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77 Cards in this Set

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Tweed ring

Mafia type group, manipulation of officials. "Boss"

mid 1800s

Crash of 1873

over producing, more factories being build fast, Rail roads being used, farms over produce

Resumption Act f 1875

Grant wants to pull in greenbacks to raise the price back up in exchange for gold by 1879

Jumbliee Jim Fisk and Jay Gould

tried to purhase as much gold as they could and drive up the price to sell, driving people into debt


Contraction Policy


Keep pulling in money to force the ace value to return, hurts short term and depression but helps long term


idea of giving out jobs to get votes.

the power to control appointments to office or the right to privileges.

pro Stalwarts and con Halfbreads

Rosco Conkling and James Belaine


Rutherford B Hayes

"Great unknown" president who runs in 1876. Republican. proper vote counting was an issue against Samuel Tilden

Samuel Tilden

Problems with vote counting

Election Count Act


nominate indivuduals from the senate, HOR and supreme court to count the votes in the questionable states. (No balance and they did not have equal amounts of both parties)

Compromise of 1877

Democrats agree that if republicans wins, the government will remove the military influence in the South. (South able to go back to original state before the war, black freedom lost)

Civil Rights Act of 1875

Force Act, law guarantee blacks will get equal treatment in public accommodations, public transportation, and to prohibit exclusion from jury service

Crops-lien system

share cropping to keep blacks suppressed, kept them indebted to land owners

mid 1800s

Jim Crow laws

segregated society into blacks and whites, introduces poll taxes that keep blacks from being able to vote. Separate but equal

Plessy Vs Ferguson

1896, man who is 1/8th black pleads to be treated as a white man, taken by supreme court and Plessy loses.


Dennis Kerney, Irish, opposed to Chinese employment, encourages discrimination, leads to Chinese exclusion act

Chinese Exclusion Act


Gov chooses to make it illegal for chinese immigration instead of saying the Kearnyites were wrong. let discrimination happen

James Garfield

Republican. President in 1880, assassinated after Charles Guitgau thought he was going to get a job through patronage

Chester Arthur

1880 becomes president after assassination. Republican

Pendleton Act of 1883

federal employees cannot support a president financially (keep it fair and not corrupt)

Have to pass an exam to become an official instead of buying their way

Gorver Cleavland


morally corrupt because he fathered an illligament child. clean with everything else and weakens his campaign in 1884 that is more morally focused



government should do nothing

comes back in 90s as more assertive

Benjamin Harrison


high tariff, raised 3 mill to campaign not very significant

McKinley Tariff Act


raise tariff to very high level, industries thrived, famers weakened, leads to political movement


James Waver, new political party, designed to help farmers, inflate value of dollar, graduated income tax, nationalize railroads, direct election of senators and term limit of presidency

S. refsed to follow because they supported blacks

Repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890

Cleveland attempts to repeal use of silver

William James Brain is for silver production

forced further economic pressure and almost had loss of vaule

Wilson-Gorman Tariff


decrease tariff rates and later realized that it benefited the wealthier more. later ruled as unconstitutional

Main Railroads

Union Pacific- post civil war going westward

Central Pacific- CA traveling East to meet UPR

North Pacific-land grant

Archean +Topeka +Santa Fe- land grant

South Pacific- land grant

Great North- James J Hill

Cornelius Vanderbilt

successful business and very wealthy and expands East Railroad to offer lower rates on shipping, produces steel RR and produces a standard gauge, added air breaks, passenger RR

Interstate Commerce Act


regulates commerce and travel, prohibits pools in RR and outlawed overcharging

Carnegie Intergration

steel production, produces integration, owns every piece from start to finish in process

Horizontal integration

takes every company and bids them together or buy strong companies to eliminate competition

Bessemer Process

allows Carnegie to thrive, creates Bessemer steel

Carnegie Steel

Pennsylvania produces bessmer steel, making tons of money, 1/4th of all countries steel comes from here

J.P. Morgan

rich banker, involved in pipe making business, offers 400 million to Carnegie steel company. changes its name to U.S. Steel.



finds new uses to kerosene uses in gas


no regulations, strong business survives , not governments job to step in


Sherman Anti-Trust of 1890

forbid the practice of one big owner taking over many small business (horizontal integration) no one enforced until 1914

National Labor Union

employees were fired if they were apart, fed gov had military step in. dies in the 1890s

Knights of Labor

secret society labor union, all workers represented if you dont produce things at work,, you cant join, improving lives of workers and their safety.

