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29 Cards in this Set

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Cornelius Vanderbilt?
He was one of America's most richest men in the second half of the 19th century. He started in business when he was 16 years old.
New York Central Railroad?
This railroad was know as the New York Central in its publicity, it operated in the Northeastern United States. The headquarter is in New York.
Federal Land Grants 1865-1900?
Land offered from the government to help railroad construction.
Transcontinental Railroad?
It had been dreamed as early as 1836. It was suggested in the 40's and 50's. Congress expended 150,000 in hunting a feasible route for it in 1853.
Jay Gould?
Jay was born in Roxbury, New York. He was an American financer and leading railroad developer.
Panic of 1893?
It was a serious economic depression in the United States that began in that year.
J.P Morgan?
He was a wealthy industrialist who emerged from the 19th century and became one of the most powerful financers in the 20th century.
Bessemer Process?
It was the process for the mass, production of steel form molten pig iron.
Andrew Carnegie?
He was a steel tycoon in the 19th century who became on t=of the most famous philanthropists in the 20th century.
Vertical Integration?
The process in which several steps in the distribution of a product or service controlled by a single company.
U.S Steel?
Headquartered in Pittsburgh is the largest fully integrated steel producer in the United States.
John D. Rockefeller?
He was one of the richest Americans in history and he found the Standard oil company.
Standard Oil Trust?
It was a prodominant American integrated oil producing, transporting, refining and marketing company.
Horizontal Integration?
When a company expandes its business into different products that are similar to current lines.
Anti-Trust Movement?
The economic situation for people would be going out of control so many individuals worried that opportunities would go away.
Sherman anti-trust act of 1890?
Required the United States federal government to investigate and pursue trusts.
United States v E.C Knight?
It was also known as the "Sugar Trust Case" was a United States supreme court case that limited the governments power to control monopolies.
Laissez - Faire Capitalism?
Describes an environment in which transaction between private parties are free from state intervention.
Adam Smith?
He was a Scottish philosopher and an author of a 1776 book that was a classic novel about modern economics.
Gospel of Wealth?
It is an essay written by Andrew Carnegie in 1889 that described the responsibility of philanthropy.
Transatlantic Cable?
It was an underwater communication link between North America and Europe.
Alexander Graham Bell?
He invented the telephone and his father invented visible speech(the alphabet).
Sear Roebuck?
It was involved in a supreme court case that limited state law on unfair competitions.
Horatio Alger?
He was a prolific writer of many books for boys and he died of heart disease.
Railroad Strike of 1877?
The depression of the 1870'sforced the American railroads into a cost-cutting mode. a lot of workers went on strike.
National Labor Union?
It was the first National Labor federation in the United States. Founded in 1866 and dissolved in 1873.
Knights of Labor?
It was an organization founded in 1869 and it was used to help solve labor conflicts.
Terence V. Powderly?
He was born in Pennsylvania, and was the son of Irish Catholic immigrants.
Haymarket Bombing?
It was a demonstration and unrest that took place on Tuesday May 4th, 1886 at the haymarket square.