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88 Cards in this Set

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What are pathogens
microbes that infect the body and cause disease
Microbes that are rapidly lost are _________.
What is infection?
a condition in which pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the host defenses, enter the tissues, and multiply
Microbes on the human body outnumber the human cells at least __ to __.
10 to 1
The large and mixed collection of microbes adapted to the body are called ________.
normal biota (normal flora and commensals also used)
What is metagenomics
the study of all the genetic material present in an environmental sample, (such as within the body)
Sites that harbor a known biota
skin & mucus membranes
upper respiratory tract
GI tract
outer opening of urethra
external genitalia
external ear canal
external eyes
A microbe whose relationship with its host is parasitic and results in infection and disease is ______.
a pathogen
What is a concept that describes an organism's potential to cause infection or disease and divides into one of two groups.
What are the two groups in pathogenocity?
true pathogens and opportunistic pathogens
True pathogens are capable of causing disease in __________ people.
_________ pathogens cause disease when the host's defenses are compromised or when they become established in a part of the body that is not natural to them.
Term for describing the degree of a microorganism's pathogenocity?
Virulence is determined by a microbes ability to
1. ______ itself in the ______.
2. Cause __________.
1. Establish itself in the host.
2. Cause damage.
What are the steps to a microbe becoming established in our bodies?
1. Microbe enters the tissues of the body by a portal of entry
2. Adhesion - attaching to the host
3. Surviving host defenses
________ _________ is any characteristic or structure that enable a microorganism to establish itself on or within a host of a particular species and enhance its potential to cause disease.
virulence factor
Define gnotobiotic
Of, relating to, or denoting an environment for rearing or culturing organisms in which all the microorganisms are either known or excluded
How many levels are there in the laboratory biosafety level and classes of pathogens established by the CDC? What level is the least hazardest and which is the highest?
4 levels, lowest level is 1, highest is 4.
What are the 5 portals of entry?
the skin
GI tract
Respiratory tract
Pregnancy - mother to baby
What does TORCH stand for and who does this apply to?
Other disesases (Hep B, AIDS, & Chlamydia)
Herpes Simplex

