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82 Cards in this Set

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What is the causative organism for Pitted Keratolysis?
What color does pitted keratolysis fluorsce when examined with a Wood's Lamp
Coral red
What is the most common infecting organism for superficial white onychomycosis
Tricophyton mentagrophytes
Which disease is characterized by weeping granulomas and sinus tracts of the foot due to infection with pseudoscheria boydii
madura foot
what is the treatemnt for cutaneuous larva migrans
topical thiabndazole
Name a higly contagious form of scabies seen in patient s with HIV disease.
Norwegian scabies
A Cub scout complinas of a pricly sneastion on his legs after wading in a lke on a sunny day in November. His cout troop is visitaing a wildlife preserve in Upstate New York. Red macules appear hous later, which begin to itch over the remainder of the evening. Diagnosis?
cerarial dermatitis (swimmer's itch)
What is the causative organism of r hand, foot, and mouth disease?
Cosxackie virus (most commonly A16)
A 16 year old boy presents with aysmpomatic umbilicated papules on the dorsum of his right foot. Most likely diagnosis?
Molluscum contagiousum
What medication is used to treat chromoblastomycosis?
What is the most common causative organism for septic arthritis
Staphlylococcus Aureus
What is the correct dosage regimen for treating a serious diabetic infection of the foot with IV trovafloxacin
200mg 24 hours
What antibiotic is contraindicated in patients with a seizure history
What consultation is important when palcing a patient ofn IV aminoglycosides
The most common infecting organism in pediatric septic arthritis is staphylococcus aureus. What organism is also very prevalent?
Kingella kingae
Which oral antifungal is known to cause taste disturbances and green vision
Which oral antifungal is known to cause bony malformation and CNS defects in the fetus when admnistered to pregnant females?
Identify 2 oral antimicrobials that may incite serious adverse effects in those patients currently taking a n HMG CoA reductase inhibitor
Itraconazole and Erythromycin
What malignancy can develop in an area of chronic osteomyelitis
Epidermoid carcinoma
What is Brodie's abscess
A metaphyseal bone abscess surrounded by granulation tissue and sclerotic bone in cases of chronic osteomyelitis
What organism is usually responisble for erysipelas
Group A Streptococcus
What cultures might one order ot diagnose an extrapulmonary tuberculosis infection of a pedal phalnx
Acid fast cultures
In what type of infection is eosinophillia classically observed?
Parasitic infections.
What titers are drawn to aid in the diagnosis of rheumatic fever?
Anti-streptolysiin O titers
What antigens are present on the cell membrane of Staphylococcus that may be of diagnostic benefit
Teichoic acids
For which disease are Osler's nodes and Janeway lesions of diagnostic benefit?
infectious endocarditis
If choosing an antibiotic for prevention of infectious endocarditis in a high risk individual, what treatment approach should be followed when the patient is already on an antibiotic for some other reason?
Choose an antibiotic from a different class
What is the name of the skin lesion at the site of the tick bite in Lyme Disease patients?
Erythema chronicum migrans
Which antibiotic is known to turn body fluids an orange color?
Which antibiotic has been implicated as a cause of tendon ruptures
Which antibiotics should only be used with extreme caution in diabetic patients on oral sulfonylureas?
Why is Ceftin (cefuroxime) contraindicated in pregnant patients?
Chance of renal tubular lesion formation int he fetus and mother.
What skin manifestation is characteristically seen in 2-6% of patients with sepsis secondary to pseudomonas aeruginosa?
Ecthyma gangrenosum
In which genetic disease is infection with pseudomonas aeruginosa a common problem
cystic fibrosis
What nail disease is caused by pseudomonas aeruginosa?
Green Nail Syndrome
Which infection characteristically gives a fruity odor?
Infections with Pseudomonas aeruginosa
What topical medications should be used for infected burn wounds when heavy eschar is present?
Mafenide (Sulfamylon).
A patient presents with dystrophic nails that have flecks of pigmentation throughout the nail plate. For which pathogen is this suggestive as a cause of onychomycosus
Aspergillus niger
According to the Cierny and Mader classification for osteomyelitis, what would the designation be for an HIV positive patient with diffuse osteomyelitis of the right calcaneus?
Stage 4 Bs.
In what instance are fluoroquinolones a possible risk for the induction of seizures?
Concomitatn administration of NSAIDS and a fluoroquinolone may increase penetration of drug in to CSF and interact with excitatory neurotransmitters.
