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111 Cards in this Set

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moving short term memory into long term
retrieve memory
working memory
memory in use, centered around hippocampus or prefrontal cortex
working memory
facts, events,
milliseconds, seconds
moment to moment utilization of info
hippocampus, prefrontal cortex
long term memory
facts, events
years, decades
acquisition of knowledge/experience
dentate nucleus, posterior cortex
declarative memory
knowing " this is my hair"
semantic memory
meaning of words
working memory
memory in use, currently happening
reference memory
details of an object, knowledge of college
implicit memory
where you parked
procedural memory
how you parked
autobiographical memory
knowing random dates
exteroceptive memory
specific dates, ft hood shooting
skilled learning
involves extrapyramidal motor system, like cerebelum and basal ganglia
association cortex
the more association areas in the cortex, the more advanced the species seems to be intellectually
unilateral neglect/ contralateral
cannot utilize information from one side of the environment, deals with associative cortices
lession in prefrontal cortex
hard to make new memories or to retrieve them, not storage site
lession in the ANTERIOR part of the cingulate cortex
affects memory
lession in the POSTERIOR part of the cingulate cortex
affects sleep
mediotemporal lobe-specifically-occipitotemporal cortex
facial recognition
3 inputs
1. occipitotemporal
3. entorhinal * ( main one)
anterior portion of cingulate cortex
wiping out about half of it severely disrupts memories
posterior cingulated cortex
important in sleep regulation
occipital temporal cortex
important in recognizing faces
new long term memories cannot be made if there is a lession in hippocampus, can still learn procedural memories
alzheimer's destroys the hippocampus
then destroys the entorhinal cortex and parahippocampus, cannot remember new information with this disease , but memories involving past experiences are unaffected,

Hippocampus in involved with consolidation
face recognition cortex
occipital temporal cortex , neurons fire in response to seeing a face, if face is scrambled, they do not fire
the hippocampus
lots of calcium channels, highest order function
hippocampal commisure
hippocampus is bilaterally connected
Electroconvulsive shock
current is applied between the sides of the head, inducing seizures, this induces retrograde amnesia ( events before amnesia cannto be recalled)
anterograde amnesia
inability to make new memories
had an experimental seizure, removed the entire medial temporal lobes, includes hippocampus, parts of amygdala, entorhinal cortex and parahippocampal cortex,

after surgery , no longer sufferered from seizures, but could not make new memories

-only procedural memory( basal ganglia and cerebellum)
no declarative memory

loss of CA1 pyramidal neurons in hippocampus and pyramidal neurons in entorhinal cortex was enough to recreate HM symptoms
CA1 neurons
CA1 neurons in hippocampus are most sensitive to oxygen diff.
Hippocampus and memory
memories pass through and possibly indexed by hippocampus, but not where memories are stored, consolidation
protein synthesis and anterograde
once memory has been made, blocking protein synthesis has no effect
At the end of the first day before sleep, blocking protein synthesis results in the fish no making long term memory

Blocking protein synthesis seems to affect consolidation
Memory consolidation : increase in protein synthesis
Protein synthesis inhibitor added before the training results in normal short term memory, has same effect as when protein synthesis inhibitor was added at the end of the first day
wisconsin card sort
tests for prefrontal lobe damage, particulary lateral prefrontal cortex

