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17 Cards in this Set

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transudate usually develops due to...
increased hydrostatic blood pressure
define serous inflamm.
COLOR ATLAS: Acute inflammation with exudate of
fibrin-free serum

VERNEROVA: mild inflammation watery, low protein content, fewer cells, derived from blood or serous lining cells. Mild inflammation
define transudate
). Transudate: non inflammatory fluid with few cells, protein content less than 3g/dl, specific gravity under 1.015
etiology of serous inflamm?
Etiologic factors include:
— hypersensitivity reactions;
— bacterial and viral tissue injury;
— physical and chemical tissue injury.
examples of serous inflamm?
skin blisters, effusions (pleural, peritoneal, pericardial), second degree termal burns, viral meningitis, joint effusions
definition of catharral inflamm`?
VERNEROVA: More pronounced mucinous secretion superimposed on low grade inflammatory reaction. Usually on mucous membranes.

COLORATLAS (definition of "seromucinous inflamm"):

Definition: Acute inflammation occurring exclusively on the mucous membranes of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts and producing a watery exudate of serum and mucus
examples of catharral inflamm?
rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, bronchitis, enteritis

— Hypersensitivity reactions;
— Bacterial and viral tissue injury;
— Physical and chemical tissue injury.
definition of purulent/suppurative/pyogenic inflamm?
VERNEROVA: large amounts of both necrotic and viable neutrophils and liquefied necrotic tissue. Characteristically produced by bacteria mainly Staphylococci.
examples of purulent/suppurative/pyogenic inflamm?
on serous membranes: empyema thoracis, leptomeningitis, peritonitis purulenta
on mucous membranes: pyosalpings, bronchitis, foliculitis, bronchopneumony
intersticial type ( involvement of stroma rather than epitelial or muscular elements):
a. abscess: circumscribed area of purulent inflammation
b. phlegmon: difuse inflammatory process of soft tissue spreding along fascial planes with necrosis.
definition of fibribous inflamm?
more severe injury, greater vascular permeability, larger molecules such as fibrinogen pass the vascular barier and fibrin is formed and deposited in extracellular space. Histologically fibrin appears as an eosinophilic meshwork or sometimes as an amorphous coagulum.

COLOR ATLAS; Definition: Acute inflammation with exudation
of fibrinogen-containing serum that poly-
merizes to fibrin outside the blood vessels... Biologic purpose: Immediate temporary barrier
against additional effects of inflammation.
examples of fibribous inflamm?
on SEROUS MEMBRANES: pericardium (cor vilosum, cor hirsutum = grey white glossy fibrin deposits sometimes arranged as horizontal lines give the appearance of „bread and butter“ pericarditis), meninges, pleura
a. crupous :lobar pneumococcal pneumonia- crupous pneumony
b. pseudomembranous (membranous, diphtheric) - more fibrin enmeshes neutrophils due to coagulation. More severe process, due to action of surface toxins on the lining cells. Examples: dyphtery, dysentery, uremic colitis
c. Necrotizing (escharotic) inflammation: widespread destruction of tissue. Characteristic for certain organisms like Pseudomonas, or organisms producing highly toxic substances exotoxins or endotoxins.
Examples: flue tracheitis, burns
d. Ulcerative: localized defect in an epithelial surface with infalmmatory reaction in the base.
INTERSTITIUM: acute phase of rheumatic fever

Fibrinous exudates may be removed by fibrinolysis and clearing of other debris provided by macrophages. The process of resolution may restore normal tissue structure, when fibrin is not removed it may stimulace the ingrowht of fibroblasts and blood vessels and lead to theformation of adhesions.

— Infectious toxic tissue injury;
— Tissue injury from physical trauma;
— Chemical and toxic tissue injury;
— Excretion of toxic metabolites (uremic toxins);
— Ischemic tissue injury.
Lobar pneumonia in the gray hepatization stage
(p. 210) and
— Radiation pneumonitis
definition of gangrenous inflamm?
5. Gangrenous: inflammation is secondary changed due to ischemia or bacteria
which types of exudative inflammation are there according to Vernerova?
1: serous
2: catharral
3: purrulent - serous vs. mucous vs. interstitial types
4: fibrinous: serous vs. mucous vs. interstitial types
5: gangrenous
what types of accute inflammation have we?

exudative (the big bad wolf in terms of how much there is to memorize)

what types of chronic inflammation have we?
nonspecific chronic inflamm - e.g. chronic glomerulonephritis
Granulomatous inflammation: distinctive pattern of chronic inflammatory reaction characterized by focal accumulation of activated macrophages which often develop an epithelial – like (epitheloid) appearance. 5 subtypes. WHICH SUBTYPES?
6 subtypes, i believe:
- rheumatic
- rheumatoid
- tuberculous
- pseudotuberculous
- FB
examples of serous inflamm?
Initial transitory stage preceding other forms of in-
flammation, collateral inflammation surrounding a
focal inflammation of another type.
— Inflammation of serous membranes such as the
pleura, pericardium, peritoneum, and joints.
— Organ inflammation such as serous hepatitis, ne-
phritis (acute interstitial nephritis), myocarditis,
encephalitis. Serous alveolitis (exudative pulmo-
nary alveolitis) leads to toxic pulmonary edema
with exudation into the interstitium of the alveolar
wall, causing expansion of the alveolar wall ( C, D)
and impairing diffusion (p. 40).
— Vesicular skin infections.
— Serous mucosal inflammations can lead to acute
glottal and laryngeal edema ( B) with risk of as-