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79 Cards in this Set

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an object that can recover its shape after a force deforms it.
Periodic Motion
motion that is repeated
the back and forth motion that occurs in periodic motion
one complete vibration
maximum displacement from the equilibrium position
the time required for a complete cycle
the number of cycles per second.
Unit of measure: Hertz
a single disturbance
Periodic wave
a repeated disturbance
a traveling distrubance that transports energy.
Longitudinal Wave
disturbance that causes particles to move closer together. Acts parallel to its motion.
Transverse Wave
a disturbance that causes motion perpendicular to the direction that the wave is moving
the frequency that the ear perceives
distance between identical and adjacent points on a wave
Wave Front
all of the particles in the medium that are in phase together
when a wave bends because the wave front encounters a bondary from an angle
when a wave disturbance turns back on itself when encountering a boundary
the spreading of a wave disturbance around the edge of an obstruction
when two or more waves interact with one another, the individual waves combine to make a new disturbance
Constructive Interference
when the amplitude is greater than either of the two seperate waves
Destructive Interference
when the amplitude is smaller than at least one of the combining waves
the energy of a wave; the power transmitted by a wave to a unit area perpendicula to the wave
the sensation of sound that the person perceives
when an outside frequency from a vibrating source matches the natural frequency of an object and causes it to vibrate
Fundamental Frequency
the lowest frequency possible by an instrument; also referred to as the first harmonic
The Doppler Effect
the sound effect of a higher pitch perceived as the source of sound approaches, but changes to a lower pitch as it moves away; it is a perceived shift of frequency
Standing Wave
alternating places of destructive interference, NODES, and constructive waves,ANTINODES.
Mach 1
at the speed of sound
Mach 2
twice the speed of sound
an atom that formed from gaining or losing electrons
Electrostatic Charge (static electricity)
charge that is confined to a non-moving object
Coulomb's Law
The size of the electrical force depends on the amount of charge of each object and the distance between the two objects
Electric Current
a flow of charge
electric current (amps)
quantity of charge (C)
time (s)
any substance that allows charges to flow easily
any substance that does not allow charges to flow
depending on the conditions, a substance that sometimes acts as a conductor and sometimes acts as an insulator
property of opposing or reducing a current
substances, where at very low temperatures, resistance may get very close to, or approaches, zero
Direct Current
current always moves in one direction
Alternating Current
current can move in one direction, then change and move in the other direction
a ratio that gives the amount of work done in the circuit
Series Circuit
describes a circuit that provided a single conducting path without junctions
Parallel Circuit
describes two or more components in a circuit that are connected across junctions, providing seperate conducting paths for the current
is a ratio between the voltage and resulting current
Voltage (watts)
Electric Current (amps)
Power (ohms)
Voltage (watts) x Electric Current (amps)
Magnetic Field
surrounds a magnet & can be represented by lines
Magnetic Declination
where the North magnetic pole is different from the geographic North pole
produced when many loops of wire are formed into a cylindrical coil.
a device that measures electric current by measuring the magnetic field that is produced
Electric Motors
converts electrical energy into mechanical energy
Electromagnetic Induction
when a moving magnet, moving past a wire loop, produces an electric field
Electric Generators
converts mechanical energy into electrical energy
when an object produces light
when visible light is given off from an object because of its high temperature
Electromagnetic Spectrum
the complete range of the frequencies of electromagnetic waves
Black-Body Radiation
electromagnetic radiation of all different frequencies that is emitted from an object at any temperature
an example of an object that gives off infrared, visible and ultraviolet radiation
Incident Ray
original light ray
Reflected ray
ray that results after hitting mirror (or other boundary)
imaginary line down perpendicular to the surface of boundary
Law of reflection
the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection
Virtual Image
an image where rays of light APPEAR to originate
Real Image
an image made where light originates from the image
The change in direction of a light ray at the boundary between two mediums.
A property of light that causes objects to appear bent.
Index of Refraction
a ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light through the transparent medium
Converging Lens
Another name for a convex lens
Diverging Lens
Another name for a concave lens
An object used that can split of white light
the effect of spreading colors of light nito a spectrum with a material that has an index of refraction that varies with wavelength
Interference pattern
a diagram of light that shows areas of brightness and darkness
Photoelectric Effect
Electrons moving, or ejected, as a result of energy acquired from light
a quantum of energy in a light wave
scientist who supported the particle theory of light
scientist who supported the wave theory of light
Particle Nature
blackbody radiation and the photoelectric effect support this nature of light
Wave Nature
reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction, and polarization support this nature of light