Ciprofloxacin and Itraconazole may be subject to specific drug interactions due to their metabolism. Explain.
These drugs are inhibitors f the hepatic cytochrome p450 enyme pathway.
Which microorganism is responsible for LYme Disease
Borrelia burdrofei
What skin test is often positive in patients with septic arthritis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis?
A 55 year old female gardener steps on a rose bush lying on the ground. A thorn penetrates the 1st MPJ what organism must be considered as a possible eitiology for her painful, swollen septic joint.
Sporothrix Schenkii
What are 2 white blood cell labeled bone scans
Indium 111 and Tc HMPAO
Which group of organism is not covered by clindamycin?
Gram negative aerobes
Which group of organisms is not covered by levofloxacin?
Name 2 antibiotics that can be used to treat pseudomembranous colitis
metronidazole and vancomycin
Which cephalosporin is often used in place of ceftriaxone (rocephin) due to its similar coverage and cost efficiency?
Cefotaxime (Claforan)
What organism is the major concern in patients with lymphangitis and cellulitis of the lower extremity?
Beta Hemolytic Streptococcus
What bacteria are often infecting organisms secondary to traum associated with salt water injury
Vibrio species
In which type of puncture wound of the foot might you see Eikenella corrodens on culture results?
Toothpick wounds
What mold has been documented as a cause of a life-threatening sepsis following pedal infection in immunocompromised patients, particularly those who garden in their bare feet?
How is cutanea larva migrans transmitted to humans?
Contact with hookworm-infested dog or cat feces on public beaches
What lower extremity manifestations may present in a person with Neserrial meningitis
Palpable purpura on the lower legs
What color do mycobacteria appear against a dark background on acid-fast stains
yellow or red
What are the typical symptoms of a patient with pseudomembranous colitis?
Life-threatening toxic megacolon may result
What arthritic disorder of the feet, ankles, and sacroiliac joints is associated with bacterial infection (e.g chlamydia)
Reiter's Syndrome
What dermatologic manifestation is seen on initial presentation of patients with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?
Erythematous macules on the ankles and wrists.
Name 3 cause of Steve-Johnson Syndrome
Herpesvirus infections I, pregnacy, drugs
In what infectious disease does on e observe the classic "strawberry tongue"
scarlet fever
Which antibiotic is contraindicated in children under eight years of age due to its potential to cause permanent discoloration of the teeth?
In what infectious disease does one observe the classic "strawberry tongue"
Scarlet Fever
Which antibiotic is contraindicated in children under eight years of age due to its potential to cause permanent discoloration of the teeth?
For what infection are multinucleated giant cells on Tzanck smear diagnostic?
Herpes Infections
With which class of antibiotics does potential major adverse effects exist in patients taking Digoxin?
With which oral antifungal have potential adverse effects been documented with patients taking tricyclic antidepressants?
Patients with sickle cell anemia, and other hemoglobinopathies, have a higher incidence of osteomyelitis with which organisms?
What does gas in the soft tissue indicate?
An anaerobic infection. Aerobic metablism does not produce gas.
Is "saline aspiration" from the leading edge of cellulitis a useful clinical tool?
No it is rarely productive for pathogens
What are the classic signs of a necrotizing infection?
Bistering and necrosis but these are generally late findings.
What is a clue to early diagnosis fo a necrotizing infection?
The pateint's marked systemic toxicity in light of what appears to be "ordinary" cellulitis.
What is another name for clstridial myonecrosis
Gas gangrene
For what infection are multinucleated giant cells on Tzanck smear diagnostic?
Herpes infections.
With which lass of antibiotics does peintial major adverse effects exist n patients takng Digoxisn?
With which oral antifungal have poetneian aerious adverse effects been documented with paients taking tricuclic antidepresedsants?
Patients with sckle cell anemai, and other hemoglobinopatnhies, hav e a higher incidence of soteomhyelits with which organism
What does gas i nshtes soft tissues indicated?
an aneerobic infeciton. Aerobic metabolism dos not produce gase.
Is "saline aspiration" form thne leading edge of cellulities a luseful clincial tool?
No, it is rarely productive fro pathogens.
Wha re the clssci signs of a necrotizing infeciton?
blistering and necorsis but thses are gnerally alte findings.
What is a clue ot early diagnoss if a mncrtoitazing infection?
The patient's marked systemic toxixity in ligh to what appeaers to be "ordinary" cellulitis
What is another name of rclsotridial myonecrosis?
gas gangrene