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67 Cards in this Set

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"Openness" is best defined as?
Relative importance of trade to a national economy
The index of openness is computed using?
(Exports + Imports) DIVIDE BY GDP
To judge the degree of international integration, economists turn to information on?
Flows of goods

similarity of prices in different markets

flows of capital and people
Free trade in goods is predicted to?
increase competition for workers and firms

provide consumers with greater variety and lower prices
What is deep integration?
The elimination or reduction of trade barriers caused by non-trade-related domestic policies
Cross-country empirical evidence shows that countries that are more open
tend to grow faster than countries that are cloed
countries such as the U.S. that have large populations tend to have?
lower openness indicators
Economists overwhelmingly support more open markets because?
Trade leads to a better allocation of resources inside countries
increasing free trade may?
promote efficient allocation of resources

bring a variety of choices for consumers

increase competition and innovation
which is an example of an institution whose primary concern is global stability?
IMF (International Monetary Fund))
what are Institutions?
A set of rules governing behavior, Whether written or not.
IMF conditionality refers to?
The changes a country must make in order to receive IMF financial assistance.
IMF quotas refer to?
The IMF membership fee paid by countries
what is the WTO?
The international organization that serves as a forum for trade discussions and the development of trade rules
When economists talk about the gains from trade they mean that?
the benefits of trade outweigh the losses
Adam smith was critical of trade barriers, since he believed that trade barriers?
reduce specialization, technological progress and wealth creation
The richardian trade model by David Ricardo is one that?
Expounds principles still valid in today's world
A nation gains from trade even though some individuals benefit while others are hurt because?
The economic gains of the winners exceed the economic losses of the losers
Wage differentials reflect?
productivity differences
What is trade about?
Improving living standards through a more efficient allocation of resources
IF a U.S firm moves some of its assembly to the firms foreign affiliate located in mexico then this is called?
Off Shoring
What are the examples of demand pull factors that influence international migration?
Cost of moving

Probability of finding a job

Wage a worker may earn
The "Resource Curse" refers to the idea that?
Countries that focus on a resource, such as oil, may suffer from macroeconomic instability
what happens When a country trades according to principles of comparative advantage?
Some workers will be hurt due to dislocation, though their losses could be offset if the gains from trade were shared
Since the Heckscher-Ohlin model involves multiple inputs, such as land labor and capital, the production possibility curve (PPC) is?
Curved because production costs are increasing
What is intraindustry trade?
International trade in products made within the same industry
What is interindustry trade?
International trade in products made between different industry
How is intraindustry trade for a single industry measured by?
The Grubel-Lloyd index
The gains from intraindustry trade differ from comparative advantage trade because?
intraindustry gives consumers more choices

prices of export goods fall with intraindustry trade but not with comparative advantage

intraindustry is less threatening to jobs then comparative advantage
Transparency refers to?
Ability of all participants to easily discover and understand the rules
Nontariff barriers tend to be less transparent than tariffs because?
they often require careful and precise interpretation AND

they are associated with special circumstances known to only a few
Tariffs are perferred to quotas because?
Tariffs cause a smaller net national welfare loss compared to quotes
intraindustry trade relies on?
economies of scale
An internal economies of scale is defined as?
one with falling costs over a relatively large range of output
"Uruguay Round" of trade talks resulted in?
new measures for trade dispute

formation of WTO

Measures regulating the treatment of intellectual property
Consumer surplus is equal to the area??
Area UNDER the demand curve and ABOVE the price line
Producer surplus is equal to the area??
Area ABOVE the supply curve and BELOW the price line
What is "Race to the Bottom"?
Situation where countries try to compete against each other for investment by reducing their standards on labor, environmental, or other policy issues
Harmonization of standards implies that countries decide to?
adopt a common set of standards in an area of concern, such as product safety or labor
What was the most common reason for countries to impose tariffs?
Raise revenue for the government
Logic of collective action explains the persistence of tariffs and quotas as an outcome that is driven by the asymmetry between?
the benefits concentrated in the hands of the few firms, versus the costs distributed across many consumers
High-Income industrial nations such as the U.S. and Japan have their highest tariffs in??
Agriculture, clothing, and textiles
U.S. Tariffs and quotas reduce national welfare the most in?
if a home country forces home firms to follow home environmental standards when home firms operate at home or in a foreign location?
pressures for a race to the bottom will decrease
Export labels provide an alternative to the use of trade barriers to promote environmental standards in partner trading countries since?
Labels allow customers to determine whether products were produced in an environmental sustainable fashion
Most of the worlds population and a majority of countries are?
either low-income or middle-income
A country may choose to levy a countervailing duty on imported products if?
IF the imported products benefit from subsidies
Labor standards are?
Multifaceted, covering basic rights AND civic rights
what are the three ways for countries to handle different standards abroad?
Separate standards

Harmonization of standards

Mutual recognition of standards
Openness does NOT reveal a country's trade policies OR define its barriers to trade. T or F??
What are two important points regarding international capital flows?
1) savings and investment are high correlated

2) Technology improvements increase financial capital flows
What are Formal institutions?
Written sets of rules that explicitly state what is and is not allowed
What are Informal institutions?
Customs or traditions that define appropriate behavior, but without legal enforcement
What are Two important functions of international economic institutions to reduce free riding are?
Maintaining order in international economic relations


Reducing uncertainty
The improvement in national welfare is known as what??
the gains from trade
What happens to a country that does not have absolute productivity advantage in anything?
Even if a country does not have any goods with an absolute productivity advantage, it can still benefit from trade
What does the production possibilities curve (PPC) show?
It shows the tradeoffs a country faces when choosing between two goods
Define Absolute productivity advantage:
Held by a country that produces more goods per hour worked than another
Define Comparative productivity advantage
Held by a country that has lower opportunity costs of producing a good than its trading partners do
What does Comparative advantage allow?
allows a country that lacks absolute advantage to sell its products abroad
What is the purpose of the Hecksher-Ohlin Theorem?
Predicts which goods will be exported.
What is the purpose of The Stolper-Samuelson Theorem?
Predicts the income distribution effects of trade
How is protection obtained?
1) Direct actions by the president

2) Countervailing duties
Antidumping duties
Escape clause relief
Section 301 retaliation
What is Special 301?
Requires the USTR to monitor property rights enforcement around the world
Define Harmonization of standards?
Two or more countries adopt a common set of standards
Define Mutual recognition of standards?
Countries maintain their own standards, but accept the standards of others as valid and sufficient
Define Separate standards?
Countries maintain their own standards and refuse to recognize the standards of others