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27 Cards in this Set

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IgA>>> IgG, IgM; IgE=allergy; IgA,G,M,E & D are in conj subepi
T1 inflammatory response
Ab mediated (Ab+ Mast-->histamine, LT) (i.e. hayfever)
T2 inflammatory response
cytotoxic Ab mediated (e.d. OCP)
T3 inflammatory response
immune complex mediate/zonal granulomatous inflammation (Ab+free floating Ag are deposited as complex which activates complement cascade) (phacoanaphylaxis)
T4 inflammatory response
T cell mediated; granulomatous response (i.e. sarcoid or TB); K allograft rejection (also, T2)
Pars planitis /intermediate uveitis
MS (5-25%) (of which 80%=bilateral), Lyme, sarcoid, TB, syphilis; snowbanking, band keratopathy, AC & vit cell; Assoc w/ PSC, synechiae, ERM, retinal phlebitis, CME (most common cause of visual loss w/ pars planitis); floaters may be only symptom
Complications: calcific band keratopathy, peripheral retinal NVE, VH, TRD
Snow bank
made of fibroglial & vascular components
Snow balls
made of epithelioid cells & multinuclead giant cells
Posterior uveitis
Sympathetic ophthalmia, VKH, serpiginous, etc

Sympathetic ophthalmia
Dalen fuch’s nodules (excrescences at level of Bruch’s); bilateral granulomatous inflammation & panuveitis (EXCEPT choriocapillaris sparing (unlike VHK); typically in 1st year but can occur years later
ischemia (AION or PION); typically ischemia of nasal short posterior ciliary artnonperfusion of nasal retina
ERG=decreased B wave amplitude
Conjunctival cicatrization
SJS, OCP, atopic keratoconjunctivitis, chemical burns, trachoma, SqCCa, infectious conjunctivitis, scleroderma, meds (antivirals, miotics, epi, timolol), radiation, rosacea

if unilateral—think post op or conj carcinoma
IgA is bound to conj basement membrane (seen w/ immunofluorescent stains); bilateral, chronic conjunctivitis leads to subconj fibrosis & dec goblet cells, which lead to obstruction of lacrimal ducts & accessory glands leading to sym/ankylo-blepharon --> keratinization of conj epi + corneal NV & scarring
OCP Path & treatment
Path: lymphocytes, plasma cells & eos on conj scrapings

Tx=cyclophosphamide or in milder cases-dapsone
SJS (Erythema multiforme major)
assoc w/ sulfa drugs, mycoplasma pneumonia, coxsackievirus, echovirus, influenza

pathophys: vasculitic process-->macular bulls eye rash, vesicular mucous membrane lesions
Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis
superior tarsal pap rxn & keratinization & sup bulbar conj redundancy;
50% may be assoc w/ hypothyroid
SLK treatment
TX=0.5%-1% silver nitrate solution (not stick), pressure patch, scraping, bulbar conj resection (curative) or cauterization, bandage contact lens
>1mm pap; DDx=contact lens (soft>RGP>PMMA), prosthesis, atopic keratoconj, vernal or sutures;
may have assoc large follicles in upper palpebrae, hyperemia & mucus d/c; ?rare association w/ limbal follicles (like Vernal)
TX=mast cell stabilizers, steroids, lens hygiene or changing CL brand
allergic T4 hypersensitivity response nodular inflammation of the peri-limbal tissues; composed of lymphocytes, histocytes and plasma cells; etiology: delayed hypersens rxn to : TB & Staph aureus > Coccidioides (a soil-based fungus common in the southwestern U.S.), Chlamydia, acne rosacea, some varieties of interstitial parasites & Candida; most common (60%) in women during their first and second decades who live in crowded areas;
Conjunctival phlyctenulosis
1 to 3mm hard, triangular, slightly elevated, yellowish-white nodule surrounded by a hyperemic response near inf limbus; Bilateral
corneal phlyctenulosis
start perilimbal as a white mound, with a radial pattern of vascularized conjunctival vesselsmigrates to center as a gray-white, superficial ulcer
T1 hyperactive immune system that reacts to allergens (**eczema**, seasonal/vernal, asthma, GPC) (NOTE: Phlyctenulosis=T4, therefore, not atopic);
Atopy treatment
for atopic keratoconjunctivitis, must Tx w/ PO antihistamine
Horner Trantas dots
vernal conjunctivitis; focal limbal infiltrates of eosinophils;
Shield ulcer
due to vernal keratoconjunctivitis (palpebral > limbal);
“cant see (iridocyclitis, pap conj w/ K NV, ?CME), cant pee (keratoderma blennorrhagicum), cant climb a tree (nonerosive oligoarthritis)