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82 Cards in this Set

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Part of the health assessment of a newborn is observing it's breathing pattern.

breathing should be..

abdominal with synchronous chest movements.

Breathing is shallow an irregular

Breathing with nasal flaring is a sign of

respiratory distress

Diaphragmatic breathing with chest retraction is a sign of

respiratory distress

the average apical pulse range for a quiet and alert newborn is

120-160 bpm

a newborns heart while sleeping may be

85-100 bpm

a typical heart rate when an infant cries is


a newborn is placed under a radiant heat warmer because the newborn is susceptible to..

cold stress

cold stress results in

increased respiratory rate and vasoconstriction

a Mongolian spot is

a bluish area that may appear over any part of the infants body. It is more commonly noted on the back and buttocks of African, Latin American, Mediterranean or asian

Lanugo is

fine downy hair seen on a term newborn

a vascus nevus commonly called a strawberry mark

is a type of capillary hemangioma.

a nevus flammeus commonly called a port wine stain is

frequently found on the face.

while examining the newborn the nurse notices uneven skin folds on the buttocks and a click when performing the ortolani maneuver the nurse recognizes this to be

hip dysplasia


is the presence of extra digits

taplipis equanovaris

is club foot deformity when the foot turns inward and is fixed in a plantar flexion position.


is webbed fingers or toes


a temporary condition when the babies hands and feet are blue, it's normal and appears intermittently over the first 7-10 days

acrocyanosis is causes by

vasomotor instability, capillary stasis and a high hemoglobin level

Erythema toxicum also called erythema neonactorim

is a transient newborn rash that resembles fleabites

the harlequin sign is a

is a benign transient color change in newborns half the body is pale and the other is ruddy or bluish red with a line of demarcation

vernix caseosa

is a cheese like whitish substance that serves as a protective coating

the nurse assessing the newborn knows that the most critical physiologic change required is

initiation and maintenance of respirations

the cardiovascular system changes markedly after birth as the result of

fetal respiration

respiration of the new born

reduces pulmonary vascular resistance to the pulmonary blood flow and initiates a chain of cardiovascular changes that support the cardiovascular system

the infants relies on what kind of immunity for the first three months of life?

passive immunity (from the mother-breast feed)

After establishment of respirations _________ is critical to newborn survival

heat regulation

how much can the newborn see?

infants can track their parents eyes and distinguish complex patterns, they prefer complex patterns, the clearest distance for newborns is 19cm

infants prefer to look at

complex patterns regardless of color

moro reflex

Allow head to fall or startle with abrupt noise.

symmetric abduction and extension of arms are seen, fingers fan out and form a C with thumb and forefinger, slight tremor may be noted are adducted in embracing motion and return to returned to a relaxed flexion and movement. A cry may accompany or follow motor movement, legs may follow similar pattern of response.

Glabellar reflex

tapping the infants head while eyes are open, characteristic response is blinking for the first few taps

Babinski reflex

occurs when the sole of the foot in stroked upward along the lateral aspect of the sole of the foot and across the ball of the foot. A positive response occurs when all the toes hyperextend with dorsiflexion of the big toe

a newborn rash that resembles flea bites

erythema toxicum-normal finding


black sticky stuff, baby's first stool. It's normal

transitional stool

greenish brown to yellowish brown, appears third day after initial feeding

the transition period between intrauterine and extrauterine lasts

lasts 28 days

the transition period has three phases

first reactivity, decreased response and second reactivity

first phase of transition

lasts no longer than 30 minutes, marked by spontaneous tremors, crying and head movements, includes the passage of meconium. the newborn also produces saliva

the first breath

is an exaggerated respiratory movement within one minute of birth

newborns expel fluid for the

first hour of life

newborn are natural ______ breathers

nose, they might not have mouth breathing response to nasal blocking for 3 weeks

seesaw respirations

are not normal instead of normal abdominal respirations and should be reported

the newborns thin chest wall allow for

point of maximum impulse to be visible

heart murmurs through the first few days of life have

no pathologic significance

persistent tachycardia may indicate

respiratory distress syndrome

bradycardia may be a sign of

congenital heart blockage

an early wbc count is ....

normal at birth and should decrease rapidly

a platelet count is essentially

the same for newborns and adults

delayed clamping of the cord

results in an increase in hemoglobin and rbc count

if the infant gets cold the respiratory rate may

rise to stimulate muscular activity to generate heat

in regards to the renal system the pediatrician should be notified if the newborn

has not voided in 24 hours

brick dust or blood on the diaper

may be uric acid crystals, blood spotting could be caused by withdrawal of maternal hormones. normal

regurgitation from the first day or two

may be reduced by burping the infant and slightly elevating the babies head

jaundice in the first 24 hours or after 7 days

should be cause for concern

breast fed babies have an increased incidence of


a collection blood between bone and periosteum and may occur after

cephlahematoma-a vaginal birth

cephlahematoma usually disappears over

2-3 weeks

the visual system continues to develop for the first

6 months

petechiae scattered over the infants body

should be reported to the pediatrician because it may indicate an underlying problem

one reason the brain is vulnerable to deficiencies and trauma in early infancy

cerebellum growth spurt

newborns cheeks are full because

of overdeveloped sucking pad

the apgar scale is performed

twice 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth

ilotrycin opthalmic ointment is

is put in baby's eyes to prevent gonorrheal and chlamydial infection it's installed in the eyes of all neonates prophylactically

a flexed posture is

consistent of a gestational age of 40 weeks

abundant laguno is usually seen

on preterm infants

new born is receiving phototherapy via uv light the nurse would put

eye shields over the newborns closed eyes

under the phototherapy light the infant

should be turned every two hours

after circumcision how are the parents taught to take care of the infant

clean the penis with water and put petroleum jelly around the glans

yellow exudate covers the glans penis

24 hours after circumcision

when a nurse is getting to give a hep b vaccine it should be admin with

a 25 gauge syringe and a 5/8 inch needle

at apgar score of 10 one minute after birth indicates

sign of a healthy adaption but must be repeated at the five minute mark

with regard to umbilical care the nurse should be aware

that the umbilical cord is a great medium for bacterial growth

if the umbilical cord is bleeding the nurse should

first check the clamp or tie and apply a second one. if the bleeding does not stop the nurse calls for assistance

during the complete physical exam 24 hours after birth the nurse will be looking at

skin color, alertness, head size, cries and other feature

when the nurse listens to the heart s1 and s2

the second sound is higher and sharper than the first

the nurse notices the infant has excess saliva and knows this may be a sign of

tracheoesophageal fistula or esophageal atresia

for better breathing and to prevent sids

lay baby on back, prevent people with upper respiratory infections from contact w/baby, avoid loose bedding, waterbeds and beanbag chairs, and put baby in supine position

before suctioning the nares of the infant

the mouth should be suctioned first

the syringe bulb should

remain in the crib

if baby is indicating physiologic or pain cues

swaddling, non nutritive sucking, skin to skin contact with mother, and sucrose

the umbilical cord should fall off by

10-14 days

the nurse is performing blood glucose test on a newborn born to a diabetic mother

every 4 hours

nurse will be concerned if bg falls below

36 mg/dl