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21 Cards in this Set

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E.b. Tichener
Introduced structuralism, Wudnts student, used introspection to look inside.
Wilhelm Wundt
Structuralism, father of psychology, opened first psychology lab in Germany.
William James
Published first psychology textbook, James-Lange Theory.
Sigmund Freud
Psychodynamic, Oedipus complex psychosexual stages, id, ego, superego.
John Watson
Behaviorist, conditioned fear, classical conditioning (little Albert)
Ivan Pavlov
Classical conditioning, behaviorist, dog salvation.
Albert Bandura
Behaviorist, bobo doll experiment, observational learning, reciprocal determinism.
B.F. Skinner
Behaviorist, Skinner box, operant conditioning, rewards/punishments, shaping.
Carl Rogers
Humanistic perspective, client centered therapy, active listening, unconditional positive regard.
Abraham Maslow
Hiearchy of needs, (food, water, self actualization), humanist.
Carl Jung
Neofreudian, psychodynamic, collective unconscious.
Alfred Adler
Neofreudian, infiority complex, social tensions.
Karen Horney
Neofreudian, no such thing as penis envy, no sexual tension.
Stanley Milgram
Shock test, obedience, social psychologist (socio-cultural).
Solomon Asch
Conformity, line test.
Philip Zimbardo
Prison experiment, role playing, prison and guard, atitudes affect our actions.
Harry Harlow
Monkeys, contact and comfort, familiarity, responsiveness.
Jean Piaget
Developmental psychologist, cognitive stages of development. (sensory motor 0-2-object permanence, pre operation 2-7-egocentrism, concrete operational 7-11, formal operational 11-up)
Erik Erikson
8 stages of psychosocial development.
Lawrence Kohlberg
Moral reasoning, 3 stages-preconventional-rewards punishments, conventional-rules obeying laws, postconventional-both.
Konrad Lorenz
Imprinting (humans don't imprint)