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23 Cards in this Set

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a pt with secondary syphilis will always have what kind of lab test results?
positive RPR/VDRL; positive MHA-TP (remains positive for life once infected with T. pallidum)
pt comes in with clearly demarcated genital lesion wiht raised margin and clean base
syphilitic chancre (painless; characteristic of primary stage -- will be positive for T. pallidum on darkfield exam)
what are symptoms of secondary syphilis?
-maculopapular rash on palms and soles
- lymphadenopathy
- condyloma lata (wart-like eruption of vulva, perineum, or anus)
- CNS invasion (sets up for neurosyphilis)
- arthritis and hepatitis
who are the most common pt population to get neurosyphilis?
HIV pts (Sx's include cranial nerve abnormalities, meningitis, CVA, sometimes stroke)
tell me about RPR/VDRL lab test
measures Ab's to cardiolipin
- always positive in secondary syphilis
- titer proportional to disease activiey (peaks in secondary stage)
- treated pts can be positive and still have lower titers
- slowly subsides during 1-2 yrs after Rx, becoming negative in persons whose dz wasn't present too long before starting treatment
tell me about the MHA-TP test
-always positive in secondary syphilis
- excellent exam to RULE OUT syphilis BUT NOT POSITIVE Dx bc it only tells you that pt has had it in the past
- once positive, remains so for life!
- used in cases of neurologic dz and in pts wiht positive RPR that might be due to a rheumatologic condition
what is the Tx for syphilis?
benzathine penicillin G for a long period of time
cause of chancroid - genital lesion with jagged margin and purulent base (PAINFUL!! as opposed to a PAINLESS syphilitic chancre)
H. ducreyi (Dx with culture)
what kind of genital lesions do herpes (HSV-2) cause?
multiple painful vesicles
how do you get a fixed drug eruption?
its just an allergy to drugs like erythromycin or azithromycin where pt gets a lesion on the penis and sometimes mouth as a result...too bad, man.
cause of condyloma acuminata. what are the serotypes? are they painful or painless?
HPV serotypes 6 and 11. they are painless!!
"pearl-like" genital lesions
molluscum contagiosum
which bacterial cause of non-gonococcal urithritis/cervicitis is also an important cause of infertility in women?
C. trachomatis
name the main etiological agent for urethritis/cervicitis. what does it usually cause clinically?
N. gonnorhea
- causes PAINFUL purulent discharge
- mayy cause proctitis/pharyngitis
name 3 non-gonococcal causes of urethritis/cervicitis and what does it usually present as?
-C. trachomatis
-Mycoplasma hominis
- ureaplasma urealyticum

why cant you do a gram stain with urethral pus in women, only men?
women have contaminated cervix and have a bunch of random agents in that area
culture for Dx of Neisseria is on _____ medium
thayer-martin medium (contains antibiotics that suppress gram pos and gram neg rods as well as fungi)
Tx of urethritis/cervicitis
ALWAYS treat both gonnorhea and non-gonnococal

for gonnorhea - it's one dose of ceftriaxone (3rd gen cephalosporin) at a high level

for chlamydia - it's erythromycin or arithromycin
Sx's of pelvic inflammatory dz; lab tests results? Tx?
lower abdominal pain, dyspareunia (painful sex)
tremendous pain when cervix is touched

lab results: elevated WBC count, pus on cervix

tx: treat for N. gonnorhea (ceftriaxone) and C. trachomatis (erythromycin or azithromycin)
2 complications of PID
ectopic pregnancy
enlarged inguinal lymph nodes that are of modest size and minimally tender
syphilis (T. pallidum)
enlarged inguinal lymph nodes that are tender and large
chancroid (H. ducreyi)
enlarged inguinal lymph nodes that are large and minimally tender
lymphogranuloma venereum (aka. venereal bubo caused by C. trachomatis)