prefrontal cortex damage very common because of car accidnets
stroop test
test the anterior portion of the frontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex
matching to sample
posterior cingulate cortex
nonmatching to sample
activity seen in the orbitofrontal cortex
aplysia slugg
habituation for sensitization, poke slug after a while doesnt feel it anymore
prefrontal lobectomy
shoving probes up through the top of the eye sockets, and scrambling the prefrontal cortex
known for its function involved in emotional arousal
highest density of high volatage gated calcium channels, as well as high numbers of many other receptors
hippocampus is archicortical
3 layered
pyramidal cells
primary output neurons of the hippocampus
granule cells
in the dentate gyrus
output neurons from the hippocampus, they synapse with the subiculum, which then goes back to the entorhinal cortex
pyramidal neurons which send outputs primarily to CA1 as well as some modulatory systems
hippocampal circuitry
feedback circuit
most changes in the CA1 and CA3 neurons during consolidation, granule cells show very little change over time
acts to promote gene transcription
short term potentiation
increase in synaptic activity , less than 50ms.
Mechanism is pre-synaptic and deals with calcium in presynaptic terminal. More calcium leads to more NT release, does not last long because the cell has mechanisms to handle the excess calcium
long term potentiation
increase in synaptic activity, 10 minutes to 10 days
Maintenance phase: has a high spike in potentiation and then slowly falls back down near base level.
pre and post synaptic activity: calcium
Long term depression
last at least 10 minutes, not more than 1 day, post synaptic activity: calcium
pairing /spatial summation: most individual synapses are too weak to cause post synaptic cell to fire. Requires cooperation of a number of synapses.
timing/temporal summation. Action potentials need to be put together at about the same time. Can cause potentiation or depression of synapses
discrimination/synapse specificity. Sets of synapses that have been paired should show increased responses.
the effects of stress are cumulative,
hippocampus has the highest density for stress hormone, found in the pyramidal neurons in hippocampus
Chronic stress=increased glucose utilization
stress can cause
1. presynaptic dysfunction
2. postsynaptic dysfunction
3. excitotoxicity: death by glutamate
glia cells beging to change pattern of activity , they begin to release a great abundance of syrine ( important for activation of glutamate receptors-NMDA receptors-which function as calcium channels) under these excitotoxic conditions over activation of NMDA receptors greatly increases the load of calcium on post synaptic cells, which may lead to apoptosis ( cell death)
neurochemical hypothesis for aging?
actin: gives shape and structure to the cell, can have abnormal variants
Tau protein cleavage defects
Accumulationof beta-amyloid proteins

Impaired calcium homeostatsis :intracellular calcium increase each deacade of life
intracellular calcium levels increase each decade of life( leads to calcification)
causes many changes structurally and functionally at the cellular level
genetic hypothesis
cumulative mutations=disease
developmental programmed cell death ( apoptosis): certain stimuli can cause apoptosis to become re-initiated

Telomerase loss
decreases with age
high blood pressure in aging
has effects on the NS
prion disease
prion proteins build up in the brain and destroy it over time
vascular dementias
suffered after a stroke or injury
loss of SN pars compacta DA neurons
Huntington's dz
trisomal CAG repeat, affects medium spiney neurons in basal ganglia
progressive supranuclear palsy
loss of cerebellar deep n, olivary n
alzheimers disease
reported incidence increasing
alzheimers tangles and plaques
neurodegeneration beginning in hippocampus
spreading to entorhinal , and other limbic cortices
reactive astrocyte responses
in aging
global major changes in synaptic transmission, increased sensitivity to glutamate
regional hyper/hypophosphorylation
global changes in cognition
preserved functions, long term memory
severe impairments in consolidating new memories
progressive retrograde amnesia, mood changes
progressive impairment in activities of daily living
end stage loss of control
alzheimers: beta-amyloid protein
problems with cleaving amyloid proteins
Apo-E genes: a gene that is related to early onset of alzheimers
learning related plasticity
occurs only in the pyramidal neurons
post burst afterhyperpolarization : AHP
an event that occurs after an AP is fired-makes cell more hyperpolarized after an AP. Using a calcium blocker on the cell membrane badly affects the current, proving it is a Ca-dependent current. , more calcium that enters the cell: larger/longer AHP
animals that are learning successfully
have reduced AHP
aged AHPs are larger ( so they are slower)
while young AHPs are smaller
aging neurons have high levels of Calcium
inside the cell, PKA pathway seems to account for this overall higher AHP in aged neurons
calcium binding protein that can bind with up to 4 different calcium ions per molecule

