
>80 % dense irregular
loose connective tissues
in chicken
epi & dermis easy to move, hypo
where's the fat
mostly hypo layer
mountaints (& valleys) form?
papilla = elevation
= valley
tissues that form = papillary layer
lower region (of papillary)
reticular region = dense irregular tissue
below dermis you have ____ layer
subcutaneous layer, aka superfacial fascia, aka hypodermis
= a lot of adipose tissue, a little loose connective
is there any blood vessels in epithelium?
Imagine you're cutting the arm, what layers do you find?
Epidermis, dermis, hypo (adipose = subQ = superfasical fascia, deep fascia, connective tissue
renship between superficial fascia & muscle?
superficial fascial of superficial to muscle
deep fascia is the muscle
deep fascia is superficial to the muscle
LUMEN part 13, slide 1 lable all parts
dermal papilla, stratum grnulosum, stratum corneu, stratum basale, (from bottom up)
name this tissue type
dense irregular
what's down here?
adipose (hypodermis layer_
Slide 2
stratum corneum, dense irregular (= tissues type), skin layer type ( = dermis) thsi is a seat gland
slide 3: name row of cells
stratum basale, stratum spinosum, granulosm, all the stuff aboe, corneum
slide 3: name the white stuff
loose connective tissues (body is dynamic )
slide 4
name white: corneum, granulosm spinosum
slide 7
dermal papill, stratum baasale, melanocytes ( = dark cells, keratonocytes (all cells toward surface), stratum corneum ( = top layer)
slide 8
stratum corneu, granuled layer in layer = granulosum
slide 11
= white ares
slide 18
an encapsulated nerve
sebaceous glands
oil glands for hair, oil goes into hair follicle. on test, the gland will have a duct going into hair follicle
sweat gland
more watery, saline, has enzymes, body, protective substances, produces mostly watery, salty, other substances
true sweat gland, found in forehead, palms, feet, releases water for temperature regulation
unique to armpits, secretion is more milky substance, where microorganism reside (like your armpit smells), in the axilary region, in anal genital area, more emotioanlly related
gives you goose bumps
arrector pilli muscle
3 encapsulated sensory receptors
Meissner's copuscle (sens light touch)
Pacinian corpuscle (sense deep pressure)
Free nerve edings (sense temp + pain)
what layer are the 3 in?
What do you call this structure?
(sectional view) from book, p. 147
p. 147 gland picture
epithelium covers, gland = sebaceous gland
onion picture
pacinian corpuscle
Lumen slide 21: identify haird follicles
hair follicles
slide 23
brown in center is the hair!
slide 25
lots of sebaceous glands
slide 2 name hese brown cells, name these purple cells, to cells
sweat glands (in Lumen) slide 2
see the coiled area & ducts
lumen slide 10
sweat gland