Applies to pregnant women passing infection to baby
The amount of pathogen (measured in number of microorganisms) required to cause an infection in the host is called ___________
infectious dose
If the size of the inoculating dose is far in excess of the infections dose, the onset of the disease can be ___________.
extremely rapid
how do virulence factors contribute to tissue damage?
1. exoenzymes secreted by bacteria degrade bonds between host cells
2. exo toxins break down host cells themselves
3. stimulate too much inflammatory response
The process by which microbes gain a more stable foothold at the portal of entry is called _________.
the power to produce toxins
Bacteria, fungal, and protozoa pathogens attach most often by mechanisms such as ______, _________, and _____________ or _____________.
fimbriae (pili), surface proteins, and adhesive slime or capsules
The adverse effects of a variety of diseases
Viruses attach by means of __________ _____________.
specialized receptors
toxinoses in which the toxin is spread by the blood from the site of infection (tetanus and diphtheria)
Parasitic worms mechanically fastened by _________, ________, and _______.
suckers, hooks, and barbs
_________ ___________ are a type of virulence factor used by some pathogenes to avoid phagocytes.
Antiphagocytic factors
_____ are substances that are toxic to white blood cells
What are ways microbes survive the host defenses?
antiphagocytic factors
extracellular surface slime or capsule that makes it difficult to engulf them
some survive inside phagocyte after ingestion
How do microorganisms inflict damage on hosts?
Through exoenzymes or toxins
or they cause damage indirectly when their presence causes an excessive or inappropriate host response
infection stays in one place - called ______
localized infection
i.e. boil
What are exoenzymes?
exoenzyme, or extracellular enzyme, is an enzyme that is secreted by a cell and that works outside of that cell. It is usually used for breaking up large molecules that would not be able to enter the cell otherwise. (With microbes break down or inflict damage on tissues)
infection develops in one area and then another infection caused by the same organism develops in a different area
Focal infections
infection spreads everywhere in the body - called _______
systemic infection
What is a toxin?
a specific chemical product of microbes, plants, and some animals that is poisonous to other organims
What is toxigenicity?
the power to produce toxins
infection caused by various microbes
mixed infection
What are toxinoses?
a variety of diseases caused by toxigenicity
When an infection is complicated by another infection caused by a different microbe the second infection is called? The first infection is called?
secondary infection,
primary infection
What are toxemias?
toxinoses in which the toxin is spread by the blood from the site of infection (tetanus and diphtheria)
present in the cell, released from micro-org when cell is lysed.
name some sign of infection in the blood
Changes in the number of circulating white blood cells
bacteremia or viremia
toxins pushed/secreted out of active cells
asymptomatic, inapparent infections
The time from initial contact with infection to the appearance of first symptoms?
incubation period
define septicemia
Septicemia: general state in which microorganisms are multiplying in the blood and are present in large numbers
a dormant state
The microbe can periodically become active and produce a recurrent disease
The earliest notable symptoms of infection appear as a vague feeling of discomfort and lasts a short period. This short period is called the __________ _______
prodromal stage
Long-term or permanent damage to tissues or organs is called:
define bacteremia or viremia
Bacteremia or viremia: microbes are present in the blood but are not necessarily multiplying
define reservoir
Reservoir: the primary habitat in the natural world from which a pathogen originates
What stage is when a microorganism multiplies at high levels, exhibits its greatest toxicity and becomes well established in its target tissue?
period of invasion
define source
Source: the individual or object from which an infection is actually acquired
define carrier
an individual who inconspicuously shelters a pathogen and spreads ith to others without any notice
define "sign"
Sign: any objective evidence of disease as noted by an observer
What is the convalescent period?
the period of recovery
A _________ ________ actively participates in a pathogen's life cycle
biological vector
define vector
a live animal that transmits an infectious agent from one host to another
Majority are arthropods
Larger animals can also be vectors
define "symptom"
Symptom: the subjective evidence of disease as sensed by the patient
what actively participates in a pathogen's life cycle
biological vector
toxinoses caused by ingestion of toxins (botulism)
toxin causes the reaction, not the organism
what transports the infectious agent without being infected
mechanical vectors
what are some other nonliving reservoirs?
define zoonosis
Zoonosis: an infection indigenous to animals but naturally transmissible to humans
Human does not contribute to the persistence of the microbe
Can have multihost inovvlement
At least 150 worldwide
describe noncommunicable diesase
does not arise through transmission of the infectious agent from host to host
Acquired through some other, special circumstance
Compromised person invaded by his or her own microbiota
Individual has accidental contact with a microbe in a nonliving reservoir
what is the best nonliving reservoir?
define communicable disease
Communicable disease: when an infected host can transmit the infectious agent to another host and establish infection in that host
Transmission can be direct or indirect
Contagious agent: highly communicable
define fomite
inanimate object / vehicle
what are some examples of indirect transmission
food, water, biological products, fomites
contaminated objects - food poisoning, oral-fecal
air - droplet nuclei, aerosols
what are the two types of transmission
contact transmission
indirect transmission
what are some examples of indirect transmission
food, water, biological products, fomites
contaminated objects - food poisoning, oral-fecal
air - droplet nuclei, aerosols
define nosocomial infection
Nosocomial infections: infectious diseases that are acquired or develop during a hospital stay
describe universal precautions
guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Assume that all patient specimens could harbor infectious agents
Include body substance isolation (BSI)techniques to be used in known cases of infection
what are the most common nosocomial infections?
urinary tract infections

then, surgical sites

then respiratory
what is the causative agent called?
etiologic agent
define epidemiology
Epidemiology: the study of the frequency and distribution of disease and other health-related factors in defined human populations
define mortality rate
Mortality rate: the total number of deaths in a population due to a certain disease
define prevalence
Prevalence: the total number of existing cases with respect to the entire population
Prevalence = (total number of cases in population / total number of persons in population) x 100 = %
define incidence
Incidence: the number of new cases over a certain time period
Incidence = number of new cases / total number of susceptible persons
define morbibity rate
Morbidity rate: the number of persons afflicted with infectious diseases
endemic occurrence
focused in a specific region (of a country) i.e. hanta virus
epidemic occurrence
widespread occurrence spread between communities
sporadic occurrence
pops up out of nowhere
pandemic occurrence
widespread occurance between continents