Haymarket Square

May 4, 1886, large downtown type setting. bomb exploded @ a labor strike, killing many. 8 people found apart of Knights of Labor. People looked down of the KOL because of this, essentially destroying them

John Altgeld

Illinois governor, pardons 3 from the Haymarket from life sentence, costing his job as governor

American Federation of Labor

replacement, very similar to skilled labors, supposed to help unskilled workers, non constitutional

Samuel Gompers

leaders of AFL his skill (cigar maker) elected president of AFL. socialist wanted people in lower class to be able to gain from taxes


part in a city where people of a similar decent live to maintain their comfortable lives away from everybody else

Jane Addams

Women in charge with mansion, devoted her time to help poor people and immigrants. started a new trend

Settlement House

helped poverty immigrants. helps assimilation political center for women

American Protective Association

urged people to vote against catholic candidates eliminate undesirable people


Roman Catholicism

James Gibbons dominate speaker, help immigrants assimilate


Technical school for blacks

George Washington carver

Researcher for Tuskegee. Successful in ag

Booker T washinton

Helped Tuskegee. Former slave opens Alabama Tuskegee


W.e.b. du bois

Opposite of booker. Only set blacks up for Manuel labor... more supression

Morrill act of 1862

Money to open up schools but have to have military program

Hatch act of 1887

Extended funding for research

Victoria Woodhull and Tennessee Chaplin

Sisters who challenged Neurology in America to spark change. Produce free love stories in magazines

Anthony Comstock

Call Victoria what Halls idea of free love pornography and was against it

Anti-saloon League

convince local communities and States to become dry 1919

Antebellum Western battles

1870 - 1880. Indian Wars wanted to remove Indians and reduce their lands called Buffalo Soldiers

Sand Creek Colorado

1864 Native American battle convinced that Native Americans should relocate. John chivington put together militia Roundup Native Americans turned into a bloody massacre

Bozeman Trail. Fetterman Massacre

1866. Montana. Constructing trading Trail North Americans knew they would lose land and try to block fetterman sent to protect and Native Americans took and murdered everyone of his troops

Colonel George a Custer and the seventh Calvary

Black Hills South Dakota. Where gold was discovered. Sent to protect settlers hunted down North Americans who fought back through the 1870s relocated stumbled upon 2500 massive indian warriors of the Little Bigfoot Custer was wiped out

Nez perce

Oregon. Try to retake land military took. Transferred there from Idaho. Then Kansas many died from disease

Helen Hunt Jackson

Rotunda Native American rights. A Century of Dishonor. How bad government treated Native Americans

Battle of Wounded Knee

Christian reformers wanted to destroy native American traditions attacked and killed Native Americans

Dawes severalty Act

1887. Reform Indians government induced dissimulation, removed everything Native Americans had and force them onto Farms and would make them a citizen if they agree

Homestead Act

1860 160 acres for $30 but had to live for five years and make it better


Very difficult farmland trees and awful farmland new ways of living. Nebraska area

Frederick Jackson Turner in the Turner theory

American history is no more than continuously searching for more Frontier. End of the safety valve.

National Grange of the patrons of husbandry

1860 to 1890. Oliver Kelley, and hand slides of isolated Farmers, brother heard of farmers

Grange policies

State-level involvement helps state to produce grain Silo's

William Harvey

Wrote coins Financial School. Advantage of using silver and gold together. Wizard of Oz

Merri lease

The populist Queen. Direct action by raising hell to get people to get their stuff uses violence.

Jacob coxey

Railroad Strike. Economic downturn. America should relieve unemployment. Wants work release.

Eugene V Debs and Pullman

Pro strikes and labor organizers. Goes because of decrease labors. Rent still the same wants to destroy and shut down Railroad. Chicago

Us attorney general Richard Olney

Troop sentence Chicago to keep Railroad working. Grover Cleveland president. Deb's arrested becomes radicalized

William Jennings Bryan

Democratic from Nebraska. Going to just good. Silver is good. Give speeches to support cornage travels 18000 miles tries his best to get his word out there

Dingley tariff bill

Used to counteract the Wilson Gorman tariff. Wanted to raise the Tariff to protect businesses

Gold Standard Act

Essentially fix economy, all paper money would be collected to give gold to keep face value