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49 Cards in this Set

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From the earth we can see _____ of the moon
only one side
the moon can eclipse the sun because the moon is
the most widely accepted scientific theory on how the moon was formed states that the moon _____
was an object which once collided with earth
compared to the earth. The moon has
more craters
a lunar eclipse can occur only during the ____ phase
full moon
a solar eclipse can occur only during the _____ phase
new moon
the temperatures on the moon's surface are
either very hot or very cold
when would earth's oceans experience their highest tides
during a new moon
when moons are compared to the planets they orbit, the earth's moon is _____ than the moons of most other planets
when moons are compared to the planets they orbit, the earth's moon is _____ than the moons of most other planets
farther away
the moon has more visible craters than the earth because
erosion erases the craters which form on earth
-most of the earth is covered by oceans
-plants grow over the craters on earth
-many meteorites burn up in earth's atmosphere
the simultanieous cration theory suggests that the earth and moon formed from the same nebula (cloud of matter) at about the same time. A problem with this theory is that it does not explain why the
earth has more iron
a problem with the capture theory on moon formation is that _____
the composition of the earth and moon are very similar
-the moon would need to have been slowed down to be captured
-the earth may not have enough gravity to have captured the moon
the impact theroy hypothesizes that _____
the impact of an asteroid in space formed our moon
a waxing crescent moon immediately follows a ___ moon
a waning gibbous moon immediately follows a ____ moon
the earth's tilt in combination with its orbit around the sun cause the
the days with the most and least hours of daylight are called
on the first day of summer the direct rays of light from the sun are striking the _____
tropic of cancer
on the first day of fall the direct rays of light from the sun are striking the _____
the greatest temperature change caused by the seasons occur at the _____
north and south poles
leap years are necessary because _____
the earth takes more than 365 days to complete its orbit
our timekeeping system is based on the ____
solar day
the sequential changes in the appearance of the moon are called
lunar phases
a lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes through earth's ____
people who see a partial solar eclipse are located in the ____ portion of the moon's shadow
plane of the earth's orbit about the sun
material blasted out of impact craters on the moon that falls back to the surface
electric and magnetic distrubances, or the waves, that travel through space
electromagnetic radiation
the moons state, in which its rotational and orbital periods are equal
synchronous rotation
dark, smooth plains on the moon's surface
hanging-weight system that helps demonstrate the rotation of earth _____
focault pendulum
valley-like structures on the moon's surface
loose, ground up rock on the moon's surface
telescope that uses lenses to bring visible light to a focus
refracting telescope
how long is a lunar month
29.5 days
how long is a solar day
24 hours
earth's position around June 21 relative to the northern hemisphere
summer solstice
farthest point from earth in the moon's orbit
the portion of sunlight reflected by the moon's surface
what is the next phases of the the moon? new moon, _____, first quarter
waxing crescent
what is the next phases of the the moon? waning crescent, _____, waxing crescent
new moon
what is the tilt of the Earth's axis
23.5 degrees
the imaginary line which passes through the poles is called the
earth's axis
the earth is
slightly flattened at the poles
the tides on earth are caused by the gravitational pull of the
the moon and sun
what type of radiation dows not ahve to be observed above the earth's atmosphere
visible light
after a long period of impacts, the moon's impact basins filled with
the features on the moon formed by objects crashing into its surface are
impact craters