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45 Cards in this Set

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Flat, nonpalpable change in skin colo, with different sises, shapes, color; smaller than 1cm.
ex. rubella, scarlet fever freckles
Palpabel solid raised lesion that is less than 1cm in diameter due to superficial thickening in the epidermis.
ex. ringworm, rosea, wart, mole
Solid elevted lesion that is larger & deeper than a pupule.
ex. fibroma , intradermal nevi
A febrile condition caused by cutaneous dissemination of herpesvirus type 1, occurring most commonly in children, consisting of a widespread eruption of vesicles rapidly becoming umbilicated pustules; clinically indistinguishable from a generalized vaccinia. The two may be distinguished by electron microscopy or demonstration of inclusion bodies in smears, which are intranuclear in eczema herpeticum and intracytoplasmic in eczema vaccinatum.
Eczema Eerpeticum
pustulosis vacciniformis acuta

A benign neoplasm derived from fibrous connective tissue,
Solid elevted lesion that is larger & deeper than a pupule
A fluid-filled vesicle or blister greater than 100 cm in diameter appearing as a circumscribed area of separation of the epidermis from the subepidermal structure (subepidermal bulla) or as a circumscribed area of separation of epidermal cells (intraepidermal bulla) caused by the presence of serum, or occasionally by an injected substance.
contact dermatitis; burns
A condition characterized by hemorrhage into the skin. Appearance of the lesions varies with the type of purpura, the duration of the lesions, and the acuteness of the onset. The color is first red, gradually darkens to purple, fades to a brownish yellow, and usually disappears in 2 or 3 weeks; color of residual permanent pigmentation depends largely on the type of unabsorbed pigment of the extravasated blood; extravasations may occur also into the mucous membranes and internal organs
A circumscribed, evanescent papule or irregular plaque of edema of the skin, appearing as an urticarial lesion, slightly reddened, often changing in size and shape and extending to adjacent areas, and usually accompanied by intense itching; produced by intradermal injection or test, or by exposure to allergenic substances in susceptible persons; also encountered in dermatitis herpetiformis (Darier sign).
Syn:hives welt
An eruption of itching wheals, usually of systemic origin; it may be due to a state of hypersensitivity to foods or drugs, foci of infection, physical agents (heat, cold, light, friction), or psychic stimuli
A small blister like raised area of the skin that contains serous fluid, up to 1cm in diameter
Ex; poison ivy, shingles chicken pox
Tinea Pedis aka athletes foot
A patch or solid raised lesion on the skin or mucous membrane that is greater than 1 cm in diameter
Ex; psoriasis Tinea Tonsurans
Small elevation of skin or vesicle or bulla that contains lymph or pus
Pustule: Primary
Ex; impetigo scabies acne pimples
by the dried serum pus or blood after drys and from the #2 lesion crust by the dried serum pus or blood then #2 lesion crust dries futher leaving a scab
Traumatized abrasions of epidermis or linear scratch marks
Excoriations #2 Lesion
eg: scabies, dermatitis, burns
A mark left in the skin due to fibrotic changes following healing of wound sore surgical incision. 2.Fibrous tissue replacing normal tissues destroyed by injury or disease
#2 Lesion
A severe, unremitting type of chronic ringworm of the scalp and nails, with scarring and formation of crusts called scutula, caused by three dissimilar dermatophytes, Trichophyton schoenleinii (most commonly), T. violaceum, and Microsporum gypseum; it occurs more frequently in the Mediterranean countries, southeastern Europe, southern Asia, and northern Africa. Syn: honeycomb ringworm, crusted ringworm, tinea favosa
An inflammatory fungus infection of the scalp and beard, marked by pustules and a boggy infiltration of the surrounding parts; most commonly caused by Microsporum audouinii.
Tinea Kerion
boggy infiltration
Ringworm or fungus infection of the hairless skin.
Tinea Glabrosa
An eruption consisting of a number of concentric rings of overlapping scales forming papulosquamous patches scattered over the body; it occurs in tropical climates and is caused by the fungus Trichophyton concentricum.
Tinea Imbricata
Syn: Oriental ringworm, scaly ringworm, Tokelau ringworm

