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35 Cards in this Set

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-Nephritis (colonizes renal tubular epithelium), icterus, uveitis
-Dx: MAT (Ab, cross rxn w/Lyme)acute and rising >1:800; vax will affect IgG; PCR
-Tx: Ampi/amoxicillin (shedding), doxy (clear, shedding)
**Lyme (Borrelia)
-Ixodes (2-4 days attached)
-polyarthritis (IL-8), fever, GN (membranoproliferative)/PLN, myocarditis, less thrombocytopenia than other tick dz
-Dx: C6 ELISA for OspC Ab (not in vax), PCR (skin)
-Tx: doxy, (ampi, amoxi)
-seroconversion precedes signs
-vax against OspA (tick); don't vax infected animals
-no natural infections in cats, commonly Ab+
-gram neg, intracellular (mono, macrophage)
-steroid dependent repro tissue
-direct contact with body fluid
-abortion, epididymitis, diskospondylitis
-Dx: culture/AGID, serology, RSAT (screen)
-Tx: doxy+ AG, baytril, neuter
-zoonosis=undulant fever
-gram pos
-blocks presynaptic inhibitory NT (GABA, glycine) irreversibly; spastic rigidity, trismus, bradycardia
-Tx: antitoxin, penicillin or metronidazole
-gram pos
-prevents presynaptic releases of Ach at NMJ; flaccid paralysis; *irreversible (must form new terminal axons w/fxnl NMJ)
-eaten and from GI to CNS via lymphatics
-antitoxin only prevents further binding
-R. Rickettsii
-vasculitis, skin slough, periph edema, thrombocytopenia
-*Dx: IFA, rising titer
-Tx: doxy, baytril, chloramphen, tetracycline
*prior infection confers protection
-E canis, platys= rhipicephalus
-E chaff, ewingii= amblyomma
-mononuclear cells for canis & chaff
-ewingii in granulocytes
-cytoplasmic inclusions (morulae)
-lameness, thrombocytopenia, proteinuria, wt loss, neuro, pancytopenia, monoclonal gammopathy
-platys: platelets (cyclic thrombocytopenia), canis: mononuclear
-*Dx: ELISA snap (Ab), IFA
-*Tx: doxy, chloramphenicol, imidocarb
-Gram neg
-Rhipicephalus, fleas, Ixodes
-lameness, endocarditis, thrombocytopenia, anemia
-Dx: serology, PCR
-Tx: Azithromycin, doxy, FQ, AG
-intracellular coccidia
-cats shed oocyst for 7-10 days only, 2-3d to mature
-transplacental transmission
-acute immune response: IL-12, IFN-gamma; chronic: CD4, 8 T cells (need persistent CMI response to keep tissue bradyzoites under control)
-cats: hepatic and pancreatic; dogs: pulmonary
-Dx: serology (high IgM acute, high IgG and low IgM chronic) and rising titer; PCR
-seronegative cats are highest risk
-Tx: clinda
-intracellular coccidia
-PPP 5 days
-*repetitive transplacental transmission can lead to abortions
-neural tissue cysts
-hindlimb hyperextension in puppies
-Dx: ELISA (serum, CSF)
-Tx: clinda, TMS and pyrimethamine
-Amblyomma (americanum, US); Rhipicephalus (canis, outside US) INGESTION
-muscle cyst, polyclonal gammopathy, periosteal reaction, hyperesthesia, GN/amyloidosis, GI, high ALP
-Dx: muscle biopsy, IFA, PCR
-Tx: TMS, pyrimethamine, clinda, decoquinate
canis: large, Greyhounds, dermacenter?
gibsoni: small, rhipicephalus, Pitbull
-intravascular hemolysis, thrombocytopenia, PLN
-Dx: PCR
-Tx: imidocarb (canis); clinda/metro/doxy or azith (gibsoni)
-in macrophages, RBC
-hemolysis, fever, icterus
-Tx: imidocarb, diminazene
-promastigotes infective
-skin lesions, GN
-**CMI protective
-Dx: PCR, Ab
-Tx: meglumine, allopurinol
-replicates in lymphoid cells
-intestinal crypt
-cerebellar hypoplasia (kittens <2wk); affects purkinje and granular cells
-Dx: fecal ELISA (shed 1-2wks)
***Amphotericin B
-irreversibly binds to ergosterol in cell membrane causing pores to form; immunomodulatory
-IV or SQ
-Nephrotoxicity (unless using lipid formulation), hepatotoxicity
-dose reduction possible if use with ketoconazole
-azoles interfere with lanosterol to ergosterol
-use for cryptococcus
-renal elimination
-crosses BBB, prostate, ocular
-not effective for aspergillus
interferes with cell membrane synthesis and replication
-budding yeast
-MS, Ohio river valley (near water)
-respiratory, lymphatics (skin, eye, bone), HO, hypercalcemia
-Dx: urine Ag test, cytology
-Tx: Itra, Ampho B
-lungs, lymphatics, GI: *chronic lg bowel diarrhea
-MS, Ohio river valley
-Dx: cytology/histo
-Tx: ketoconazole, Ampho B (dog); itra (cat)
-cats: nasal, hematogenous
-*Dx: latex agglutination (capsular Ag)
-fluconazole; itraconazole, turbinafine, Amph B in dog
-lungs, hilar ln
-chronic cough, wt loss, fever
-Dx: cytology, serology
-ampho B, azoles
-nasal depigmentation and discharge, disseminated if immunocomp (defective IgA)--osteomyelitis, disko
-*Dx: rhino, cytology, *best? histopath?
-topical azoles (cidal) except fluconazole
**Giardia tx
**FeLV diagnosis
-IFA for p27 Ag
**Concurrent infection w/tracheobronchitis
Diseases w/intracellular organisms
Bartonella, ehrlichia, anaplasma, RMSF, mycobacterium, babesia, cytauxzoon, viruses, brucella, other rickettsials, leishmania, trypanasomes, toxo/neospora
**Hookworm transmission
-2-3 weeks to mature after passed in stool before re-ingested
-Transmammary (K9), Uncinaria also by trans-placental/transmammary, ingestion, through skin or ingestion of paratenic host
-fecal-oral, immed infective
-small bowel diarrhea, self-limiting unless immunocomp
-fecal ELISA or oil immersion fecal float; on cell surface
-gram -
-found in 30% normal dogs
-invades ileal epithelium so get mucosal slough and secretory diarrhea
-Tx: amoxi, TMS, FQ, AG; may predispose to resistance/carrier
Not killed by Clavamox
**Actinomyces, nocardia tx
-Actino: Penicillins, clinda, erythromycin, chloramphenicol, Mtz, minocycline (TMS, tetracyclines)
-nocardia: TMS, amikacin, impenem, cipro, 3rg gen cephalosporins
**Mycoplasma hemofelis
-Dx: PCR
-Tx: enro, doxy
**Campy diagnosis
-restriction fragment polymorphism