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35 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Two types of senses
General senses
Somatic, Visceral
Special Senses
smell, taste, sight, hearing, balance
5 types of sensory receptors
Mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors, thermoreceptors, photoreceptors, nocioceptors
Mechanoreceptors detect
compression, bending, strenching of cells, touch, and pressure (proprioception, hearing, and balance)
Chemicals attach to receptors(smell and taste)
Thermo receptors respond to
changes in temperature
Photoreceptors respond to
changes in light)vision)
Nocioreceptors respond to
exrreme mechanical, chemical, or thermal stimuli
Three types of receptors based on location
Proprioceptors(joints, tendons)
Free Nerve endings detect
Temperature Sensation
Most visceroreceptors are
free nerve endings
Merkel's Disk detect
light touch and superficial presure
Merkels Disks assosciated with
dome-shaped mounds of thinked epidermis in hairy skin
Axonal branches of merkels disk are
flatted expansions assosciated with epithelial cells
Hair follicle receptors detect
slight bending of hair, as occurs in light touch
Pacinian Corpuscles detect
deep cutaneous pressure, cibration
Pacinian Corpuscles also involved in
Meissener Corpuscles detect
simultaneous stimulations at two points on skin
Meissner Corupsucles found on
tongue and fingertips
Ruffini end organs respond to
continuous touch or pressure
Ruffini end organs found primarily in
dermis of fingers
Muscle spindles involved in ___ and provide information about___
stretch reflex
length of muscles
Golgi tendon organ respon to
increased tension on tendon
Spinothalamic tract part of the
anterolateral system
spinothalamic tract conveys
pain, temperature, light touch, pressure, tickle and itch
Three neuron system of spinothalamic tract
Primary: periphery to posterior horn of spinal cord
Secondary: cross to opposite side, enter tract, ascend to thalamus
Tertiary: thalamus to somatic sensory cortex
Medial lemiscal system carries sensation of
Two point discrimiination, proprioception, pressure,vibration
2 parts of medial lamiscal system
fasciculus gracillis(inferior to midthorax)

fasciculus cuneatus(above the midthorax)
Three-Neuron system of medial lamisccal
Primary: dorsal root ganglion, enter spinal cord without decussating

Secondary: Decussate and ascend to thalamus

tertiary: project to somatic senory cortex
Trigeminothalamic Tract has fiver that join
spinothalamic tract in brainstem
Trigemeniothalamic trac carries info from
face, nasal cavity, oral cavity
Spinocerebellar system carries
proprioreceptive information
Spinoolivary tract contributes to
coordination of movement assosciated with balance
Spinotectal tract involved in
relflexes that turn the eyes and head toward point of cutaneous stimulation