Trichophyton concentricum
Ringworm of the hand, usually referring to infections of the palmar surface.
Tinea Manus
tinea corporis
tinea circinata
A fungus infection due to Exophiala werneckii, marked by dark lesions giving a spattered appearance and occurring most commonly on the palms of the hands
Tinea Nigra
Syn: pityriasis nigra
An eruption of tan or brown branny patches on the skin of the trunk, often appearing white, in contrast with hyperpigmented skin after exposure to the summer sun; caused by growth of the fungus Malassezia furfur in the stratum corneum with minimal inflammatory reaction.
Tinea Versicolor
Syn: pityriasis versicolor
Dermatophytosis of the feet, especially of the skin between the toes, caused by one of the dermatophytes, usually a species of Trichophyton or Epidermophyton; the disease consists of small vesicles, fissures, scaling, maceration, and eroded areas between the toes and on the plantar surface of the foot; other skin areas may be involved.
Tinea Pedis
Syn: ringworm of foot, dermatomycosis pedis, athlete's foot
Ringworm of the nails due to a dermatophyte.
Tinea Unguium
A fungus infection of the beard, occurring as a follicular infection or as a granulomatous lesion;
Tinea Barbae
AKA Tinea Sycosis
primary lesions are papules pustules-
Syn: ringworm of beard, folliculitis barbae,
tinea sycosis, barber itch
A fungus infection dermatophytosis of the keratin component of hair, skin, or nails. Genera of fungi causing such infection are Microsporum Trichophyton, and Epidermophyton.
Syn: ringworm, serpigo 1
A common form of fungus infection of the scalp caused by various species of Microsporum and Trichophyton on or within hair shafts, occurring most commonly in children and characterized by irregularly placed and variously sized patches of apparent baldness because of hairs breaking off at the surface of the scalp, scaling, black dots (see black-dot ringworm), and occasionally erythema and pyoderma.
Tinea Capitis
Syn: ringworm of scalp
a well-defined, scaling, macular eruption of dermatophytosis that frequently forms annular lesions and may appear on any part of the body.
Tinea Corporis
Syn: tinea circinata, ringworm of body

Tinea Capitis or Tinea Corporis caused by the fungus Trichophyton tonsurans; characterized by small plaques and fewer broken off hairs than in Tinea Capitis caused by other species.
Tinea Tonsurans
Inflammatory ringworm of the glabrous skin.
Tinea Profunda
AKA Majocchi granulomas
A severe, unremitting type of chronic ringworm of the scalp and nails, with scarring and formation of crusts called scutula, caused by three dissimilar dermatophytes, Trichophyton schoenleinii (most commonly), T. violaceum, and Microsporum gypseum; it occurs more frequently in the Mediterranean countries, southeastern Europe, southern Asia, and northern Africa.
Tinea Favosa OR Favus
Syn: honeycomb ringworm, crusted ringworm
A closed sac or pouch with consists of semisolid, solid, or liqid material
eg: sebaceous cyst
Thickening and hardening of skin from contiumed irritationb such as intense scatching looks like a surface of mass; rough leathery thick skin
ex: sun worshiper that is 25 and she looks55
An open sore or lesion that extends to the dermis
Ex:Pressure Ulcer, burns
A slit or crack like sore that extends into dermis usually due to continues imflammation & drying
eg: anal fissures Tinea pedis(athletes foot)
Dry exfoliation of dead epidermis that may develop from inflammatory changes
cradle cap, psoriasis, very dry skin
Pressure ulcers described in 3 colors and indicates what
Black indicate necrosis

Yellow wounds have exudate & infected

Red are pink or red and are in healing stage
Chronic Eczema problems and psoriasis What treatment would apply & name a medication?
Medication tar bath
Almar Tar or Bainetar
15-30 min
Wet compresses for acute weeping crusted inflammed or ulcerative lesions Why how often how long what different medication
1 To decrease inflammation, cleanse dry wound continued drainage of infected areas.
2 Can Be cool tap h2o, normal saline, aluminum acetate solution (Burrow's solution or Magnesium sulfate.
3 Saturate dressing w/ solution before appling.
4 wet dressing q3-4 hrs for 15 -30 min.
prescribe no longer 72 hr because skin could become either drying or macerated
Balneotherapy what is it
Therapeutic bath useful 2 apply medication to lg areas of skin as well as for debridement or removeing old crust old medication or to relieve itching or inflammation. Avoid hot baths
treatment last 15-30min
Cool compresses are used for how long & why
reapplied q 10-15min cause dressing gets warm from body heat.
Scraping scales position patient so skin lesion is verticle. Place the slide where? to get a skin culters to determine presence of fungi bacteria and viruses
place slide against skin and below lesion and scrape & treated w 10 percent potassium hydroxide (KOH) sent to lab
Wound healing first second and third intentions name them
1. edges of wound are approximated with staples or sutures
2. wound is left open & allowed to heal by granulation
3. wound is infected and ledt open until no evidence of infection and wound is then surgically closed.
1. intention healing-minimal scarring
2. intention healing- scarring usually extentive with prolonged healing
3.intention healing-craters and will it heal
A scab formed by dry serum, pus, or blood
ex; infected dermatitis, impetigo
Occlusive dressing may cause skin atrophy folliculitis, maceration, erythema & systemic absorption of medication to prevent these complications the dressing is remove how many hours qd
12 out 24 qd
Ulcer can be cleaned by irrigation sytem with pressure between 4-15lbs per sq in. >4lbs wont cleanse and <15lbs will damage tissue. How much solution would you use? What mL syringe & what gauge of needle used?
1. Either 250mL of tap h2o or normal saline is enough to cleanse.
2. If wound is red use 30-60 mL needleless syringe should prevent trauma and bleeding. If bleeding occurs wound healing has been impaired.
3. IF wound has be dx with infection a 30-60mL syringe & 18 guage needle is needed to help remove bacteria
ex: other cleansing; hydrotherapy whirlpool, handheld shower head