SK type potassium channels and calmodulin: interact, by gating the opening and closing of the channel,
the more calcium that is bound to it, the longer the channel will stay open
short term memory
does not depend on protein synthesis
Long-term memories involve changes in protein synthesis and gene regulation
, whereas short-term memories do not.
potassium channels that generate the AHP
SK-type potassium channels
calcium sensor that binds 3 calcium ions per molecule
blocking calmodulin
we can in dose dependent fashion, affect the AHP. Blocking these sites can reduce AHP significantly
SK-channel blockers
SK channel blocker, comes from honey bee venom. Can cross BBB. Dose dependently increases learning/memory. Reduces AHP amplitude
SK channel blocker, from many plant sources, reduces AHP amplitude, consistenly increases firing activity of the pyramidal neurons
the SK channel and the unknown channel ( aka slow AHP channel) both modulated by phosphorylation. Phosphoryation closes these channels and reduces their activity.
Muscarinic agonists: M1
treatment with M! agonists results in faster learning. M1 agonists reduce underlying currents in a dose dependent fashion.
Increased phosphorylation, firing increases, AHP reduced, thus more excitable
agonists for metabotropic glutamate receptors , AHP is reduced, neurons fire more and currents are reduced, faster learining
NMDA receptors
ionotropic receptors for glutamate. When glutamate binds to these receptors , they open allowing calcium ion inflow. Unique because they require 2 NTs: glutamate and serene

serine is dumped by glia cells
NMDA receptor antagonists
block learning
Completely blocking NMDA receptors will block learning and memory in a dose depended fashion
Enhancing function of NMDA receptors
increases learning
partial NMDAR agonists will enhance learning and memory
A full agonists impairs learning/ just like an antagonists
D-cycolserine (DCS)
was a partial agonist used for MNDA, animals learn faster
serine is a nt not released from neurons but glia
displaces the serine that glial cells are releasing, resulting in activiating the NMDARs less than serene, redunces amt of calcium coming into post synaptic neurons
increasing PKA
activity in hippocampus and pyramidal neurons also reduce AHP, facilitated by multiple Nts.
conserved limbic system
Conserved limbic mechanism necessary for many forms of learning/memory consolidation
high Calcium
low calcium
Criteria to support function of learning/memory
• Changes in neuronal activity should CORRELATE with function changes
• TIME COURSE of neuronal changes should be appropriate
• MANIPULATION of neuronal changes should alter functional changes
Ca Dependent K channels
• Associated with learning
• Post-burst HP (after hyperpolarization)
• BKA644 – makes you stupid
• Can make AHPs smaller by learning
• Slow AHP – less intense, longer-lasting
Eyeblink Pseudo
• Same number of air puffs and tones, but change the timing between the tones and air puffs. Never learn.
• AHPs high
Rightward shift in AHPs
• Control animals – evenly distributed
• After learning: shift to right
Fire activity – Accommodation
• After learning – more excitable
• Slow learners – less excitable
• IA/inhibitory avoidance (fear conditioning) strong connection between amygdala- basal lateral n of amygdala (fear memory), and HP (CA1)
-AHPs get longer in older populations – less likely to learn.
-learning reduces AHPS
spatial mapping
-HP also plays a role in spatial mapping
Corticospinal – voluntary movement
Start at cortex
• 95% cross at pyramid
• 5% ipsilateral
Rubrospinal – voluntary movement
Start at red nucleus
• Cross immediately
§ 6 layered
§ Betz cells – pyramidal neurons in layer 5 that will travel from motor cortex to spinal cord
§ Input layer is 4
§ Output layer is 5
Basal ganglia
Feedback loop, anticipation, and planning of movement
3 layered cortex
§ Outer – molecular; where dendrites reside; also where all fibers come together
§ Middle – perkinje cells
§ Inner – granule cells
Ø Controls most movement and also mood
Ø 3 parts
§ Anterior
§ Posterior
§ Archicerebellum (flocculonodular lobe)
3 layered cortex
§ Outer – molecular; where dendrites reside; also where all fibers come together
§ Middle – perkinje cells
§ Inner – granule cells